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Version 1
Kiss me Kate (2018-06-Coliseum Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Coliseum Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 an 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : Wednesday 20 June 2018Première : Tuesday 20 June 2017Dernière : Saturday 30 June 2018Mise en scène : Jo Davies • Chorégraphie : Will Tuckett • Producteur : Avec : Quirijn de Lang (Fred Graham/Petruchio), Stephanie Corley (Lilli Vanessi/Katharine), Zoe Rainey (Lois Lane/Bianca), Alan Burkitt (Bill Calhoun/Lucentio), Jack Wilcox (Hortensio), Aiesha Pease (Hattie), Stephane Anelli (Paul), Joseph Shovelton (Gunman), John Savournin (Gunman), James Hayes (Harry Trevor/Baptista), Malcolm Ridley (Harrison Howell), Claire Pascoe (Ralph - Stage Manager), Michelle Andrews (dancer), Rachael Crocker (dancer), Freya Field (dancer), Kate Ivory Jordan (dancer), Harrison Clark (dancer), Jordan Livesey (dancer), Ben Oliver (dancer), Ross Russell (dancer).Commentaires : Opera North most recently revived Kiss Me Kate in a new production directed by Jo Davies and choreographed by Will Tuckett. Co-produced with the Welsh National Opera, it played as part of the the celebrations of Shakespeare 400 and opened at the Leeds Grand Theatre in September 2015 before touring to Theatre Royal Newcastle, The Lowry Salford, and Theatre Royal Nottingham. The production returns to the Leeds Grand Theatre in May 2018.
Version 2
Which witch (1992-10-Piccadilly Theatre-London)
Type de série: Original LondonThéâtre: Piccadilly Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 1 mois 4 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : InconnuPremière : Thursday 22 October 1992Dernière : Saturday 19 December 1992Mise en scène : Piers Haggard • Chorégraphie : Will Tuckett • Producteur : Avec : Benedicte Adrian (Maria Vittoria), Graham Bickley (Bishop Daniel), Stig Rossen (Anton Fugger), Vivien Parry (Anna Regina), Sara Weymouth, Leo Andrew, Gay Soper, Jahn Teigen, Issy van Randwyck, Paul Gyngell, Derek Cullen, Michael McLeanCommentaires : Originally a concert piece performed in Bergen in 1987, this became a best-selling album in Scandinavia and was turned into a full-scale stage musical. However, the production was jaw-droppingly awful. The best remembered scene - the Act One finale - saw a stage full of flying devils, with huge flapping genitals, having graphic sex with many three-breasted witches. Despite package tours from Scandinavia and a much-publicised visit from King Harald and Queen Sonja of Norway, the show lasted just ten weeks. It received the most damning series of critical reviews anyone could remember. Some critics suggested it was Norway’s revenge for always coming bottom in the Eurovision Song Contest, especially since Jahn Teigen (legendary receiver of “nul point” in 1978 ) appeared as the Executioner with a song called “Who do you want to bum?”. According to Sheridan Morley in the “Herald Tribune”: “Years from now, stunned members of the first-night audience will be holding reunions to try to recall whether ‘Which Witch’ was really as appalling as it first appeared. It was, it was.”
Version 3
Wind in the Willows (The) (Version Ward) (2013-12-Duchess Theatre-London)
Type de série: West End TransferThéâtre: Duchess Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Wednesday 11 December 2013Première : Monday 16 December 2013Dernière : Saturday 01 February 2014Mise en scène : Will Tuckett • Chorégraphie : Will Tuckett • Producteur : Avec : Tony Robinson (Kenneth Grahame - The Narrator), Will Kemp (Ratty), Cris Penfold (Toad), Christopher Akrill (Badger), Clemmie Sveaas (Mole). Ewan Wardrop, Paul James Rooney, Kayleigh Gore, Connor Dowling, Kirsty Mather, Anna Martine, Jo Meredith, Aron Wild.