Version 2
Billy Elliot (2007-11-Capitol Theatre-Sydney)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Capitol Theatre (Sydney - Australie) Durée : 12 mois Nombre : Première Preview : InconnuPremière : mardi 13 novembre 2007Dernière : dimanche 09 novembre 2008Mise en scène : Stephen Daldry • Chorégraphie : Peter Darling • Producteur :
L'histoire se passe dans le comté de Durham en Angleterre, lors des grèves de mineurs de 1984 et 1985 suite aux réformes proposées par Margaret Thatcher. Billy, un jeune garçon âgé de 11 ans, s'entraine à boxer, comme le veut son père. Un jour, il s'attarde dans le gymnase après son cours de boxe et participe à un cours de danse classique sous la houlette de Miss Wilkinson. Par la suite, il cesse d'assister aux cours de boxe pour lesquels il n'a aucun goût et devient le seul garçon du cours de danse en cachette de son père. Pensant qu'il a du talent, Miss Wilkinson l'encourage à auditionner à la Royal Ballet School de Londres contre l'avis de sa famille.
Un bonheur absolu. L'histoire est jubilatoire et est servie par des cast de jeunes acteurs incroyables. A ne rater sous aucun prétexte.
1 Billy Elliot peut-être considéré comme un Top musical
2 Billy Elliot s'intéresse à un événement historique important: Grève des mineurs Angleterre en 1985.
based on the 2000 film Billy Elliot
Original London production)
The musical was planned to premiere at the Tyne Theatre in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. This was abandoned due to the financial problems of the Tyne Theatre's operator and the production's growing budget.
The musical premiered in the West End at the Victoria Palace Theatre, opening in previews on 31 March 2005 and officially on 11 May 2005; it is still running today, with the booking date recently being extended to 15 December 2012. It reportedly cost £5.5 million to produce (the original film version cost $5 million). The producers were Working Title Films, Old Vic Productions Plc and David Furnish. It was directed by Stephen Daldry and choreographed by Peter Darling, as was the original film. Liam Mower, James Lomas and George Maguire were the original actors who alternated in the title role, and the supporting cast included Haydn Gwynne as Mrs. Wilkinson and Tim Healy as Billy's father. The sets were designed by Ian MacNeil, and the costumes were by Nicky Gillibrand, lighting was by Rick Fisher, and sound by Paul Arditti. The original cast album was released on 10 January 2006.
The musical received favourable reviews: the Daily Telegraph's Charles Spencer called it "the greatest British musical I have ever seen", and The Daily Mail thought it "a theatrical masterpiece".
Billy Elliot the Musical won four Laurence Olivier Awards: Best New Musical, Best Actor (awarded jointly to James Lomas, George Maguire and Liam Mower, the boys who played Billy), Best Sound design and Best Choreographer. It also won the Evening Standard Award as well as the Critcs Circle Award and the Theatregoers Choice Award, all for Best Musical.[6] On 12 May 2006, the three original Billys appeared together in a performance of the musical to celebrate its first anniversary. The three rotated the role during the performance and were joined at the end by Sir Elton John.
Billy Youth Theatre
Billy Youth Theatre is a countrywide scheme as part of which participating schools and youth groups will be given the opportunity to stage their own production of this internationally award-winning show. Billy Elliot writer Lee Hall, together with Martin Koch (Musical Supervision and Orchestrations), have adapted their original script and orchestrations to produce a shortened version of the show exclusively for groups staging local productions as part of Billy Youth Theatre.
Original Australian production
The musical opened at Sydney's Capitol Theatre on 13 November 2007, directed by Daldry in association with Julian Webber, and choreographed by Darling.[8] Rhys Kosakowski, Lochlan Denholm, Rarmian Newton, and Nick Twiney alternated in the title role. The production earned good notices, and in January 2008 it won Best Musical at the 2008 Sydney Theatre Awards.[9] The show also won seven Helpmann Awards, including the awards for Best Musical, Best Direction, Best Choreography, Best Actress (Genevieve Lemon as Mrs. Wilkinson) and Best Actor, awarded jointly to the four boys who played Billy Elliot.[10] The production concluded in Sydney on 9 November 2008 with all eight Sydney Billys in the finale.
The Sydney production transferred to Melbourne's Her Majesty's Theatre, opening on 13 December 2008. The Melbourne production closed on 14 June 2009 after a successful run.
Original Broadway production
The Broadway production opened at the Imperial Theatre on 1 October 2008 in previews and officially on 13 November 2008. The London production's creative team directed and designed the Broadway production. The title role was rotated among three young actors, David Álvarez, Kiril Kulish and Trent Kowalik, the last of whom had played the role in London. The supporting cast included Haydn Gwynne, reprising her role of Mrs. Wilkinson from the London production, and Gregory Jbara as Billy's father. The production received rave reviews: Time called it a "triumph"; critic Liz Smith termed it "breathtakingly brilliant" and "absolutely, unequivocally awesome"; the Daily News said it was "so exhilarating that at times you feel like leaping"; the New York Post said it was "almost like being in love" and termed it "amusing, perfect and passionate" and "the best show you will ever see"; and the Los Angeles Times called it a "global theatrical phenomenon". It has also been very financially successful, with $20 million taken in advance ticket sales.[15] The production received fifteen Tony Award nominations, tying with The Producers for the most nominations ever received by a Broadway show,[18] and winning ten. The original three boys in the lead role jointly won a Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Musical. The production recouped its original investment of $18 million in 14 months and, as of 2010, continues to sell strongly. On 3 October 2011, it was announced that the Broadway Production will close on 8 January 2012 following 40 previews and 1,304 regular performances.
Acte I
"The Stars Look Down" – Company
"Shine" – Ballet Girls, Mrs. Wilkinson & Mr Braithwaite
"Grandma's Song" – Grandma
"Solidarity" – Ballet Girls, Billy, Mrs. Wilkinson, Miners & Police
"Expressing Yourself" – Billy, Michael, and Ensemble
"The Letter (Mum's Letter)" – Mrs. Wilkinson, Mum and Billy
"Born to Boogie" – Mrs. Wilkinson, Billy, and Mr. Braithwaite
"Angry Dance" – Billy & Male Ensemble
Acte II
"Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher" – Tony and Partiers
"Deep Into the Ground" – Jackie
"Swan Lake" – Billy and Billy Older Self
"He Could Be a Star" – Jackie and Tony (called "He Could Go and He Could Shine" in US productions)
"Electricity" – Billy
"Once We Were Kings" – Company
"The Letter (Billy's Reply)" – Mum and Billy
Finale – Company
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Billy Elliot

Version 1
Billy Elliot (2005-05-Victoria Palace-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Victoria Palace Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 10 ans 11 mois Nombre : Première Preview : jeudi 31 mars 2005Première : mercredi 11 mai 2005Dernière : samedi 09 avril 2016Mise en scène : Stephen Daldry • Chorégraphie : Peter Darling • Producteur : Avec : Cast: James Lomas/George Maguire/Liam Mower (Billy), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs Wilkinson), Tim Healy (Dad), Joe Caffrey (Tony), Ann Emery (Grandma), Trevor Fox (George), Steve Elias (Mr Braithwaite), Stephanie Putson (Dead Mum), Isaac James (Older Billy), Brad Kavanagh/Ashley Long/Ryan Longbottom (Michael), Brook Havana Bailey/Emma Hudson/Lucy Stephenson (Debbie),Commentaires : The musical was based on the 2000 film of the same name. The original film was partly inspired by A.J. Cronin’s 19 novel “The Stars Look Down”. The musical earned excellent notices - "the greatest British musical I have ever seen" (Daily Telegraph), "a theatrical masterpiece" (Daily Mail) and won four Olivier Awards, including Best New Musical and Best Actor in a Musical awarded jointly to all three boys who played Billy. The Broadway production opened in November 2008, earning totally rave reviews, winning ten Tony Awards, and recovering its entire $18 million investment in 14 months. (The New York production closed on January 8th, 2012 following 40 previews and 1,304 performances.)Presse : Les critiques sont très très bonnes:
MICHAEL BILLINGTON du THE GUARDIAN: "Billy Elliot succeeds brilliantly because Elton John's music and, especially, Peter Darling's choreography enhance Lee Hall's cinematic concept."
BENEDICT NIGHTINGALE du THE TIMES: "Tougher, bolder and, as my tear-ducts can attest, more moving than its admittedly admirable celluloid precursor. ...If there is a disappointment, it is Elton John’s music, which begins promisingly, with a church-like paean to cameraderie, but never seems either tuneful or original."
CHARLES SPENCER du THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: "Billy Elliot strikes me as the greatest British musical I have ever seen."
ALASTAIR MACAULAY du THE FINANCIAL TIMES: "Elton John's music is too often formulaic but about half of this show achieves dramatic poetry of a kind rare in any kind of theatre."
PAUL TAYLOR du THE INDEPENDENT: "Funny, touching and shamelessly enjoyable staging."

Version 2
Billy Elliot (2007-11-Capitol Theatre-Sydney)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Capitol Theatre (Sydney - Australie) Durée : 12 mois Nombre : Première Preview : InconnuPremière : mardi 13 novembre 2007Dernière : dimanche 09 novembre 2008Mise en scène : Stephen Daldry • Chorégraphie : Peter Darling • Producteur :

Version 3
Billy Elliot (2008-08-LG Arts Center-Seoul)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: LG Arts Centre (Séoul - Corée du Sud) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : mardi 10 août 2010Première : samedi 14 août 2010Dernière : jeudi 01 janvier 1970Mise en scène : Stephen Daldry • Chorégraphie : Peter Darling • Producteur :

Version 4
Billy Elliot (2008-11-Imperial Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: Original BroadwayThéâtre: Imperial Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 ans 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 40 previews - 1304 représentationsPremière Preview : mercredi 01 octobre 2008Première : jeudi 13 novembre 2008Dernière : dimanche 08 janvier 2012Mise en scène : Stephen Daldry • Chorégraphie : Peter Darling • Producteur : Presse : BEN BRANTLEY for NEW YORK TIMES says, "This show both artfully anatomizes and brazenly exploits the most fundamental and enduring appeal of musicals themselves."
JOE DZIEMIANOWICZ for THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS says, "That rare production - one that brings all the elements together and creates a fresh emotional experience."
BARABARA HOFFMAN for NEW YORK POST says, "The best gift from Britain since Harry Potter."
JOHN SIMON for BLOOMBERG says, "Really does have something for everyone, and that something is, gloriously, art."
ELYSA GARDNER for USA TODAY says, "In one sequence, Billy imagines and shadows an older version of himself, and both leap across the stage as the rapturous strains of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake swell around them. And for a few moments — no matter where you're from — it's impossible to not be transported by this kid's amazing grace. "
LINDA WINNER for NEWSDAY says, "Seriously thrilling as it is deeply lovable."
DAVID SHEWARD for BACK STAGE says"One of the smartest and most satisfying Broadway musicals in years."
ROBERT FELDBERG for THE RECORD says, "It's hard to call "Billy Elliot" a great musical – it's not unique enough for that – but you won't easily find one that's more generously entertaining."
JAQUES LE SOURD for JOURNAL NEWS says, "The Broadway season's first big musical hit."
RICHARD ZOGLIN for TIME MAGAZINE says, "Billy Elliot does almost everything a musical should do, and more."
MICHAEL KUCHWARA for ASSOCIATED PRESS says, "It's not often that a musical comes along that is as ambitious as it is emotional — and then succeeds on both counts."
DAVID ROONEY for VARIETY says, "That 'Billy Elliot' is as much an elegy as a celebration is what makes it such a winner."

Version 5
Billy Elliot (2008-12-Her Majesty's Theatre-Melbourne)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Her Majesty's Theatre (Melbourne - Australie) Durée : 6 mois Nombre : Première Preview : InconnuPremière : samedi 13 décembre 2008Dernière : dimanche 14 juin 2009Mise en scène : Stephen Daldry • Chorégraphie : Peter Darling • Producteur :

Version 6
Billy Elliot (2010-04-FCPA Oriental Theatre-Chicago)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Ford Center for the Performing Arts Oriental Theatre (Chicago - Etats-Unis) Durée : 7 mois 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : jeudi 18 mars 2010Première : dimanche 11 avril 2010Dernière : dimanche 28 novembre 2010Mise en scène : Stephen Daldry • Chorégraphie : Peter Darling • Producteur :

Version 7
Billy Elliot (2011-02-Canon Theatre-Toronto)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Canon Theatre (Toronto - Canada) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : InconnuPremière : mardi 01 février 2011Dernière : jeudi 01 janvier 1970Mise en scène : Stephen Daldry • Chorégraphie : Peter Darling • Producteur :

Version 8
Billy Elliot (2014-11-Circustheater-Scheveningen)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Afas Circustheater (Scheveningen - Pays-Bas) Durée : 11 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : InconnuPremière : dimanche 30 novembre 2014Dernière : samedi 07 novembre 2015Mise en scène : Stephen Daldry • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Pia Douwes (Mrs. Wilkinson), Bas Heerkens (Father), Reinier Demeijer (Brother), Carry Tefsen (Grandmother)

Version 9
Billy Elliot (2017-06-Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt-Hamburg)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt (Hambourg - Allemagne) Durée : 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : mercredi 28 juin 2017Première : jeudi 29 juin 2017Dernière : dimanche 23 juillet 2017Mise en scène : Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Adam Abbou / Emile Gooding / Haydn May / Lewis Smallman (Billy), Anna-Jane Casey (Mrs. Wilkinson), Martin Walsh (Billys Vater), Scott Garnham (Tony), Andrea Miller (Großmutter), Leo Atkin (George), Daniel Page (Mr. Braithwaite), Nikki Gerrard (Billys tote Mutter), Luke Cinque-White (Der ältere Billy), Henry Farmer / Bradley Mayfield / Elliot Stiff / Samuel Torpey (Michael), Lilly Cadwallender / Evie Martin / Italia Ross (Debbie), Tom Brainbridge, Deborah Bundy, Jack Butterworth, Luke Clinque-White, Donna Combe, Wayne Fitzsimmons, Abbie Louise Harris, Ruri James, Leon Kay, Kiera Marner, Charlie Martin, Kris Manuel, Barnaby Meredith, Ben Redfern, Amy Rhiannon-Worth, Phil Snowden, Rachel Spurrell, Sebastian Sykes, Milan van Weelden, Luke Zammit, Irene Bakuva, Lucy Browne, Bonnie Burgess, Isobelle Chalmers, Gabrielle Ellis, Olivia Floydd, Pacha Green, Leah Jennings, Erin McIver, Macie O’Brien, Lily Patterson, Danella Sloman, Lucy Summers, Nicola Turner, Acacia Villios, Soraya Walding, Andrea Webb, Anna William
Billy Elliot (2005-05-Victoria Palace-London)
Qualité: ***** Intérêt: ****
Langue: Anglais Durée:
Billy Elliot (2014-11-Circustheater-Scheveningen)
Qualité: ***** Intérêt: *****
Langue: Néérlandais Durée: 0:01:04