As the immediate successor of My Fair Lady -- and with so many of the collaborators who had made My Fair Lady an unforgettable stage experience -- a good deal was expected of Camelot when it arrived on Broadway. It achieved the unprecedented advance sales of three and a half million dollars, and forthwith was sold to the motion pictures for three million dollars more. But while Camelot was no My Fair Lady -- and thus aroused a good measure of disappointment among the critics -- it was nevertheless a musical play with many moments of enchantment and with some of the most handsomely mounted sets Broadway had seen in many a year.
Le mariage arrangé entre le Roi Arthur et Guenièvre se transforme en véritable romance. Le couple s’épaule alors pour organiser l’union du royaume et établir des règles de conduite pour une chevalerie plus civilisée. Mais le regroupement d’homme d’exception amène le fier Lancelot Du Lac à la table ronde du château de Camelot…
Acte I
King Arthur is nervous about his upcoming arranged marriage and is hiding in a tree. Merlyn the Magician, his wise tutor, calls Arthur down to warn the young king that he must learn to think for himself. Merlyn, who lives backwards in time and remembers the future as well as the past, knows he will soon be separated from Arthur. Merlyn persuades Arthur to climb down and chides him for his unkingly behavior. Arthur then left alone, ponders both his subjects and his own feelings about the intended nuptials I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight?. Arthur hears someone coming and scampers up the tree again. Guenevere, Arthur's intended bride, comes to the woods. She does not like the idea of being Queen, preferring to live an ordinary life, Simple Joys of Maidenhood. She stumbles into Arthur, who initially calls himself "Wart" (his childhood nickname) and then, hearing of her reluctance to marry, tells her of the joys of life in Camelot Camelot. They are both charmed by each other, and almost kiss, when his attendants come upon the two of them. He is revealed as the King. He tells Guenevere the story of how he pulled the sword from the stone and became king, and she finally agrees to marry him. The wizard Merlyn is amused by this development, but his joy turns to sorrow as his memories of the future begin to fade. He realizes that Nimue, a beautiful water nymph, has come to draw him into her cave for an eternal sleep Follow Me. He begs Nimue for answers, as he has forgotten if he has warned Arthur about two important individuals, Lancelot and Mordred. His memories fade permanently, though, and he is led away.
Five years later, Arthur sits with Guenevere in his study, debating about what to do. He explains that he wishes to create a new kind of knight—one that does not pillage and fight, but tries to uphold honor and justice. He is eventually inspired, with Guenevere's help, to establish the Round Table with the motto "might for right." Five years later, Arthur's idea has led to the Knights of the Round Table being renowned all over the country, and their fame has even spread to France. A young, pretentious and over-religious Frenchman from Joyous Garde named Lancelot du Lac has heard of the Round Table, and is determined to come to Camelot and join Arthur's knights, confident that he is perfect for the post, C'est Moi. King Pellinore, an elderly man who was a childhood friend of Arthur's, also comes to Camelot to witness Arthur's greatness for himself, and it is implied that he has become part of the family. Guenevere organises a May Day festival on the castle grounds The Lusty Month of May, where Arthur introduces his wife to Lancelot. Guenevere takes an instant dislike to Lancelot. Time passes, and he makes an enemy of most of the knights. Guenevere incites three of them; Sir Dinadan, Sir Sagramore and the burly Sir Lionel, to engage him in jousting matches,Then You May Take Me to the Fair. Arthur (who has now become "best friends" with Lancelot), is dismayed by this, and is at a loss to understand a woman's way How to Handle a Woman.
In the jousting match Lancelot easily defeats all three knights. He almost kills Sir Lionel, who fights him last. But the dismay of the crowd turns to awe and adoration, as he appears to seemingly resurrect a dead man. This adoration of the crowd extends to Guenevere, who, to her dismay, finds herself falling in love with him. She does not wish to violate her marriage vows, however, and wishes Lancelot would leave Camelot Before I Gaze at You Again. Unfortunately, Lancelot loves Guenevere in turn, and is similarly torn by the conflict between this love and his devotion to Arthur. Arthur makes Lancelot a Knight of the Round Table. As it happens, the shrewd King Arthur guesses that Lancelot and Guenevere have feelings for each other, but hopes it will blow over, as he does not wish to upset the tranquility of Camelot. He soliloquizes to his sword Excalibur, that they will rise to the challenges they will all face, together.
Acte II
Several years later, Guinevere and Lancelot are still tormented by their unfulfilled love. She tries to get rid of him, but Lancelot will not leave her, If Ever I Would Leave You. They both believe that Arthur is not aware of it. Nevertheless, she remains faithful to Arthur, and helps him in carrying out the affairs of State.
Mordred, Arthur's illegitimate son, comes to Camelot to dishonor the King and tries to gain the throne for himself. Arthur puts him in charge of the knights’ training program, not knowing that Mordred is there to destroy the Round Table in revenge against Arthur for abandoning him, and detests the idea of being a Knight The Seven Deadly Virtues. Arthur begins to feel the strain of ruling England, and both he and Guenevere wonder what commoners do without any such responsibilities What Do The Simple Folk Do?. Mordred, meanwhile, has devised a plan to ruin Arthur and his kingdom permanently. He enters an enchanted glade where his aunt, the sorceress Morgan le Fay, dwells in an invisible castle. Morgan has a sweet tooth, and though she likes Arthur, Mordred manages to bribe her to build one of her invisible walls around Arthur for one night The Persuasion. Meanwhile, many of the Knights are bored with chivalry, and long for a life of fighting and pillaging Fie On Goodness!. Mordred plays on this to turn them against Arthur. Meanwhile, Lancelot, unable to stop himself, visits Guenevere in her chambers, where they kiss passionately I Loved You Once in Silence. However, Lancelot and Guenevere's affair and Mordred's machinations come to a head when Mordred and some of the Knights of the Round Table interrupt, accuse Lancelot of treason, and try to take him prisoner. Lancelot fights them off and escapes, but Guenevere is arrested, tried, found guilty of treason by reason of her infidelity, and sentenced to be burned at the stake Guenevere. At the execution, Arthur watches from a distance as Mordred taunts him for his failures; he is torn between upholding his law and doing his duty as a king, or sparing Guenevere, whom he still loves in spite of everything. At the last moment, Lancelot arrives with an army, rescues Guenevere and takes her off with him to France. But in the process, Lancelot has been forced to kill some of the other knights, leaving the survivors vowing revenge.
For the sake of his own honor and that of Camelot, Arthur must now wage war against Lancelot. Mordred has taken up his own army against Arthur, back in England. The war takes a terrible toll on Camelot, as more than half of the Knights of the Round Table are killed. Before the final battle, Arthur meets Lancelot and Guenevere. Lancelot and Guenevere's relationship has foundered. Guenevere has become a nun, and the Round Table is now broken. They offer to face up to justice in England, but Arthur will not see Guenevere burned or Lancelot beheaded. He forgives them both, and they depart separately. That night in camp, Arthur meets a young stowaway named Tom of Warwick, who has come to join the Round Table. His speech reminds Arthur of the idealism and hope that he had as a young king, and inspires him. Arthur knights Tom, and sends him back to England to grow up there, that he might pass on to future generations the ideals of chivalry and Camelot Camelot" (reprise)).
It is based on the King Arthur legend as adapted from the T. H. White tetralogy novel The Once and Future King.
In 1959, Alan Jay Lerner and Moss Hart decided to adapt T. H. White's The Once and Future King as their next project. As discussed in Lerner's 1978 book, The Street Where I Live, Frederick Loewe, who had no interest in the project, agreed to write music, with the understanding that if things went badly, it would be his last score. After the tremendous success of My Fair Lady, expectations were high for a new Lerner and Loewe musical. However, the show's production met several obstacles. Lerner's wife left him during the writing process, causing him to seek medical attention and delaying the production. When Camelot began rehearsals, it still needed considerable work. However, the producers were able to secure a strong cast including Julie Andrews, Richard Burton and Roddy McDowall, as well as Robert Goulet in his first Broadway role. John Cullum also made his Broadway debut as Sir Dinadan; Bruce Yarnell was Sir Lionel. Cullum later replaced McDowall, and William Squire replaced Burton. Other replacements included Patricia Bredin, Kathryn Grayson and Janet Pavek for Andrews.
The show's first tryout was in Toronto, at the O'Keefe Centre in 1960. The curtain came down at twenty minutes to one in the morning; Lerner later noted that "Only Tristan and Isolde equaled it as a bladder endurance contest." The morning papers, though kind, hinted that the show needed much work in order to succeed. Lerner was hospitalized with a bleeding ulcer and had to withdraw from preparations for a time. Hart then suffered a heart attack, and Lerner stepped in as temporary director for the rest of the out-of-town run at the behest of Kitty Carlisle Hart. Camelot then moved to Boston, nearly an hour and a half shorter, but still running very long. The production team tried to find another director, even phoning Jose Ferrer, who could not undertake the job. Lerner and Loewe disagreed on how to proceed with the show, as Loewe did not want to make any major changes without Hart's guidance. Lerner wrote: "God knows what would have happened had it not been for Richard Burton." Accepting cuts and changes, he radiated a "faith and geniality" and calmed the fears of the cast. Guenevere's song "Before I Gaze at You Again" was given to Andrews at the last minute before the first New York preview, which provoked her famous quote, "Of course darling, but do try to get it to me the night before." After the show opened on Broadway, Hart was released from the hospital, and he and Lerner began cutting the play even further. Two songs, "Then You May Take Me To the Fair" and "Fie on Goodness," were cut a few months into the run (though they remain on the cast album).
The advance sale for the show was the largest in Broadway history. The New York critics' reviews of the original production were mixed. Fortunately for the show, Ed Sullivan approached Lerner and Loewe to create a segment for his television variety program, celebrating the fifth anniversary of My Fair Lady. They decided to do very little from their previous hit and instead to perform four highlights from Camelot. The show stimulated ticket sales, and Camelot achieved an unprecedented advance sale of three and a half million dollars. It was also publicized, just after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (a classmate of Lerner at Harvard), that the show's original cast recording had been favorite bedtime listening in the White House, and that Kennedy's favorite lines were in the final number (in which Arthur knights a young boy and tells him to pass on the story of Camelot to future generations):
Don't let it be forgot
That once there was a spot,
For one brief, shining moment
That was known as Camelot.
Since then, Camelot has been associated with the Kennedy Administration.
The obstacles encountered in producing Camelot were hard on the creative partnership of Lerner and Loewe, and the show turned out to be one of their last collaborations (although they did work together to adapt their 1958 movie "Gigi" to the stage in 1973, and collaborated again the following year on the movie musical "The Little Prince). Camelot was Hart's last Broadway show. He died of a heart attack in Palm Springs, California on December 20, 1961.
1960 - Broadway
Camelot opened on Broadway at the Majestic Theatre on December 3, 1960 and closed on January 5, 1963 after 873 performances and 2 previews. Directed by Moss Hart, the choreography was by Hanya Holm, scenic design by Oliver Smith, costume design by Adrian (who worked on the designs prior to his death in September 1959) and Tony Duquette, and lighting design by Feder.
It won four Tony Awards. The original cast album was America's top-selling LP for 60 weeks.
US Tour
A two-year U.S. tour followed the Broadway closing, starring Kathryn Grayson and William Squire, who was succeeded by Louis Hayward. There was also a 1963–64 bus-and-truck tour starring Biff McGuire as Arthur, Jeannie Carson as Guenevere, and Sean Garrison as Lancelot. Yet another company toured with the show in 1964, starring Howard Keel as Arthur, Constance Towers as Guenevere, and Bob Holiday as Lancelot. An Australian production opened in Adelaide in October 1963 produced by the J. C. Williamson company and ran for two years.
1964 - London
The London production opened in August 1964 at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane and featured Laurence Harvey as Arthur, Elizabeth Larner as Guenevere and Barry Kent as Lancelot. It played for 518 performances. The film version was made in 1967 starring Richard Harris and Vanessa Redgrave.
Richard Burton reprised his role as Arthur in a revival that ran from July 8, 1980 to August 23, 1980 at the New York State Theater at Lincoln Center. Christine Ebersole played Guenevere, and Richard Muenz was Lancelot.
The show was revived on Broadway at the Winter Garden Theater from November 15, 1981 to January 2, 1982, and broadcast on HBO a year later, starring Richard Harris as Arthur, Meg Bussert as Guenevere, and Muenz as Lancelot. Harris, who had starred in the film, and Muenz also took the show on tour nationwide. Another Broadway revival ran from June 21, 1993 to August 7, 1993 for 56 performances at the George Gershwin Theatre, with Goulet now cast in the role of Arthur. Goulet reprised this role at Toronto's O'Keefe Centre in 1993.
An 18-month U.S. tour, starring Michael York as Arthur, Rachel York (no relation) as Guenevere, and James Barbour as Lancelot, began on January 9, 2007 and ended in April 2008. Alan Jay Lerner's son, Michael Lerner, contributed changes to the libretto, and Glenn Casale directed. From June 27–30, 2007, the tour played at Toronto's Hummingbird Centre, where the musical had premiered in 1960. While the 2007 Michael York tour was performing across the U.S., Candlewood International ran a separate, largely non-equity national tour that played to cities not visited by the union tour. The Morgan Le Fey sub-plot was removed. Jeff Buchsbaum directed and Paula Sloan choreographed a cast headed by Robert Brown as Arthur, Matthew Posner as Lancelot, Mollie Vogt-Welch as Guenevere and Heather Stricker as Lady Catherine.
From May 7 to May 10, 2008, the New York Philharmonic presented five semi-staged concerts of Camelot directed by Lonny Price and produced by Thomas Z. Shepard and starring Gabriel Byrne as King Arthur, Marin Mazzie as Guenevere, and Nathan Gunn as Lancelot. It featured Christopher Lloyd as Pellinore, Marc Kudisch as Lionel, Bobby Steggert as Mordred, Will Swenson as Sagramore, Christopher Sieber as Dinadan and Fran Drescher as Morgan le Fey. The May 8 performance was broadcast nationally on Live from Lincoln Center on PBS.
Acte I
"Overture" – Instrumental
"The March [Parade]" – Instrumental
"I Wonder What the King Is Doing Tonight" – Arthur
"The Simple Joys of Maidenhood" – Guenevere
"Camelot" – Arthur
"Camelot (reprise)" – Arthur, Guenevere
"Follow Me" – Nimue
"C'est Moi" – Lancelot
"The Lusty Month of May" – Guenevere, Ensemble
"Then You May Take Me To the Fair" – Guenevere, Sir Lionel, Sir Sagramore, Sir Dinadan
"How To Handle a Woman" – Arthur
"The Jousts" – Arthur, Guenevere, Ensemble
"Before I Gaze at You Again" – Guenevere
Acte II
"If Ever I Would Leave You" – Lancelot
"The Seven Deadly Virtues" – Mordred
"What Do the Simple Folk Do?" – Arthur, Guenevere
"Fie on Goodness!" – Mordred, Knights
"I Loved You Once In Silence" – Guenevere
"Guenevere" – Ensemble
"Camelot (reprise)" – King Arthur
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Camelot
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Camelot

Version 1
Camelot (1960-10-O'Keefe Center-Toronto)
Type de série: Pre-Broadway Try OutThéâtre: Sony Centre for Performing Arts (Toronto - Canada) Durée : 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 01 October 1960
Première: 01 October 1960
Dernière: 22 October 1960Mise en scène : Alan Jay Lerner • Moss Hart • Chorégraphie : Hanya Holm • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Arthur … Richard Burton
Guenevere … Julie Andrews
Lancelot Du Lac … Robert Goulet
King Pellinore … Robert Coote
Sir Dinadan … John Cullum
Mordred … Roddy McDowall
Merlyn … David Hurst
Morgan Le Fey … M'el Dowd
Sir Lionel … Bruce YarnellCommentaires longs: C'est avec ce spectacle qu'à ouvert le O'Keefe Center à Toronto (actuellement renommé le Sony Center for Performing Arts).
The first performance during the out-of-town tryout lasted until 12:30am. Alan Jay Lerner later said, "Only Tristan and Isolde equaled it as a bladder endurance contest."
During the pre-Broadway Toronto run, Alan Jay Lerner was hospitalized with a bleeding ulcer and had to withdraw from work on the show for a time during tryouts. Moss Hart suffered a heart attack and Lerner took over as director.

Version 2
Camelot (1960-10-Shubert Theatre-Boston)
Type de série: Pre-Broadway Try OutThéâtre: Shubert Theatre (Boston - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 25 October 1960
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Alan Jay Lerner • Moss Hart • Chorégraphie : Hanya Holm • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Arthur … Richard Burton
Guenevere … Julie Andrews
Lancelot Du Lac … Robert Goulet
King Pellinore … Robert Coote
Sir Dinadan … John Cullum
Mordred … Roddy McDowall
Merlyn … David Hurst
Morgan Le Fey … M'el Dowd
Sir Lionel … Bruce YarnellCommentaires longs: During the pre-Broadway Toronto run, Alan Jay Lerner was hospitalized with a bleeding ulcer and had to withdraw from work on the show for a time during tryouts. Moss Hart suffered a heart attack and Lerner took over as director. In Boston, the running time was shortened by an hour and a half but Lerner was still looking for a new director. He went so far as to ask José Ferrer, but Ferrer declined.

Version 3
Camelot (1960-12-Majestic Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: Original BroadwayThéâtre: Majestic Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 2 ans 1 mois Nombre : 2 previews - 873 représentationsPremière Preview : 01 December 1960
Première: 03 December 1960
Dernière: 05 January 1963Mise en scène : Alan Jay Lerner • Moss Hart • Chorégraphie : Hanya Holm • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Arthur … Richard Burton
Guenevere … Julie Andrews
Lancelot Du Lac … Robert Goulet
King Pellinore … Robert Coote
Sir Dinadan … John Cullum
Mordred … Roddy McDowall
Merlyn … David Hurst
Morgan Le Fey … M'el Dowd
Sir Lionel … Bruce YarnellCommentaires longs: One of the most torturous rehearsal and tryout periods for a Broadway musical. Costume designer Adrian died before opening. Director/producer Moss Hart had a heart attack on the tryout tour resulting in Alan Jay Lerner taking over direction.

Version 4
Camelot (1963-01-US Tour 1)
Type de série: US TourThéâtre: US Tour ( - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 08 January 1963
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Alan Jay Lerner • Moss Hart • Chorégraphie : Hanya Holm • Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires longs: Opened at the Fisher Theatre in Detroit

Version 5
Camelot (1963-10-US Tour 2)
Type de série: US TourThéâtre: US Tour ( - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 03 October 1963
Dernière: 19 December 1964Mise en scène : Moss Hart • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires longs: Opened at the Masonic Temple in Scranton, PA. Closed at The Playhouse in Wilmington, DE.

Version 6
Camelot (1964-08-Drury Lane Theatre-Londres)
Type de série: Original LondonThéâtre: Drury Lane Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : Nombre : 518 représentationsPremière Preview : Inconnu
Première: 19 August 1964
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Robert Helpmann • Chorégraphie : Robert Helpmann • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Merlyn … Miles Malleson
Arthur … Laurence Harvey
Guenevere … Elizabeth Larner
Lancelot … Barry Kent
Pellinore … Cardew Robinson
Mordred … Nicky Henson
Morgan Le Fey … Moyra Fraser
Sir Dinadan … Victor Flattery
Sir Clarius … Paul Ferris
Sir Lionel … Raymond Edwards

Version 7
Camelot (1967-10-Film)
Type de série: FilmThéâtre: *** Film (*** - ***) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : 25 October 1967
Première: 25 October 1967
Dernière: 25 October 1967Mise en scène : Joshua Logan • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: King Arthur … Richard Harris
Guenevere … Vanessa Redgrave
Lancelot … Franco Nero
Mordred … David Hemmings
King Pellinore … Lionel Jeffries
Merlyn … Laurence Naismith
Dap … Pierre Olaf
Lady Clarinda … Estelle Winwood
Sir Lionel … Gary Marshal
Sir Dinadan … Anthony RogersCommentaires longs: Unlike the original stage version, the main plot of the film is presented as a long flashback. In the opening scene, King Arthur (Richard Harris) is preparing for a great battle against his friend, Sir Lancelot (Franco Nero). While brooding over the circumstances that led him to this moment, he asks Merlin (Laurence Naismith) for help. Merlin appears to him and tells Arthur to think back. It is now that the main plot begins.

Version 8
Camelot (1980-06-David H. Koch Theatre-LCPA-New York)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts (New-York - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 mois 2 semaines Nombre : 6 previews - 56 représentationsPremière Preview : 30 June 1980
Première: 08 July 1980
Dernière: 23 August 1980Mise en scène : Frank Dunlop • Chorégraphie : Buddy Schwab • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Arthur … Richard Burton
Sir Sagramore … Andy McAvin
Merlyn/Friar … James Valentine
Guenevere … Christine Ebersole
Sir Dinadan … William Parry
Nimue … Jeanne Caryl
Lancelot Du Lac … Richard Muenz
Mordred … Robert Fox
Dap … Robert Molnar
Lady Anne … Nora Brennan

Version 9
Camelot (1980-09-US Tour 3)
Type de série: US TourThéâtre: US Tour ( - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 30 September 1980
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Frank Dunlop • Chorégraphie : Buddy Schwab • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Arthur … Richard Burton
Sir Sagramore … Andy McAvin
Merlyn/Friar … James Valentine
Guenevere … Christine Ebersole
Sir Dinadan … William Parry
Nimue … Jeanne Caryl
Lancelot Du Lac … Richard Muenz
Mordred … Robert Fox
Dap … Robert Molnar
Lady Anne … Nora BrennanCommentaires longs: Opened in Dallas.

Version 10
Camelot (1981-11-Winter Garden Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Winter Garden Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 mois 2 semaines Nombre : 15 previews - 57 représentationsPremière Preview : 10 November 1981
Première: 15 November 1981
Dernière: 02 January 1982Mise en scène : Frank Dunlop • Chorégraphie : Buddy Schwab • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: King Arthur … Richard Harris
Sir Sagramore … Andy McAvin
Merlyn … James Valentine
Guenevere … Meg Bussert
Sir Dinidan … William Parry
Nimue … Jeanne Caryl
Lancelot Du Lac … Richard Muenz
Mordred … Richard Backus
Dap … Robert Molnar
Friar … Vincenzo PrestiaCommentaires longs: Il s'agit d'un arrêt à Broadway de l'US Tour qui a suivi le revival de Camelot à Broadway au Licoln.

Version 11
Camelot (1982-02-US Tour 4)
Type de série: US TourThéâtre: US Tour ( - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 11 February 1982
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Frank Dunlop • Chorégraphie : Buddy Schwab • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Arthur … Richard Harris
Guenevere … Debra Dickinson
Lancelot Du Lac … Richard Muenz
King Pellinore … Barrie Ingham
Mordred … Richard BackusCommentaires longs: Opened in Buffalo.

Version 12
Camelot (1982-11-Apollo Victoria Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Apollo Victoria Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 2 mois 2 semaines Nombre : 180 représentationsPremière Preview : Inconnu
Première: 23 November 1982
Dernière: 05 February 1983Mise en scène : Frank Dunlop • Chorégraphie : Buddy Schwab • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Richard Harris (King Arthur), Fiona Fullerton (Guinevere), William Squire (Merlin), Robert Meadmore (Sir Lancelot), Michael Howe (Mordred), Robin Bailey (Pellinore)Commentaires : This was described as a disastrous revival, and one of the worst productions seen in the West End for a long time. Much of the blame was laid at the feet of Richard Harris who was accused of “walking through” the part without any effort. The Plays & Players critic said: “There is no denying the potency of Richard Harris’s personality. It is merely sad to remember that many years ago he was an actor.”

Version 13
Camelot (1991-01-Paper Mill Playhouse-Milburn)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Paper Mill Playhouse (Milburn - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 01 September 1991
Dernière: 08 December 1991Mise en scène : Robert Johanson • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) :

Version 14
Camelot (1993-06-George Gershwin Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Gershwin Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 mois 2 semaines Nombre : 4 previews - 56 représentationsPremière Preview : 17 June 1993
Première: 21 June 1993
Dernière: 07 August 1993Mise en scène : Norbert Joerder • Chorégraphie : Norbert Joerder • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Arthur … Robert Goulet
Guenevere … Patricia Kies
Lancelot Du Lac … Steve Blanchard
King Pellinore/Merlyn … James Valentine
Sir Dinadan … Richard Smith
Mordred … Tucker McCrady

Version 15
Camelot (2001-10-Capitole Theater-Gent)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Capitole Theater (Gand - Belgique) Durée : 4 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 28 October 2001
Dernière: 25 November 2001Mise en scène : Frank Van Laecke • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires longs: C'est avec ce spectacle qu'à eu lieu la réouverture du Capitole à Gand.

Version 16
Camelot (2003-04-Paper Mill Playhouse-Milburn)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Paper Mill Playhouse (Milburn - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 mois 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 02 April 2003
Première: 04 April 2003
Dernière: 18 May 2003Mise en scène : Robert Johanson • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Arthur....Brent Barrett
Guenevere....Glory Crampton
Horrid....Javier Woodard
Lady Anne....Jennifer Hope Wills
Lancelot....Matt Bogart
Merlin....George S. Irving
Mordred....Barrett Foa
Morgan Le Fay....Tara Lynne Khaler
Nimue....Diane Veronica Phelan
Sir Dinadan....Christopher Carl
Sir Lional....Matt Stokes
Sir Sagramore….Abe ReyboldPresse : "What I am trying to say is that you had better get over to Millburn, New Jersey, and see Camelot now. A Camelot of the quality of the current Paper Mill production may not be available in the foreseeable future. " talkingntoadway.com

Version 17
Camelot (2003-11-Kreeger Theatre-Washington)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Kreeger Theatre (Washington - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 mois 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 14 November 2003
Première: 21 November 2003
Dernière: 04 January 2004Mise en scène : Robert Johanson • Molly Smith • Chorégraphie : Robert Johanson • Baayork Lee • Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires longs: A darker version of the musical. Orchestrations were darkened tonally. The scenic designs used ancient hewn rock entwined with roots and vines. The costumes incorporated leather and fur. The choreography is more earthy. The cast was racially diverse.

Version 18
Camelot (2004-07-Open Air Regent's Park-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Open Air Theatre, Regent's Park (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : 20 July 2004
Première: 23 July 2004
Dernière: 04 September 2004Mise en scène : Ian Talbot • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Avec: Daniel Flynn (Arthur) / Lauren Ward (Guenevere) / Matt Rawle (Sir Lancelot) / Russ Abbot (Sir Pellinore) / Raymond Bowers (Merlyn) / Mark Hilton (Mordred) / Ellen O'Grady (Morgan Le Fey) / Nicholas Pound (Sir Dinadan) / Nick Bonner (Sir Lionel) / Oliver Hume (Sir Sagramore) / Gareth Jones (Sir Clarius) / Ben Hicks (Squire Dap) / Sophie Bould (Lady Sybil) / Leanne Rogers (Lady Anne) / Oliver Beamish / Jenny Fitzpatrick / Jordan Frieda / Graham James / Richard Reynard / Lucy ThatcherCommentaires : The original was rather bitchily described by Noel Coward as “Parsifal without the jokes”, and forty years later the critics reviewed this revival as “a hugely over-long and desperately unwieldy Arthurian hotch-potch” and as “seventeen hummable songs hung on a hokey story-line”.Presse : NICHOLAS DE JONGH for THE EVENING STANDARD says, "Boring, tuneless."
MICHAEL BILLINGTON for THE GUARDIAN says, "It's not only an amiably pleasing show but it also reminds us how politicians appropriate popular culture for their own ends."
BENEDICT NIGHTINGALE for THE TIMES says, "You often wish the show had more bite ....Still, there are some nice tunes and some enjoyable acting."
DOMINIC CAVENDISH for THE DAILY TELEGRAPH says, "An evening of diminishing returns."
ALASTAIR MACAULAY for THE FINANCIAL TIMES says, "Despite its occasional patchiness in terms of music, it's hard to think of Camelot without affection."

Version 19
Camelot (2005-06-Freilichtspiele-Tecklenburg)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Freilichtspiele Tecklenburg (Tecklenburg - Allemagne) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : 25 June 2005
Première: 25 June 2005
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Avec: König Arthur: Claus Dam / Guenevere: Jana Werner / Mordred: Sven Olaf Denkinger / Merlin: Michael Schüler / Lancelot: Lucius Wolter/ Pellinore: Walter Hoffmann / Sir Lionel: Petter Bjällö / Nimue: Michaela Schober / Dinandan: Michael Eisenburger / Clarius: Michael Schüler / Guilliam: Marco Heinrich / Colgrevance: Michael Bergmann / Sagramore: Marc Schlapp / Squire Dap: Sebastian Benker / Tom of Warwick: Michael Nicolaus

Version 20
Camelot (2005-06-Stiftsruine-Bad Hersfeld)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Stiftsruine (Bad Hersfeld - Allemagne) Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 15 June 2005
Première: 15 June 2005
Dernière: 07 August 2005Mise en scène : Reinfried Schieszler • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Avec: Yngve Gasoy-Romdal, Andrea Malek, Aris Sas, Michael Stobbe, Mario Ramos, Erich Schleyer, Miriam Japp, Sigrid Brandstetter, André Bauer, Dietmar Seidner, Hans Streunzer, Dennis J.Kozeluh, Wolfgang Grindemann, Josef Borbely, David Wieczorek

Version 21
Camelot (2007-01-US Tour 5)
Type de série: US TourThéâtre: US Tour ( - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 09 January 2007
Dernière: 20 April 2008Mise en scène : Frank Dunlop • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires longs: 19/02/2008 au 20/02/2008 Melbourne, FL King Center
22/02/2008 au 24/02/2008 Huntsville, AL Von Braun Center
26/02/2008 au 01/03/2008 Birmingham, AL BJCC
4/03/2008 au 09/03/2008 Providence, RI Providence Performing Arts Ctr
11/03/2008 au 16/03/2008 Nashville, TN Andrew Jackson - TPAC
18/03/2008 au 23/03/2008 Naples, FL Philharmonic Center
25/03/2008 au 06/04/2008 Baltimore, MD Hippodrome Theatre
8/04/2008 au 13/04/2008 New Haven, CT Shubert Theatre
15/04/2008 au 20/04/2008 West Palm Beach, FL Kravis Center

Version 22
Camelot (2008-05-Avery Fisher Hall-LCPA-New York
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts (New-York - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : 5 représentationsPremière Preview : 07 May 2008
Première: 07 May 2008
Dernière: 10 May 2008Mise en scène : Lonny Price • Chorégraphie : Josh Prince • Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires : "If Ever I Would Leave You," "The Lusty Month of May," "I Wonder What the King Is Doing Tonight," and all the rest of the unforgettable music from Camelot receives the full Philharmonic treatment in this semi-staged production with full cast, costumes, sets and, of course, the New York Philharmonic right on stage. Le cast comprend: Gabriel Byrne (Arthur) / Marin Mazzie (Guenevere) / Nathan Gunn (Lancelot) / Christopher Lloyd (Pellinore) / Fran Drescher (Morgan Le Fey) / Stacy Keach (Merlyn)
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