The story is inspired by the early history of aviation, interweaving the lives of Orville and Wilbur Wright, Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart and her publisher George Putnam together with the German "Glider King", Otto Lielthal, and the English Commander, Richard Byrd. The separate but sympathetic quests of these famous figures have been linked together to create a musical collage of dream chasing . Wilbur and Orville squabble and scratch their heads, plagued by doubts at Kitty Hawk and worry about returning home to be mocked as eccentric failures; Charles Lindbergh faces ghosts from his past as the long hours pass during his Atlantic crossing; and Amelia Earhart makes history with her aerial exploits, risking disaster in her attempt to fly round the world and endangering her relationship with her publisher, George Putnam who finances her first transatlantic flight just to sell books and later pursues her hand in marriage.
Act I
Take Flight - Orville, Wilbur, Lindbergh, Amelia, Noonan and Company
Equilibrium - Orville, Wilbur
Sky! - Lindbergh, Company
Like You, Say - Putnam, Amelia
Throw It to the Wind - Amelia, Putnam
Pffft! - Lilienthal, Company
Lady in the Aeroplane - Amelia, Putnam, Burke, Company
Lady Lindy - Reporters, Putnam, Amelia
Solo/Sorry, Mr Lindbergh - Lindbergh, Bankers, Hall
Earthbound - Putnam, Amelia
What Are We Doing Here? - Wilbur, Orville, Lilienthal
Before the Dawn - Wilbur, Orville, Lindbergh, Amelia, Putnam, Company
Act II
A Part of Me - Amelia
Back of the Line/Before the Dawn (Reprise) - Lindbergh, Company
The Funniest Thing - Orville, Wilbur
(The Farther You Go) Around the World/Papua - Putnam, Amelia, Noonan
The Prize/The Landing - Company
Finale - Company
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Take flight

Version 1
Take flight (2007-07-Menier Chocolate Factory-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Menier Chocolate Factory (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 1 mois 4 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 13 July 2007
Première: 25 July 2007
Dernière: 22 September 2007
Mise en scène : Sam Buntrock •
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Elliot Levey (Orville Wright), Sam Kenyon (Wilbur Wright), Michael Jibson (Charles Lindbergh) , Sally Ann Triplett (Amelia Earhart), Ian Bartholomew (George Putnam), Clive Carter (Otto Lillienthal), Christopher Colley (Richard Byrd), Ian Coningham, John Conroy, Helen French, Edward Gower, Kaisa Hammarlund, Liza Pulman
Commentaires : Maltby and Shire decided to have the premiere of their new musical at the Menier Chocolate Factory where it was greeted respectfully but without any great enthusiasm. The surreal elements, such as the cast sitting on top of stepladders and operating imaginary joysticks, tended to work against any true involvement with the characters and their dreams. However, with its period-feel songs and clever lyrics, it was generally considered a worthy, if not too exciting, effort. In a revised version, it had its American premiere in New Jersey in April 2010, again directed by Sam Buntrock.

Version 2
Take flight (2010-04-McCarter Theatre Center-Princeton)
Type de série: RecréationThéâtre: Redwood City (San Francisco - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine
Nombre :
Première Preview : 30 April 2010
Première: 30 April 2010
Dernière: 06 June 2010
Mise en scène : Sam Buntrock •
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
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