Musical ()
Music & Lyrics: Geoff Morrow Book: Timothy Prager Director: Timothy Prager Musical Director: Michael Dixon
Spin of the wheel (1987-04-Comedy Theatre-London)
Type de série: West End TransferThéâtre: Harold Pinter Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 3 semaines Nombre : 36 représentationsPremière Preview : jeudi 02 avril 1987Première : mardi 07 avril 1987Dernière : samedi 02 mai 1987Mise en scène : Timothy Prager • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Neil McCaull {Danny Lemon), Maria Friedman (Janie Jones), Teddy Kempner (Chester), Douglas Anderson (Hyram Ross), Raymond Brody (Louis Marda), Erin Donovan (Regina), Susie Fenwick (Delores), Mark Heenehan (Randy), Stephen Hoye (Jack O ’Neill), Jeremy Sinden (Sammy Class), Matt Zimmerman (Ralph Dylan)Commentaires : It opened with great success at the Watford Palace (11/3/1987), but failed to catch on when it transferred to the West End.Presse : "...This musical is fortunate in having in Maria Friedman, as Janie, an actress with a bright, vacuous charm of a Goldie Flawn who can brighten a stage even when she is up to her neck in fatuity..." Multon Shulam, The London Evening Standard (8 April 1987)
"...The plot deals with dumb blonde Janie Jones who is manipulated then discarded by the commercial sponsors of a quiz game show. The part recalls the invincible innocence and sublime daffiness of Judy Holliday whom the splendid Maria Friedman here occasionally resembles - with a dash of Goldie Hawn and a belting mellifluous way with the songs thrown in..." Martin Hoyle, The Financial Times (8 April 1987)
"...The satire Spin of the Wheel is so bland that the show is virtually indistinguishable from the ghastly world of TV light entertainment which is its subject... Maria Friedman brings an agreeable singing voice to the role of Janie..." Charles Osborne, The Daily Telegraph (9 April 1987)
"...Maria Friedman, a delightful actress with a great voice..." Lester Middlehurst, Today (10 April 1987)