Musical ()

Music: Sarah Travis Book & Lyrics: Chris Burgess

Tales my lover told me (1997-10-King's Head Theatre-London)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: King's Head Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 1 semaine
Nombre :
Première Preview : vendredi 24 octobre 1997
Première : vendredi 24 octobre 1997
Dernière : mardi 04 novembre 1997
Mise en scène : Chris Burgess
Chorégraphie : Mitch Sebastian
Producteur :
Commentaires : The story of three middle-aged, middle-class women and their erratic – but not very erotic – romances. Thricemarried Lesley works in an advertising agency and is James Stadden and Lindsay Danvers romancing David, a smooth travel writer; Jean’s boyfriend is an old university friend called Perry, a gauche northerner obsessed with his pet dog; and Laura, a former groupie who can’t quite kick the self-destructive habits of her youth, is enamoured of a charmless, drunken, violent biker called Steve. Wittily exploring the chattering classes’ fixation on relationships, it was described as a Sondheim-style metropolitan cocktail with a twist of Woody Allen. The 19 songs and cast of six were praised, along with the show itself, though the general reaction was the material itself was too lightweight to have much of an after-life.