Trois saisons plus tôt, Ethel Merman et Jimmy Durante avaient triomphé dans Red, Hot and Blue (), et ils se retrouvaient à nouveau ensemble dans Stars in Your Eyes d’Arthur Schwartz et Dorothy Fields. Mais en dépit de Merman et Durante, une distribution qui comprenait des comiques acerbes comme Mildred Natwick, Mary Wickes et Clinton Sundberg, et les danseurs Tamara Toumanova, Alicia Alonso, Fernando Alonso, Nora Kaye, Jerome Robbins et Maria Karnilova; une très belle partition qui allait de l'humour (A Lady Needs a Change, It’s All Yours) au flamboyant (I’ll Pay the Check) en passant par le style optimiste (This Is It); et une critique élogieuse du célèbre Brooks Atkinson dans le New York Times.. Le musical a fermé en moins de quatre mois à Broadway.
Acte I
“Places, Everybody” (Company)
“One Brief Moment” (Walter Cassel, Paul Godkin, Ensemble)
“This Is It” (Ethel Merman, Walter Cassel, Edward Kane, Robert Shanley, Davis Cunningham)
“All the Time” (Richard Carlson, Tamara Toumanova)
“Self-Made Man” (Jimmy Durante)
“OK for Sound” (Rennie McEvoy, Dawn Roland, Ensemble)
“A Lady Needs a Change” (Ethel Merman)
“Terribly Attractive” (Jimmy Durante, Mildred Natwick)
“Just a Little Bit More” (Ethel Merman)
“Night Club Ballet” (Tamara Toumanova, Ted Gary, Dan Dailey Jr., Ensemble)
Finale (Ethel Merman, Ensemble)
Acte II
“As of Today” (Rennie McEvoy, Frances Rands, Mary Wickes, Roger Stearns, Kathryn Mayfield, David Morris, Betty Hunter, Dan Dailey Jr., Ensemble)
“He’s Goin’ Home” (Jimmy Durante, Ensemble)
“I’ll Pay the Check” (Ethel Merman)
“Never a Dull Moment” (Dawn Roland, Ted Gary, Dan Dailey Jr., Rennie McEvoy, Audrey Westphal, Ensemble)
“This Is It” (reprise) (Ethel Merman)
“Court Ballet” (Tamara Toumanova, Corps de Ballet, Walter Cassel, Edward Kane, Robert Shanley, Davis Cunningham)
“It’s All Yours” (Ethel Merman, Jimmy Durante)
Finale (Company)
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Stars in Your Eyes

Version 1
Stars in Your Eyes (1939-02-Majestic Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Majestic Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 3 mois 2 semaines
Nombre : 127 représentations
Première Preview : 09 February 1939
Première: 09 February 1939
Dernière: 27 May 1939
Mise en scène : Joshua Logan •
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Ted Gary (Assistant Director), Davis Cunningham (Second Assistant Director, Photographer), Edward Kane (Third Assistant Director, Photographer), Robert Shanley (Fourth Assistant Director, Photographer), Dan Dailey Jr. (Fifth Assistant Director), Roger Stearns (Sixth Assistant Director), Edith Grant (First Girl), Thekla Horn (Second Girl), Nancy Wiman (Third Girl), Johanne Hoven (Wardrobe Woman), David Morris (Carpenter, English Consul), Frances Rands (Fourth Girl), Anthony Albert (Electrician), Rennie McEvoy (Soundman), Dawn Roland (Babe), Clinton Sundberg (Wilder), Walter Wagner (Cameraman), Ambrose Costello (Assistant Soundman, Watchman, German Consul), Phyllis Roque (Fifth Girl), Natasha Dana (Sixth Girl), Nora Kaye (Dancing Girl), Walter Cassel (Leading Man, Photographer), Gloria Clare (Script Girl), Mildred Natwick (Bess), Ethel Merman (Jeanette Adair), Mary Wickes (Voice Coach), Kathryn Mayfield (Maid), Jimmy Durante (Bill), Basil Galahoff (Jockey), Robert Ross (Darrow), Richard Carlson (John Blake), Tamara Toumanova (Tata), Richard Barbee (Dawson), Russel Protopoff (Russian Consul), Dwight Godwin (French Consul), Fernando Alonso (Italian Consul); Ladies of the Ballet: Alecia (Alicia) Alonso, Peggy Conrad, Maria De Galanta, Jane Everett, Gail Grant, Marion Haynes, Thekla Horn, Johanne Hoven, Marjorie Johnstone, Nora Kaye, Maria Karniloff (later, Karnilova), Frances Rands, Audrey Reynolds, Olga Suarez, Margaret Vasilieff, Mary Jane Williams; Gentlemen of the Ballet: Anthony Albert, Fernando Alonso, Paul Alvin, Savva Andreieff, Dwight Godwin, Basil Galahoff, George Kiddon, Russel Protopoff, Richard Reed, Newcombe Rice, Jerome Robbins
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