Casino Theatre (Bway)
Broadway - Etats-Unis

Construction: 1882 - Fermeture: 1930

Topologie du théâtre

Nombre de salles actives: 1
Salle 1: (875)    1882 - Actif


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Adresse: 1404 Broadway (W. 39th), New York, NY





1882 - Actif

Kimball & Wisedell, architects. Built by producer Rudolph Aronson for light musicals and operetta, but showed mostly "polite vaudeville" starting in 1892. Canary & Lederer managed it from 1894 until 1903, when the Shuberts acquired the lease. A 1905 fire necessitated much reconstruction. In February of 1930, the theatre was demolished to make room for the expanding garment district.


13) Fioretta (Original)

Joué durant  3 mois

Nb de représentations: 111 représentations
Première preview: 05 February 1929
Première: 05 February 1929
Dernière: 11 May 1929

Compositeur: G. Romilli • George Babgy •  
Parolier: G. Romilli • George Babgy •  
Libettiste: Earl Carroll •  
Metteur en scène: Clifford Brooke •  
Avec: Theo Karle (Duke of Venice), Ethel Jane Walker (Duchess of Venice), Clement Taylor (Jester), Martin Sheppard (Sergeant), Lionel Atwell (Count Matteo di Brozzo), Leo Pardello (Ugo), Blanche Stachel (Lady from Rome), Carol Kingsbury (Spanish Ambassador's Daughter), Margaret Manners (Lady from Milan), Elsie Patrick (Lady from Pisa), Irma Philbin (Lady from Naples), Evelyn Crowell (Dancer from Paris), G. Davison Clark (Captain of the Guard), Rita Crane (Guiseppa), Leon Errol (Julio Pepoli), Alphonso Mullarkey (A Herald), Leonard Trion (Pietro), Frank Fiore (Enrico), Frank Cullen (Giacomo), Dorothy Knapp (Fioretta Pepoli), August Lindauer (Roberto), Lillian Bond (Rosamanda), Vivian Wilson (Silvia), Elsie Connor (Beatrice), George Houston (Orsino the Count di Rovani), Harry Goldberg (Tito), Giovanni Guerrerl (Luigi), Sidney Schlesser (Marco), Fannie (aka Fanny) Brice (Marchesa Vera di Livio), Jay Brennan (Caponetti), Charles Howard (Marquis Filippo Di Livio), Nelson Snow (Harlequin), Charles Columbus (Harlequin), Vic Banks (Soldier), Stuart N. Farrington (Corporal), Peggy Taylor (Rosa), Gean Greenwald (Bishop), Wallace Magill (Bishop), Jackson Fairchild (Turnkey), David Gerry (Paulo), The Three Demons (V. Banks, S. Barrington, and P. Taylor), Geranium (of the donkey persuasion, who played himself); Ladies: Dorothy Britton, Elsie Pedrick, Carol Kingsbury, Ruth K. Patterson, Blanche Satchel, Margaret Manners, Irma Philbin, Evelyn Crowell; Misses: Faith Bacon, Catherine Clark, Angeline Hassell, Elsie Connor, Rita Stone, Rae Powell, Sylvia Derby, Betty Goodwin, Autumn Simms, Margaret Joyce, Rita Crane, Vivian Wilson, Marion Harcke, Nelda Kincaid, Frances DeLacy, Lillian Bond, Odessa Morgan, Ida Michael, Doris Maye, Rosa Shaw, Dorothy Corrigan, Virginia Hawkins, Dorice Covert, Louise Brooks, Violet Arnold, Dorothea Frank; Gentlemen: Leo Bronson, Costanza Venturella, Harry Goldberg, Martin Sheppard, Ordoni Muzzi, Albert Sanchez, Ernest Tello, Wallace Magill, Frank Cullen, Alfonso Mullarkey, Armin Muller, Louis Ruff, Jackson Fairchild, Don Walling, Stanley Howard, Clement Taylor, Benjamin Tilberg, Sidney Schlesser, Leon Dumbadse, Charles Naylor, J. Allen Ware, Jack Boggs, John Zimmerman, Gean Greenwald, John Roland, Russell McLelland, Leonard Ross, Bob Lee, Roy Hansen, William Billinghurst, John Marlowe, Hugh Saunders, Jack Leps, Paul Banker, David Gerry, Martin LeRoy 



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12) Desert Song (The) (Original)

Joué durant  1 an 1 mois 1 semaine

Nb de représentations: 471 représentations
Première preview: 30 November 1926
Première: 30 November 1926
Dernière: 07 January 1928

Compositeur: Sigmund Romberg •  
Parolier: Otto Harbach •  
Libettiste: Frank Mandel • Oscar Hammerstein II • Otto Harbach •  
Metteur en scène: Arthur Hurley •  
Chorégraphe: Bobby Connolly •  
Avec: Tatiana Amazar (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Florence Baker (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Albert Baron (Sergeant La Vergne), Helen Bourne (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Nellie BreenNat Broffman (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Eddie Buzzell (Benjamin Kidd), Marion Case (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Rachel May Clark (Neri), Edna Coates (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Albert Coiner (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Morton Croswell (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Glen Dale (Captain Paul Fontaine), John Daly (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Charles Davis (Sergeant DuBassac, Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Bobbe Decker (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Betty DeFest (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Jack Edwards (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), William Ehlers (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Vance Elliott (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Edmund Elton (General Birabeau), Lyle Evans (Ali Ben Ali), B. Flack (Servant of Birabeau, Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Grace Fleming (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Peter Flomp (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Beatrice Fox (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), William D. Galpen (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Nathan Goodman (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Blanche Granby (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Alan H. Green (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Robert Halliday (Pierre Birabeau), John Hammond (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Eileen Hargraves (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), E.A. Harker (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Betty Holmes (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Kathlyn Huss (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Margaret Irving (Clementina), Jack Kiernan (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Armand King (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Gladys Lake (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Elmira Lane (Ethel, Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Dorothy Lee (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), John Lister (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Betty Lomax (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Ethel Lorraine (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), June Lovewell (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Maude Lydiate (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Robey Lyle (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Mildred Mann (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Charles Mantia (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Gertrude McKinley (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Earle Mitchell (Hassi), Charles Morgan (Hadji), Gertrude Napp (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Z. Norman (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Patricia O'Connell (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), William O'Neal (Sid El Kar), Valerie Petrie (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Cornelius Pichler (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Elmer Pichler (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Pearl Regay (Azuri), Clementine Rigeau (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Victor Rosales (Servant of Birabeau, Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Rowena Scott (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Winifred Seale (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Vivienne Segal (Margot Bonvalet), Helen Shepard (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Morris Siegel (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Philip Snyder (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Jack Spiegel (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), George St. John (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), John Stanley (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Hilda Steiner (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Miriam Stockton (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Audree Van Lieu (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), O. J. Vanasse (Mindar), Talbot Vaughn (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Bernice Walder (French Girl/Spanish Cabaret Girl), Harold Westcott (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band), Almajane Wilday (Soldier's Wife/Lady of the Brass Key), Raymond Winfield (Soldier of the French Legion/Member of the Red Shadow's Band) 



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11) Vagabond King (The) (Original)

Joué durant  1 an 2 mois 2 semaines

Nb de représentations: 511 représentations
Première preview: 21 September 1925
Première: 21 September 1925
Dernière: 04 December 1926

Compositeur: Rudolf Friml •  
Parolier: Brian Hooker • William H. Post •  
Libettiste: Brian Hooker • William H. Post •  
Metteur en scène: Max Figman •  
Avec: Fern Adrian (Court Lady), Marion Alta (First Court Lady), Grace Angelau (Court Lady), Ann Austin (Second Court Lady), Francis BaldwinE. H. Barlab (Tavern Man), Joseph Batistich (Scotch Archer), Triny Broekman (Tavern Girl), Caroline Cantlon (Tavern Girl), Jane Carroll (Huguette du Hamel), Charles Carver (Captain of Scotch Archers), Betty Chapin (Page/Dancer), Harry Clark (Scotch Archer), Earl Clayton (Scotch Archer), Alfred Cortez (Courtier), Tamm Cortez (The Queen), Herbert Corthell (Guy Tabarie), Florence Courtney (Page/Dancer), Robert Craik (Rene de Montigny), Herbert Crane (Scotch Archer), Walter Cross (First Courtier), Leon Cunningham (Casin Cholet, An Astrologer), Madeleine Dare (Page/Dancer), Fanille Davies (Court Lady), Muriel Dawn (Page/Dancer), Florence DeBarde (Court Lady), Herbert Delmore (Noel Le Jolys), Helen Ely (Court Lady), Ross Ericksen (Tavern Man), Michael Evans (Scotch Archer), Cynthia Farr (Court Lady), Max Figman (Louis XIth), Dorothy Fitzgibbon (Page/Dancer), Dolores Frank (Page/Dancer), Miriam Franken (Tavern Girl), Ruth Gieber (Court Lady), Helen Grenelle (The Dancer), Margaret Grove (Court Lady), Catherine Hayes (Margot), Mimi Hayes (Jehanneton, Tavern Girl), Walter Higgins (Tavern Man), Arthur P. Hoyt (Scotch Archer), Therese Hyle (Tavern Girl), William Johnson (The Hangman), Arthur Kellar (Tavern Man), Virginia Kelley (Page/Dancer), Vivian Kelley (Isabeau), Dennis King (Francois Villon), Margaret La Motte (Court Lady), Lucy Lawlor (Tavern Girl), Melba Lee (Page/Dancer), Bryan Lycan (Thibaut D'Aussigny), Glenn Macauley (Courtier), Beatrice Marsh (Court Lady), H.H. McCullum (Tristan L'Hermite), John Mealey (Second Courtier, Scotch Archer), Estelle Mercier (Page/Dancer), Joseph Miller (Trois Echelles, Tavern Man), Margot Miller (Page/Dancer), George Mortimer (Tavern Man, The Bishop), Eona Murillo (Tavern Girl), Carlton Neville (Courtier, Colin de Cayeul), Louise Olary (Courtier), Nellie Paley (Page/Dancer), Ethel Rea (Tavern Girl), Kathryne Richmond (Tavern Girl), Marius Rogati (Jehan Le Loup, Tavern Man), Edwin Rogers (Courtier), Jack Rose (Courtier), Muriel Seaman (Court Lady), Edward Sheldon (Tavern Man), Merle Stevens (Blanche), Evelyn Stockton (Tavern Girl), Carolyn Thomson (Katherine de Vaucelles), Olga Treskoff (Lady Mary), Theola Vincent (Court Lady), Earl Waldo (Toison D'or, Burgundian Herald), Julian Winter (Oliver Le Dain), John York (Courtier) 



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10) Kid Boots (Original)

Joué durant  1 an 1 mois 3 semaines

Nb de représentations: 479 représentations
Première preview: 31 December 1923
Première: 31 December 1923
Dernière: 21 February 1925

Compositeur: Harry Tierney •  
Parolier: Joseph McCarthy •  
Libettiste: Otto Harbech • William Anthony McGuire •  
Metteur en scène: Edward Royce •  
Avec: Harry Short (Peter Pillsbury), Paul Everton (Herbert Pendleton), John Rutherford (Harold Regan), Harland Dixon (Menlo Manville); Society Buds: Avonne Taylor (Miss Stymie), Madelyn Morrissey (Miss Brassey), Joan Gardner (Miss Putty), Katherine Stuart (Miss Cleek), Diana Stegman (Miss Driver), Sonia Ivanoff (Miss Mashie), Sylvia Kingsley (Miss Fairway), Betty Grey (Miss Foursome), Perle Germond (Miss Hazard), Eunice Hall (Miss Green), Muriel Manners (Miss Pinn), and Velma Ziegler (Miss Stroke); Harry Fender (Tom Sterling), Mary Eaton (Polly Pendleton), Morton McConnachie (First Golfer), Jack Andrews (Second Golfer), Dick Ware (First Caddie), William Blett (Second Caddie), Frank Zolt (Third Caddie), Waldo Roberts (Fourth Caddie), Lloyd Keyes (Fifth Caddie), Eddie Cantor (Kid Boots), Beth Beri (Beth), Ethelind Terry (Carmen Mendoza), Marie Callahan (Jane Martin), Jobyna Howland (Dr. Josephine Fitch), Robert Barrat (Randolph Valentine), Victor Munroe (Federal Officer); George Olsen and His Orchestra; Ladies of the Ensemble: Rella Winn, Florence Ware, Blossom Vreeland, Carola Taylor, Carolyn Smith, Evelyn Sayers, Violet Regal, Elva Pomfret, Jessie Payne, Polly O’Claire, Edna Locke, Frances McHugh, Alma Mamay, Lily Kimari, Mareta George, Juanita Erickson, Eleanor Dell, Elizabeth Doughter, Doris Dixon, Eleanor Dell, Violet Browne, Eugenie Brew, Dove Atkinson, Jessie Madison, Gladys Keck; Gentlemen of the Ensemble: Jack Andrews, Rass Ericksen, Thomas Green, Carlos Hatvary, Victor Munroe, William Maguire, Dennis Murray, Morton McConnachie, John Patterson, Ayers Tavitt, Frank Zolt, Robert Spencer 

Commentaire: Earl Carroll Theatre: 31/12/1923 > 31/8/1924
Selwyn Theatre: 1/9/1924 > 21/2/1925  (plus) 


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9) Wildflower (Original)

Joué durant  1 an 1 mois 3 semaines

Nb de représentations: 477 représentations
Première preview: 07 February 1923
Première: 07 February 1923
Dernière: 29 March 1924

Compositeur: Herbert Stothart • Vincent Youmans •  
Parolier: Oscar Hammerstein II • Otto Harbach •  
Libettiste: Oscar Hammerstein II • Otto Harbach •  
Metteur en scène: Oscar Eagle •  
Chorégraphe: David Bennett •  
Avec: Edith Day (Nina Benedetto), Florence Ashton (Lady of the Ensemble), Evelyn Cavanaugh (Bianca Benedetto), Viola Clarens (Lady of the Ensemble), Elizabeth CoyleJerome Daley (Luigi), James Doyle (Count Alberto), Charles Froom (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Frank Grinell (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Muriel Harrison (Lady of the Ensemble), Adele Hart (Lady of the Ensemble), Agnes Horter (Lady of the Ensemble), Esther Howard (Lucrezia La Roche), Olin Howland (Gabrielle), Robert Hurst (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Charles Judels (Gaston La Roche), Al Kinley (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Louis Laub (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Helen Lewis (Lady of the Ensemble), Ursula Mack (Lady of the Ensemble), Genevieve Markham (Lady of the Ensemble), Beverly Maude (Lady of the Ensemble), William McGurn (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Myrtle Miller (Lady of the Ensemble), Margaret Morris (Lady of the Ensemble), Verona Oakley (Lady of the Ensemble), Marie Otto (Lady of the Ensemble), Marion Phillips (Lady of the Ensemble), Paul Porter (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Marion Randall (Specialty Dancers), Martinez Randall (Specialty Dancers), Guy Robertson (Guido), Kenneth Smith (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Sybil Steward (Lady of the Ensemble), Peggy Stohl (Lady of the Ensemble), Emmy Tattersall (Lady of the Ensemble), Marjorie Wood (Lady of the Ensemble) 



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8) Sally, Irene and Mary (Original)

Joué durant  9 mois

Nb de représentations: 313 représentations
Première preview: 04 September 1922
Première: 04 September 1922
Dernière: 02 June 1923

Compositeur: J. Fred Coots •  
Parolier: Raymond Klages •  
Libettiste: Cyrus Wood • Edddie Dowling •  
Metteur en scène: Frank Smithson •  
Avec: Eddie Dowling (Jimmie Dugan), Josie Intropidi (Mrs. Dugan), Edna Morn (Mary O’Brien), Maude Odell (Mrs. O’Brien), Jean (later, Louise) Brown (Sally Clancy), Clara Palmer (Mrs. Clancy), Kitty Flynn (Irene), Hal Van Rensselaer (Rodman Jones), Winifred Harris (Mrs. Jones), Alfred Gerrard (Clarence Edwards), Joseph Clark (Mr. Myers), Burford Hampden (Percy Fitzgerald), Stanley Forde (Al Cleveland), D. J. Sullivan (Sully), Edward, aka Eddie, O’Connor (Mr. Mulcahey), Gene Collins (Dinty Moore), William Mason (Frank), Henrietta Byron (First Dresser to Girls, Mrs. Kelly Pool), Louise Arnold (Second Dresser to Girls, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Conroy), Frank Binns (Hotel Astor Detective), Fred Packard (Carriage Man), Helen Heller (Kitty Kelly, Mrs. Carter Smith), Mabel Kokin (Mabel Riley, Mrs. de la Croix), Bonna O’Dear (Tommy, Mrs. Pomeroy Gilbert), Mary Corday (Nellie Smith), Genise Corday (Mrs. Fitzroy); Ladies of the Ensemble: Tiny Collins, Florence Field, Sonia Field, Milla Bay, Jean Danjou, Hazel Vernon, Gene Geberhart, Malvern Charles, Nora Francis, Alice Monroe, Guenevere Moore, Lillian Dunning, Sherry Gale, Kitty Leckie; Gentlemen of the Ensemble: Lovette Wilder, Richard Opler, Frank Binns, Ainsley Lambert, George Barnum, Fred Packard, James Miller 



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Original Broadway

7) Maid of the Mountains (The) (Original Broadway)   

Joué durant  1 mois

Nb de représentations: 37 représentations
Première preview: 11 September 1918
Première: 11 September 1918
Dernière: 12 October 1918

Compositeur: Harold Fraser-Simon •  
Parolier: Harry Graham •  
Libettiste: Frédéric Lonsdale •  
Metteur en scène: J.A.E. Malone •  
Avec: Regina Ahlstrom (Ensemble), William Altwell (Ensemble), Bess Arlington (Ensemble), Jeanne Bayne (Ensemble), Annette BesudenMay Borden (Ensemble), M. Boris (Ensemble), Dolores Brune (Ensemble), Bert Clark (Tonio), Harry Clark (Ensemble), William Courtenay (Baldassare), Elsie Craig (Ensemble), William Danforth (General Malona), Mina Davis (Maria), Miriam Doyle (Vittoria), Evelyn Egerton (Angela), Eugene Elliott (Ensemble), Sidonie Espero (Teresa), Patricia Frewen (Pepita), Carl Gantvoort (Beppo), Alex Gibson (Ensemble), Gertrude Hamilton (Gianetta), Peggy Hansel (Ensemble), James Harley (Ensemble), Jackson Hines (Carlo), Gertrude Hogan (Ensemble), William Hovel (Ensemble), Antone Ingrao (Ensemble), Olive Kingston (Ensemble), M. La Prade (Andrea), Victor Le Roy (Pietro), Louis Le Vie (Zacchi), Charlotte Lennox (Ensemble), Shirley Love (Ensemble), Marguerite May (Marietta), Helen Mayo (Ensemble), Margaret Morris (Ensemble), Eva Newton (Beppira), Yetla Nicol (Ensemble), Gabrielle Pitcher (Ensemble), Jean Rebera (Ensemble), William Reid (Mayor of Santo), Al Roberts (Crumpet), M. Robinson (Ensemble), Ben Rogers (Ensemble), Gladys Slater (Ensemble), Merle Smither (Ensemble), Basil Spirdelli (Ensemble), Mr. St. John (Ensemble), John Steele (Lieutenant Rugini), Erna Steinway (Ensemble), Mary Lee Stevens (Ensemble), Bernard Tieman (Ensemble), Ralph Walker (Ensemble) 



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Original Broadway

6) Earl and the Girl (The) (Original Broadway)

Joué durant  4 mois

Nb de représentations: 148 représentations
Première preview: 04 November 1905
Première: 04 November 1905
Dernière: 10 March 1906

Compositeur: Ivan Caryll •  
Parolier: Percy Greenbank •  
Libettiste: Seymour Hicks •  
Metteur en scène: R.H. Burnside •  
Avec: Eddie Foy (Jim Cheese), Victor Morley (Dick Wargrave), Templar Saxe (The Honorable Crewe Boodle), J. Bernard Dyllyn (A. Bunker Bliss), W. H. Armstrong (Mr. Downham), W. H. Denny (Hazell), John Peachey (Dudley Cranbourne), Dudley E. Oatman (Bellam), Allan Campbell (George), Georgia Caine (Elphin Haye), Zelma Rawlston (Eliza Shodham), Amelia Summerville (Mrs. Shimmering Black), Nellie McCoy (Daisy Fallowfield), Violet Holls (Virginia Bliss), Louise DeRigney (Lady Gussie), Edna Jeans (Lady Muriel), Jane Hall (Lady Gwendoline), Ruth Langdon (Lady Violet), Katherine Hyland (Lady Maud), Beatrice Adams (Lady Geraldine), Enid Forde (Lady Millicent), May Lewis (Lady Gladys), Violet Adams (Lady Ethel), Grace Walton (Lady Marguerite); The Famous English Champagne Dancers: Lillian Lawton, Maude Crossland, Jennie Boylan, and Madeline Anderson; Chorus 



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5) Erminie (Revival)

Joué durant  1 mois 1 semaine

Nb de représentations: 42 représentations
Première preview: 19 October 1903
Première: 19 October 1903
Dernière: 28 November 1903

Compositeur: Edward Jakobowski •  
Parolier: Harry Paulton •  
Libettiste: Harry Paulton •  
Metteur en scène:  
Avec: Charles Arling, William Broderick, Laura Butler, Jessie Bartlett Davis, George Dunham, Lucille Egan, J. C. Jackson, William Laverty, Madge Lessing, Signor Perugini, Marguerite Sylva, Patrick Wallace, Jennie Weathersby, William C. Weedon, Francis Wilson 



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Original Broadway

4) Florodora (Original Broadway)

Joué durant  

Nb de représentations: 553 représentations
Première preview: 12 November 1900
Première: 12 November 1900
Dernière: 25 January 1902

Compositeur: Leslie Stuart • Paul Rubens •  
Parolier: Edward Boyd-Jones • Paul Rubens •  
Libettiste: Owen Hall •  
Metteur en scène: Jimmy Cliff • Paul Precott •  
Avec: Guelma Baker, Nace Bonville, Joseph Colt, George De Long, Sydney Deane, Thomas A. Diernan, May Edouin, Willie Edouin, Edward Gore, R. E. Graham 

Commentaire: The premiere at London’s Lyric Theatre in November 1899 and was an enormous success, running for 455 performances. The Broadway production a year later was an even bigger success, running 553 performances. The song “Tell Me Pretty Maiden” was a worldwide success, and led to one of the earliest examples of musical theatre merchandise, with all manner of souvenirs of the show being manufactured.  (plus) 


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3) Erminie (Revival)

Joué durant  

Nb de représentations: 25 représentations
Première preview: 09 May 1899
Première: 09 May 1899
Dernière: 03 June 1899

Compositeur: Edward Jakobowski •  
Parolier: Harry Paulton •  
Libettiste: Harry Paulton •  
Metteur en scène:  
Avec: Max Freeman (Chevalier de Brabazon), Lulu Glaser (Javotte), Josephine Knapp (Cerise Marcel), Mathilde Preville (Captain Delauney), Lillian Russell (Erminie), Thomas Q. Seabrooke (Ravennes), Jennie Weathersby (Princess de Gramponeur), Francis Wilson (Cadeux), Charles H. Bowers (Vicomte de Brissac), W.T. Carleton (Marquis de Pomvert), Joseph Chaillee (Sergeant), Clinton Elder (Eugene Marcel), E. B. Knight (Benedict), Edmund Lawrence (Simon), Miriam Lawrence (Marie), Murray Woods (Dufois) 



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2) Passing Show (The) (Original)

Joué durant  

Nb de représentations: 145 représentations
Première preview: 12 May 1894
Première: 12 May 1894
Dernière: November 1894

Compositeur: Ludwig Englander •  
Parolier: Sydney Rosenfeld •  
Libettiste: Sydney Rosenfeld •  
Metteur en scène: Barney Fagan • Augusto Francioli •  
Chorégraphe: Barney Fagan • Augusto Francioli •  



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Original Broadway

1) Erminie (Original Broadway)   

Joué durant  

Nb de représentations: 871 représentations
Première preview: 10 May 1886
Première: 10 May 1886
Dernière: October 1888

Compositeur: Edward Jakobowski •  
Parolier: Harry Paulton •  
Libettiste: Harry Paulton •  
Metteur en scène:  
Avec: Rose Beaudet (Captain Delauney), W. S. Daboll (Ravennes), Agnes Folsom (Javotte), Max Freeman (Chevalier de Brabazon), E. Furry (Sergeant), Pauline Hall (Erminie), Carl Irving (Marquis de Pomvert), Marie Jansen (), A.W. Maflin (Simon), Marion Manola (Cerise Marcel), Harry Pepper (Eugene Marcel), Victoria Schilling (Marie), Jennie Weathersby (Princess de Gramponeur), C. L. Weeks (Vicomte de Brissac), Francis Wilson (Cadeux), Murray Woods (Dufois) 



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