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Compositeur Musique additionelle Librettiste Parolier Metteur en scène Chorégraphe Producteur création Producteur version

0001 - Man of la Mancha (1965)
Musique: Mitch Leigh
Paroles: Joe Darion
Livret: Dale Wasserman
Production originale:
15 versions mentionnées
Dispo: Résumé  


Résumé: La scène se déroule à Séville à la fin du XVIe siècle. Miguel de Cervantes est amené dans une salle commune d'une prison de l'Inquisition, accompagné de son valet et encadré par des soldats. Au départ de ceux-ci, les prisonniers les dépouillent. Un des prisonniers, le "Gouverneur", demande les raisons de l'incarcération de Cervantes. Il répond "Je suis poète et homme de théâtre". Le "Gouverneur" lui signifie qu'un procès va être ouvert par ses compagnons d'infortune. Cervantes leur abandonne son coffre, rempli de costumes et d'accessoires de théâtre, gardant pour lui, un paquet : le manuscrit qu'il est en train d'écrire. Devant la volonté de destruction du Gouverneur, il plaide pour offrir un spectacle où tous les prisonniers joueront un rôle. Suivez le cheminement de mon imagination et vous le verrez. Son nom, Alonso Quijana, sa condition, hobereau de campagne.

Création: 22/11/1965 - ANTA Washington Square Theatre (New-York) - représ.

0002 - Home Sweet Homer (1976)
Musique: Mitch Leigh
Paroles: Charles Burr • Forman Brown
Livret: Albert Marre • Roland Kibbee
Production originale:
1 version mentionnée



Création: 4/1/1976 - Palace Theatre (Broadway) - représ.

0003 - Chu Chem (1989)
Musique: Mitch Leigh
Paroles: Jack Wohl • Jim Haines
Livret: Ted Allen
Production originale:
3 versions mentionnées
Dispo: Génèse  Liste chansons  

Genèse: The producers closed the show in Philadelphia for repairs. It was to close for 8-weeks, rehearse in New York and re-open there. Producer Cheryl Crawford told the press that it was too expensive to rehearse in Philadelphia with all of the rewriting going on. Another writer was to be brought on to help Ted Allan with book revisions and it would be too costly to keep everyone in hotels during an 8-week period. However, the show never re-opened. After several previews, Molly Picon withdrew from the show. She had been absent from the entire of week of rehearsals prior to the show moving to Philadelphia for it's pre-Broadway run. She was unhappy because she felt that her role had been minimized. She was convinced to return to the show but resigned on November 12. Henrietta Jacobson took over her role. Menasha Skulnik left the show following the Philadelphia closing. Producer Cheryl Crawford hoped that he would return after seeing a new plot concept. The show was budgeted at $500,000 put up by 148 backers. The production was to open on January 4, 1967 at the George Abbott Theatre, following previews from December 3. It's difficult to pin-point why the production never re-opened after the Philadelphia closing. However, in the New York Times following the closing, composer Mitch Leigh said that only $100,000 of the $500,000 budget remained and that in order to keep the show going, another $100,000 would need to be raised. Cheryl Crawford contradicted that saying that no additional money would need to be raised.


Création: 17/3/1989 - Walter Kerr Theatre (Broadway) - représ.