This musical has a long and complicated history. It began as a New York workshop in October 1999 under the title “Wise Guys” with Nathan Lane and Victor Garber, directed by Sam Mendes. A legal case involving producer Scott Rudin and Weidman and Sondheim held up further production. With major re-writing, the new version opened in Chicago in June 2003, directed by Harold Prince, and re-titled “Bounce”. This version received poor notices and closed after playing Washington in November 2003.
A third version was created - this time running just 90 minutes without an interval - and, under its new name, “Road Show”, it opened off-Broadway on November 18th 2008 (previews from October 28th) and closed on
December 28th. This third version was directed by John Doyle and won the 2009 Obie Award for Music & Lyrics, and the Drama Desk Award for Lyrics.

Version 3
Bounce (2003-10-Kennedy Center for PA-Washington) Pre Broadway Run 3
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (Washington - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : 32 représentationsPremière Preview : mardi 21 octobre 2003Première : jeudi 30 octobre 2003Dernière : dimanche 16 novembre 2003Mise en scène : Harold Prince • Chorégraphie : Michael Arnold • Producteur : Avec : Avec: Addison Mizner: Richard Kind - Wilson Mizner: Howard McGillin - Nellie: Michele Pawk - Hollis Bessemer: Gavin Creel - Mama Mizner: Jane Powell - Papa Mizner: Herndon Lackey
Tells the true boom-and-bust story of the architect Addison Mizner and his fast-talking brother Wilson, two of the most colourful and outrageous fortune-seekers in American history. From panning for gold in Alaska to building the city of Boca Raton in Florida, both were driven by the need to succeed - at whatever cost. Unfortunately, this left them with a trail of debts, disastrous relationships (including their own as brothers) and unfulfilled dreams.
Le dernier, en date, musical composé par Sondheim qui aura au cours de son développement eu trois titres: "Wise Guys" suivi de "Gold" pour enfin terminer par "Bounce".
The musical premiered at the New York Theatre Workshop from October through November 1999 under the title Wise Guys. It was directed by Sam Mendes and starred Nathan Lane and Victor Garber as brothers Addison Mizner and Wilson Mizner. A legal case involving Scott Rudin and Weidman and Sondheim held up further production.
Substantially rewritten and retitled Bounce, the show opened on June 20, 2003 at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago. The production was directed by Harold Prince, with choreography by Michael Arnold, set design by Eugene Lee, costume design by Miguel Angel Huidor, and lighting design by Howell Binkley The cast starred Richard Kind (Addison Mizner), Howard McGillin (Wilson Mizner), Jane Powell (Mama Mizner), Herndon Lackey (Papa Mizner/Businessman/Englishman/Plantation Owner/Armstrong/Real Estate Owner), Gavin Creel (Hollis Bessemer), and Michele Pawk (Nellie).
The musical then ran at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. in October and November 2003 with the Chicago cast. It received mixed–to–negative reviews and was not produced in New York. A private reading of Bounce was held at the Public Theater on February 6, 2006. Playbill reported that Eric Schaeffer directed, with Richard Kind and Bernadette Peters among the cast.
A new production of the musical, titled Road Show, rewritten without an intermission and without the leading female character of Nellie (who had been added for 2003 production), opened Off-Broadway at The Public Theatre's Newman Theater in previews on October 28, 2008, officially opening on November 18, and closing December 28, 2008. John Doyle was the director and designer, with Michael Cerveris and Alexander Gemignani playing brothers Wilson and Addison Mizner respectively, Alma Cuervo as Mama, Claybourne Elder as Hollis, and William Parry as Papa. This production won the 2009 Obie Award for Music and Lyrics. and the Drama Desk Award, Outstanding Lyrics (Sondheim).
The title changes reflect the creators' attempts to hone the show's story and themes. "Ideally the title is connected to what we hope the show is about," Weidman says.[13]
The musical opened at the Menier Chocolate Factory, London in previews on June 24, 2011, officially on July 6 and closed on September 18. John Doyle was the director and designer, with a cast featuring Michael Jibson, David Bedella and Jon Robyns.[14]
As presented in 2003 as Bounce, Kennedy Center
Act I
Bounce – Wilson, Addison
Opportunity – Papa, Mama
Gold! – Prospector, Wilson, Mama, Addison, Alaskans
Gold! (Reprise) –
What's Your Rush? – Nellie
The Game – Wilson
Next to You – Addison, Wilson, Mama
Addison's Trip (Around the World) – Addison, Salesman, Guatemalans, Servants
The Best Thing That Ever Happened – Wilson, Nellie
I Love This Town - Wilson, Nellie, Addison and Company
Alaska – Mrs. Yerkes, Wilson §
New York Sequence - Wilson, Nellie, Reporters, Photographer, Ketchel, Armstrong, Jockey, Gamblers, Policeman, Wilson's Women §
Isn't He Something? – Mama
Bounce (Reprise) – Addison,the cast.
Act II
The Game – Addison, Nellie, Wilson, Promoter
Talent – Hollis
You – Addison, Hollis, Aristocrats
Addison's City – Hollis, Wilson, Nellie, Addison
Get Rich Quick - Company
Boca Raton – Boca Girl, Sportsmen, Fashion Models, Yachtsmen, Caruso, Salvador Dalí, Wilson, Addison, Nellie, Hollis, Prospector, Varmints, Bobby Jones, Mae West, Princess Ghika, Chorus §
Last Fight – Addison, Wilson
Bounce (Reprise) – Wilson, Addison
§ In Chicago production, not in Kennedy Center
As presented in 2008 as Road Show, performed in one act
Waste – Full Company
It's in Your Hands Now – Papa
Gold! – Full Company
Brotherly Love – Addison, Wilson
The Game – Wilson
Addison's Trip – Full Company
That Was a Year – Full Company
Isn't He Something! – Mama
Land Boom! – Real Estate Agent
Talent – Hollis
You – Full Company
The Best Thing That Ever Has Happened – Addison, Hollis
The Game (Reprise) – Wilson
Addison's City – Addison, Hollis, Wilson
Boca Raton – Full Company
Get Out – Addison
Go – Wilson
Finale – Addison, Wilson
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Road Show

Version 1
Bounce (1999-10-New York Theatre Workshop-Off Broadway) Pre Broadway Run 1 (Wise Guys)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: New York Theatre Workshop (Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : InconnuPremière : vendredi 29 octobre 1999Dernière : samedi 20 novembre 1999Mise en scène : Sam Mendes • Chorégraphie : Jonathan Butterell • Producteur : Avec : Wilson Mizner ... Victor Garber / Reporter ... Christopher Fitzgerald / Addison Mizner ... Nathan Lane / Papa Mizner ... William Parry / Mama Mizner ... Candy Buckley / Prospector ... Kevin Chamberlin / Poker Player ... William Parry, Ray Wills, Kevin Chamberlin, Brooks AshmanskasCommentaires : Le spectacle a alors été créé sous le nom de "Wise Guys" et cette série devait déboucher sur Broadway: une date en avril avait même été avancée. Un théatre était réservé et le décor construit. Sondheim lui-même écrivit un article dans le NY Times pour annoncer l'arrivée de Wise Guys. Mais ce workshop au New York Workshop, avec Nathan Lane et Victor Garber dans les rôles principaux, ne s'est pas révélé satisfaisant. Sondehim et Weidman n'aimaient pas le résultat et les producteurs pensaient qu'il fallait encore travailler au spectacle. Beaucoup pensère qu'il en était fini de 'Wise Guys'. Les vraies causes de cette débacle étaient nombreuses. Certains prétendirent que a faute en incombait à Sam Mendes dont la vision du spectacle était opposée à celle de Sondheim et Weidman.

Version 2
Bounce (2003-06-Goodman Theatre-Chicago) Pre Broadway Run 2
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Goodman Theatre (Chicago - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : 7 previews - 47 représentationsPremière Preview : vendredi 20 juin 2003Première : lundi 30 juin 2003Dernière : dimanche 10 août 2003Mise en scène : Harold Prince • Chorégraphie : Michael Arnold • Producteur : Avec : Wilson Mizner ... Victor Garber / Addison Mizner ... Nathan Lane

Version 3
Bounce (2003-10-Kennedy Center for PA-Washington) Pre Broadway Run 3
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (Washington - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : 32 représentationsPremière Preview : mardi 21 octobre 2003Première : jeudi 30 octobre 2003Dernière : dimanche 16 novembre 2003Mise en scène : Harold Prince • Chorégraphie : Michael Arnold • Producteur : Avec : Avec: Addison Mizner: Richard Kind - Wilson Mizner: Howard McGillin - Nellie: Michele Pawk - Hollis Bessemer: Gavin Creel - Mama Mizner: Jane Powell - Papa Mizner: Herndon Lackey

Version 4
Road Show (2008-11-Public Theatre : Newman-Off Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Public Theatre - Newman (Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : mardi 28 octobre 2008Première : mardi 18 novembre 2008Dernière : dimanche 28 décembre 2008Mise en scène : John Doyle • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Addison Mizner - Alexander Gemignani / Wilson Mizner - Michael Cerveris / Hollis Bessemer - Claybourne Elder / Mama Mizner - Alma Cuervo / Papa Mizner - William Parry / Ensemble - Aisha de Haas, Colleen Fitzpatrick, David Garry, Mylinda Hull, Mel Johnson, Jr., Orville Mendoza, Anne L. Nathan, Tom Nelis, Matthew Stocke, Katrina Yaukey, William Youmans and Kristine ZbornikCommentaires : This production won the 2009 Obie Award for Music and Lyrics and the Drama Desk Award, Outstanding Lyrics (Sondheim).Presse : Brantley in his review of the 2008 production, praised Ceveris and Gemignani, but declares that, "The problem is that this musical’s travelogue structure precludes its digging deep. It hints at dark and shimmering glories beneath the surface that it never fully mines. Like its leading characters, 'Road Show' doesn’t quite know what to do with the riches at its disposal."

Version 5
Road Show (2011-07-Menier Chocolate Factory-London)
Type de série: Original LondonThéâtre: Menier Chocolate Factory (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 2 mois 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : vendredi 24 juin 2011Première : mercredi 06 juillet 2011Dernière : dimanche 18 septembre 2011Mise en scène : John Doyle • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : David Bedella (Wilson Mizner), Michael Jibson (Addison Mizner), Jon Robyns (Hollis Bessemer), Gillian Bevan (Mama Mizner),
Glyn Kerslake (Papa Mizner), Adrian der Gregorian, Fiona Dunn, Sarah Ingram, Julie Jupp, Elizabeth Marsh, Christopher Ragland, Robbie Scotcher, Phil WrigleyCommentaires : The Sunday Times summed it up with: "This production will do nothing to change your mind about Sondheim. Those who like him will like it. Those who don’t, won’t.”

Version 6
Road Show (2016-02-Union Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Union Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois Nombre : Première Preview : mercredi 03 février 2016Première : mercredi 03 février 2016Dernière : samedi 05 mars 2016Mise en scène : Phil Willmott • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Howard Jenkins (Addison Meisner), Andre Refig (Wilson Meisner), Steve Watts (Pappa Meisner), Cathryn Sherman (Mamma Meisner), Joshua Leclaire (Hollis), Cameron Hay, Amy Perry, Amy Reitsma Phil Sealey, Laura Jade Clark, Damian Robinson, Sam Sugarman, Alexander Mcmoran, Jonny Rust, Christina Thornton
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