Musical (2017)

Musique: Jean-Baptiste Saudray
Paroles: Sebastien Lancrenon
Livret: Sebastien Lancrenon
Production à la création:

The Braille Legacy tells the thrilling, true, inspirational and epic story of Louis Braille, a young blind boy who wanted the same chance in life as those who see and ended up improving the lives of millions of blind people around the world.

The Braille Legacy tells the thrilling, true, inspirational and epic story of Louis Braille, a young blind boy who wanted the same chance in life as those who see and ended up improving the lives of millions of blind people around the world. In Paris in the 19th century, blind people were victims of profound discrimination. Louis Braille, a bright young mind with a mad dream, arrives at the Royal Institute of Blind Youth, searching for the same chance as everyone else: to be free and independent. But he soon discovers that people and things aren't always what they first seem. By sheer determination and courage, he stumbles upon something revolutionary: a simple idea, a genius invention, a legacy.

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Version 1

Braille Legacy (The) (2017-04-Charing Cross Theatre-London)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Charing Cross Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 2 mois
Nombre :
Première Preview : 10 April 2017
Première: 24 April 2017
Dernière: 24 June 2017
Mise en scène : Thom Southerland
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Jerome Pradon (Louis Braille), Jason Broderick, Tate-Elliot Drew, Will Haswell, Lottie Henshall, Sarah-Marie Maxwell, Matthew McDonald, Kate Milner-Evans, Janet Mooney, Ceili O'Connor, Michael Remick, Ashley Stillburn, Jack Wolfe, Guillermo Bedward (some dates), Thomas Brown (some dates), Tallulah Byrne (some dates), Beau Cripps (some dates), Ilan Galkoff (some dates), Honey Harrison-Maw (some dates), Eliz Hassan (some dates), Megan Haynes (some dates), Zachary Loonie (some dates), Mimi Slinger (some dates), Ophir Fifi Tal (some dates), William Thompson (some dates).

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