The show will give surprising new insight into Rembrandt's turbulent life, of which the general public knows so little. Why did the regents, the lords of the canals, want to destroy the once so popular and beloved Rembrandt? Why was his love Hendrickje Stoffels dragged before the church council on account of prostitution? How dangerous and treacherous was his maid Geertje Dircx, who wanted to force him to marry her? He was surrounded by no end of intrigue, but Rembrandt stood firm. Rebellious as always, he refused to bend for the powerful lords of the canals, though it was to lead to his financial downfall. He retained his freedom however and was true to himself.
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Rembrandt
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Rembrandt

Version 1
Rembrandt (2006-07-Carré Theater-Amsterdam)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Carré (Koninlijk Theater) (Amsterdam - Pays-Bas)
Durée : 4 mois 4 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 15 July 2006
Dernière: 10 December 2006
Mise en scène : ???? ???? •
Chorégraphie : ???? ???? •
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 2
Rembrandt (2006-12-Nieuw Luxor Theater-Rotterdam)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Nieuw Luxor Theater (Rotterdam - Pays-Bas)
Durée : 2 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 19 December 2006
Dernière: 07 January 2007
Mise en scène : ???? ???? •
Chorégraphie : ???? ???? •
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Pas encore de video disponible pour ce spectacle