La somptueuse opérette Fioretta se déroulait à Venise au cours du XVIIIe siècle et a été une rare excursion dans le monde du "book musical" pour le producteur Earl Carroll, plus connus pour ses Earl Carroll Vanities (10 Vanities au total, de 1923 à 1940, ainsi que deux Sketch Books en 1929 et 1935). Earl Carroll a seulement occasionnellement tâtonné dans le "book musical" (dans divers rôles de parolier, compositeur, librettiste et interprète. Il a été associé à quatre "book musicals" pendant les années 1914-1918 et, en 1933, il a été co-librettiste et producteur du musical Murder at the Vanities).
Act I
Dance: “Pierrot and Pierrette” (Dancers)
“Blade of Mine” (lyric by Grace Henry and Jo Trent, music by George Bagby) (George Houston)
Dance: “Carnival of Venice” (Specialty Dancers: Nelson Snow and Charles Columbus)
“Coronation of the Queen” (Ensemble)
“Dream Boat” (lyric by Grace Henry and Jo Trent, music by George Bagby) (George Houston, Dorothy Knapp)
“Roses of Red” (lyric and music by G. Romilli) (performer[s] unknown)
“Wicked Old Willage of Wenice” (Fannie Brice, Jay Brennan, Charles Howard)
“Carissima” (lyric by Grace Henry, music by G. Romilli) (George Houston)
“Wedding of Fioretta” (Ensemble)
Act II
“Chant of the Monks” (Monks)
“Little Flower” (performer[s] unknown)
“In My Gondola” (probably sung by Leon Errol)
“My Heart Belongs to You” (lyric by Grace Henry and Jo Trent) (Ethel June Walker)
“Minister's Soliloquy” (Lionel Atwell)
Dance (The Three Demons)
“Alone with You” (lyric and music by G. Romilli) (Ethel June Walker, Lionel Atwell)
“Aria” (Fannie Brice)
“Fioretta” (lyric and music by G. Romilli) (Giovanni Guerreri, Male Chorus)
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Fioretta

Version 1
Fioretta (1929-02-Earl Carroll Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Casino Theatre (Bway) (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 3 mois
Nombre : 111 représentations
Première Preview : 05 February 1929
Première: 05 February 1929
Dernière: 11 May 1929
Mise en scène : Clifford Brooke •
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Theo Karle (Duke of Venice), Ethel Jane Walker (Duchess of Venice), Clement Taylor (Jester), Martin Sheppard (Sergeant), Lionel Atwell (Count Matteo di Brozzo), Leo Pardello (Ugo), Blanche Stachel (Lady from Rome), Carol Kingsbury (Spanish Ambassador's Daughter), Margaret Manners (Lady from Milan), Elsie Patrick (Lady from Pisa), Irma Philbin (Lady from Naples), Evelyn Crowell (Dancer from Paris), G. Davison Clark (Captain of the Guard), Rita Crane (Guiseppa), Leon Errol (Julio Pepoli), Alphonso Mullarkey (A Herald), Leonard Trion (Pietro), Frank Fiore (Enrico), Frank Cullen (Giacomo), Dorothy Knapp (Fioretta Pepoli), August Lindauer (Roberto), Lillian Bond (Rosamanda), Vivian Wilson (Silvia), Elsie Connor (Beatrice), George Houston (Orsino the Count di Rovani), Harry Goldberg (Tito), Giovanni Guerrerl (Luigi), Sidney Schlesser (Marco), Fannie (aka Fanny) Brice (Marchesa Vera di Livio), Jay Brennan (Caponetti), Charles Howard (Marquis Filippo Di Livio), Nelson Snow (Harlequin), Charles Columbus (Harlequin), Vic Banks (Soldier), Stuart N. Farrington (Corporal), Peggy Taylor (Rosa), Gean Greenwald (Bishop), Wallace Magill (Bishop), Jackson Fairchild (Turnkey), David Gerry (Paulo), The Three Demons (V. Banks, S. Barrington, and P. Taylor), Geranium (of the donkey persuasion, who played himself); Ladies: Dorothy Britton, Elsie Pedrick, Carol Kingsbury, Ruth K. Patterson, Blanche Satchel, Margaret Manners, Irma Philbin, Evelyn Crowell; Misses: Faith Bacon, Catherine Clark, Angeline Hassell, Elsie Connor, Rita Stone, Rae Powell, Sylvia Derby, Betty Goodwin, Autumn Simms, Margaret Joyce, Rita Crane, Vivian Wilson, Marion Harcke, Nelda Kincaid, Frances DeLacy, Lillian Bond, Odessa Morgan, Ida Michael, Doris Maye, Rosa Shaw, Dorothy Corrigan, Virginia Hawkins, Dorice Covert, Louise Brooks, Violet Arnold, Dorothea Frank; Gentlemen: Leo Bronson, Costanza Venturella, Harry Goldberg, Martin Sheppard, Ordoni Muzzi, Albert Sanchez, Ernest Tello, Wallace Magill, Frank Cullen, Alfonso Mullarkey, Armin Muller, Louis Ruff, Jackson Fairchild, Don Walling, Stanley Howard, Clement Taylor, Benjamin Tilberg, Sidney Schlesser, Leon Dumbadse, Charles Naylor, J. Allen Ware, Jack Boggs, John Zimmerman, Gean Greenwald, John Roland, Russell McLelland, Leonard Ross, Bob Lee, Roy Hansen, William Billinghurst, John Marlowe, Hugh Saunders, Jack Leps, Paul Banker, David Gerry, Martin LeRoy
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