Théâtre ()
Farce de George Arthurs et Arthur Miller
Marry the Girl (1930-11-Aldwych Theatre-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Aldwych Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 5 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 195 représentationsPremière Preview : lundi 24 novembre 1930Première : lundi 24 novembre 1930Dernière : samedi 16 mai 1931Mise en scène : Tom Walls • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Commentaires : Marry the Girl was the eighth of the twelve Aldwych farces, and only the second not written by Ben Travers.Presse : There was a general view among the critics that although the third act was exceptionally funny, the first two were slow, with some good comic scenes but also quite a lot of not particularly amusing exposition of the plot.
The Times said, "But the Court scene, though it could make no claim to originality, was good fun from beginning to end. Mr Hare, as the presiding Judge, had the best of it but the inanity of Mr Lynn in the witness box was extremely felicitous."
The Illustrated London News predicted a run of more than 100 nights, but "the credit for this will be due to the actors rather than the authors, who have not been lavish in their wit or in inventing notably original or humorous situations". The paper added that the last act was extremely funny and sent the audience from the theatre shaking with laughter.