Paris, 1934. Après une nouvelle audition ratée, Victoria Grant fait la connaissance de Toddy, un homosexuel au grand cœur. Touché par sa misère, il lui offre l’hospitalité et élabore un plan des plus fous : puisque personne ne veut de Victoria en chanteuse, elle deviendra… chanteur !
Rebaptisée Victor, chanteur au passé de célèbre travesti polonais, Victoria va rencontrer le succès… Mais tout va se compliquer lorsque King Marchan, le roi des night-clubs de Chicago s’éprendra d’elle…
Durant les pre-Broadway try-out du spectacle, on a demandé à Frank Wildhorn de créer la musique pour de chansons supplémentaires (par rapport au film), qui seraient interprétées par Julie Andrews et d'autres stars faisant partie du cast. Les chansons "Trust Me," "Louis Says," et "Living in the Shadows", signées Frank Wildhorn et Leslie Bricusse, ont complété la version créée à Broadway.
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Victor Victoria

Version 1
Victor Victoria (1995-10-Marquis Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Marquis Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 1 an 9 mois
Nombre : 25 previews - 734 représentations
Première Preview : 03 October 1995
Première: 25 October 1995
Dernière: 27 July 1997
Mise en scène : Black Edwards •
Chorégraphie : Rob Marshall •
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Commentaires longs: The original cast included Julie Andrews (reprising her role in the film). During Andrews' four-week vacation in early 1997, her much-hyped replacement, Liza Minnelli, allegedly stumbled over her dialogue and lyrics and missed nearly as many performances as she played, allegedly due to problems with her knees, although a few months later she checked herself into a rehab center to deal with her drug and alcohol addictions. A videotape of the show though, recorded on a cam from the audience during Minnelli's run, reveals Minnelli in fine form, displaying none of those problems.
Julie Andrews famously refused her Tony Award nomination for Best Actress in a Musical, the show's only nomination. On 5/8/1998, she made a curtain speech from the stage of the Marquis Theatre saying "I have searched my conscience and my heart and find that I cannot accept this nomination, and prefer instead to stand with the egregiously overlooked."

Version 2
Victor Victoria (2004-01-Bridewell Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Bridewell Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 2 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 13 January 2004
Première: 13 January 2004
Dernière: 31 January 2004
Mise en scène : Phil Willmott •
Chorégraphie : Jack Gunn •
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Ria Jones (Victoria), Christopher Holt (Toddy), Mark Halliday (King Marchan), Stewart Alexander (Squash), Emma Barton (Norma), Matthew Daines
Commentaires : Originally a 1933 German play “Viktor und Viktoria” by Rheinhold Schunzel, the first English version was the 1935 Jessie Matthew film, “Just a Girl”. Blake Edwards re-made the film in 1982 with music and lyrics by Henry Mancini and Leslie Bricusse, and with his wife, Julie Andrews in the lead. In 1995 he adapted this into a Broadway musical, again starring Julie Andrews. Extra songs were needed and Mancini and Bricusse started work on the project, but sadly Mancini died, and newcomer Frank Wildhom completed the score. It opened in New York in October 1995 and ran for 734 performances. Julie Andrews was nominated for a Tony but rejected the nomination because, as she explained in a curtain speech, “However, flattered as I am, and honoured to be nominated, I have to say how deeply sad I am to be the only nominee in this extraordinarily gifted company.” However, Julie Andrews and the show received and won several other awards from the Drama Desk and Outer Circle critics. Julie Andrews stayed with the show for almost two years, during which she took a short holiday when Liza Minelli stood in. A great scandal ensued when the leading man walked out in protest at Minelli’s poor performance. When Julie Andrews finally left the show in June 1997 she was replaced with Raquel Welch, but without its legendary star, the show came off very quickly.

Version 3
Victor Victoria (2004-11-Bremer Theater-Bremen)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Musical Theater (Bremen - Allemagne)
Durée :
Nombre :
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 21 November 2004
Dernière: Inconnu
Mise en scène : Helmut Baumann •
Chorégraphie : Hardy Rudolz •
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Commentaires longs: Avec Helen Schneider dans le rôle titre… Mais aussi Friedhilde Filser, Sinaida Stanley, Astrid Vosberg/Jessica Sánchez-Palencia; Kurt Ackermann, Helmut Baumann, Edwin Jäger, Lemuel Pitts, Dierk Prawdzik/ Rüdiger Reschke, Hardy Rudolz, Jochen Schaible, Franc Tima

Version 4
Victor Victoria (2005-09-Nuevo Teatro Alcalá-Madrid)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Nuevo Teatro Alcalá (Madrid - Espagne)
Durée :
Nombre :
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 28 September 2005
Dernière: Inconnu
Mise en scène :
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Commentaires longs: Director: Jaime Azpilicueta
Victoria Grant/Victor Grazinsky: Paloma San Basilio
Carroll Todd "Toddy": Francisco Valladares
King Marchand: Noemi Mazoy "Squash" Bernstein: David Amón
Henri Labisse: Javier Enguix André Cassell: Lorenzo Valverde
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