'Bare, a Pop Opera' est un musical qui raconte l'histoire de deux lycéens, Peter Simonds et Jason McConnell, et leurs problèmes dans leur lycée privé catholique. Peter est un homosexuel sensible qui essaie de réconcilier sa foi et sa sexualité. Un jour, ses camarades dénoncent son homsexualité durant une messe. Mais, en fait, ce n'était qu'un cauchemard. Il est amoureux de Jason, son camarade de chambre. Jason veut que leur relation reste secrète mais Peter veut être plus ouvert …
Acte I
It is the Feast of the Epiphany, and mass is being held at St. Cecilia's boarding school to welcome students back from Christmas break. Peter, an altar boy, falls asleep during the priest's homily and drifts into a nightmare in which he is outed by statues of saints, his mother, and his classmates (Epiphany). On his way to class after Mass, Peter finds his roommate and clandestine boyfriend, Jason, who tries to assuage Peter's frustration about their relationship (You and I). Peter asks Jason to audition for the Senior Play, a production of Romeo and Juliet, so they can spend more time together, but Jason refuses. The bell rings without Peter getting his desired kiss, and as he watches Jason walk away, Peter reflects on their relationship (Role of a Lifetime).
At auditions for Romeo and Juliet, Sister Chantelle, the school's no-nonsense drama teacher, is underwhelmed by the acting candidates – until Jason surprises Peter by showing up (Auditions). He and Matt, another altar boy, battle for the role. Sister Chantelle awards the role to Jason, and Ivy, the school's popular is his Juliet. Peter is Mercutio, Matt is Tybalt, and Jason's acerbic twin sister, Nadia, is the nurse.
Jason stays to console his sister, who wanted the role of Juliet (Plain Jane Fat Ass). She opens a letter she's received from their father, revealing that Jason has been accepted to Notre Dame, his first choice of schools.
At study hall, Matt tries to plan a small surprise party for Ivy's birthday while Lucas, St. Cecilia's resident party boy, tries to recruit everyone to go to a rave (Wonderland). In his best white boy rap, he introduces the students to two drugs: K and GHB.
The night of the rave, Nadia decides not to go, after seeing the skimpy attire on Ivy and the attention it's generating from Matt. When everyone leaves without her, she takes out her cello and spends another quiet night by herself (A Quiet Night at Home).
At the rave, Peter dances closer to Jason while Ivy dances closer to Matt (Rolling). As Peter goes in for a public kiss, Jason pulls him outside. They argue over the nature of their relationship, Peter wanting to be more open, Jason telling him that the rave is different from school (Best Kept Secret). Peter finally gets his kiss; it's not public, but it is, unbeknownst to them, witnessed by Matt.
The following morning, the groggy students gather for their least favorite St. Cecilia's activity: confession (Confessions). Peter comes close to telling the priest how he feels, and Matt comes even closes to telling him what he saw. At first rehearsal that afternoon, Sister Chantelle realizes she has her work cut out for her. During a break, Nadia makes a crack at Ivy's promiscuity, and Ivy reflects on the image the students have of her (Portrait of a Girl).
The intimate party Matt was planning to impress Ivy gets commandeered by Nadia, who turns it into a full-scale bash (Birthday Bitch!). Peter stuffs his face with brownies, not realizing they're pot brownies, and begins flirting openly with Jason. Ivy, drunk, also flirts openly with Jason, and when he chooses Ivy over Peter to protect his image, Peter storms off. Ivy dismisses Matt's advances, concentrating her energy on landing Jason. She asks him for a kiss for her birthday, and he reluctantly agrees (One Kiss).
Both Matt and Peter retreat to the solace of the church's chapel, where they ask God for answers (Are You There?). There, Matt takes the opportunity to ask about the "nature" of his relationship with Jason. Peter, still high from the brownies, confesses all to Matt, desperate to talk about his confusion. When Matt abruptly leaves, Peter realizes what he has done, but is stopped when he has a second "vision" in the church: Mother Mary appears in the guise of Sister Chantelle. She and her two angel sidekicks tell Peter it's time to tell his mother his secret (911! Emergency).
At rehearsal the following day, Jason and Matt's fight scene turns real, and they have to be separated (Reputation Stain'd). Peter tells Jason about the vision he had, and that he wants Jason to go home with him over Spring Break so he can tell his mother about them. Jason's had enough, and breaks up with Peter (Ever After).
As students pack to go home for Spring Break, Nadia sings a self-penned ode to spring (Spring). Peter leaves wordlessly with his mother, as Ivy shows up at Jason's dorm to apologize for throwing herself at him at her party. When Jason gives Ivy the impression that he enjoyed kissing her, Ivy goes in for more, and Jason gives in. As Peter misses Jason, Matt pines for Ivy, and Nadia begs to be noticed, Jason has sex with Ivy in his dorm room, hoping that this is the right thing to do (One).
Acte II
Act Two opens in the church, where the scene is set for an elaborate gay wedding. Peter is dreaming again, this time about a civil ceremony with Jason (Wedding Bells). After Mass, class ranks are posted; Jason has once again bested Matt, walking away with the valedictorian spot (In the Hallway).
Ivy wonders why Jason hasn't called her since that night, telling him that she has, for the first time, fallen in love (Touch My Soul). Jason, realizing that the feelings Ivy is describing are exactly what he feels for Peter, breaks things off, devastating her.
Peter phones his mother to finally tell her his secret. But she won't let him say the words, continually changing the subject (See Me). She hangs up on him, but she knows what he wanted to tell her. Alone, she wonders how to deal with what to her is a confusing and earth-shattering revelation (Warning).
With two weeks to go before the show, Ivy misses yet another rehearsal, claiming illness. Sister Chantelle asks the understudy to read with Jason, but she can't remember her lines. Peter steps in, and for a moment, all is perfect, as he dances with Jason (Pilgrim's Hands). Ivy finally shows up, breaking the spell. Sister Chantelle cancels rehearsal, and tells the students they are on their own for rehearsal – she's through. Ivy begs Jason to talk to her, and he agrees to meet her before the student-led rehearsal that evening. As students move to exit, Sister Chantelle tells Peter to stay. She knows what's bothering him – and tells him that he's exactly as God intended him to be (God Don't Make No Trash).
When Nadia returns to the dorm room, she confronts Ivy about missing rehearsal, assuming she's moping about her brother breaking up with her. They argue, and Ivy reveals the true reason she's been missing rehearsal: she's pregnant (All Grown Up).
Ivy leaves and finds Jason practicing his valedictory address in the auditorium, and there she tells him her news. As Jason reels from the revelation, he wonders whether this is exactly what he wanted all along? He tells her that maybe he does, in fact, love her, but at that moment, Matt steps out of the wings and reveals Jason and Peter's relationship. Peter shows up, then Nadia – and then the entire cast is revealed, having heard everything (Promise).
Jason returns to his dorm room and watches Peter sleeping peacefully (Once Upon a Time).With nowhere to turn, Jason goes to the priest to ask the question that has tormented him for years – does God still love him? When Jason presses the priest for an answer, the priest ultimately condemns him (Cross).
As the students lead vocal warm-ups for the show, Lucas passes out their afterparty drug orders (Two Households). As the show is about to begin, Jason pulls Peter aside and makes a plea: run away with him. Peter tells Jason he's done running. Jason nods, knowing it's finished; just before going on, Jason takes a lethal dose of GHB. Right as everyone moves into places, Jason pulls Peter aside to tell him he loves him; the share a final kiss (Bare), and the play begins.
As the play unfolds, Jason becomes increasingly disoriented. During the Queen Mab speech, he loses his place completely and begins to hallucinate (Queen Mab); this segues into the masked ball scene, where Jason has increasing difficulty keeping time as the players switch partners, and he collapses, reaching for Peter (A Glooming Peace).
Peter visits the confessional, confronting the priest about his final visit with Jason. Struggling to come to terms with his role in Jason's death, he asks Peter for forgiveness, which Peter grants (Absolution).
At graduation, Peter, Matt, Ivy and Nadia try to process their grief over Jason's death, trying to understand it and wondering whether they could have prevented it. As the senior class of St. Cecilia's graduates, the chorus of students crescendos and they move forward into a world that offers more questions than answers (No Voice).
Un musical culte, qui n'a été joué que fort peu de temps mais a son lot de fans, bien au-delà des homosexuels.
1 Bare: a pop opera est un musical abordant de manière centrale l'homosexualité.
The musical debuted at the Hudson Theatre in Los Angeles, California, running from October 2000 - February 25, 2001. The New York production of bare, at the American Theatre of Actors off-Broadway, ran from April 19 - May 27, 2004. The Los Angeles production and the New York production were both directed by Kristin Hanggi. bare made its Houston debut at The Country Playhouse Black Box Productions June 6–21, 2008. It was directed by O'Dell Hutchison with musical direction by Luke Kirkwood. bare had its Canadian Premiere in the Summer of 2009 at the Hart House Theatre, Toronto. The production was produced by WatersEdge Productions Inc. bare had its Sydney Premiere in September 2010 at the New Theatre, as part of the Sydney Fringe Festival. bare played at the Black Box Theater (also known as The Complex Performing Arts Center) in Putnam Connecticut from July 8-16, 2011. It was performed by MacEwan University performing arts grads and Raw Mango Productions at the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival, August 14-20, 2011.
Acte I
Epiphany — Company
You & I — Jason, Peter and Students
Role of a Lifetime — Peter
Auditions — Sister Chantelle & Students
Plain Jane Fat Ass — Nadia & Jason †
Wonderland — Lucas & Students
A Quiet Night at Home — Nadia
Best Kept Secret — Jason & Peter
Confession — Priest & Students
Portrait of a Girl — Ivy & Matt
Birthday, Bitch! — Students
One Kiss — Ivy & Jason
Are You There? — Matt & Peter
911! Emergency! — Virgin Mary & Cherubs
Reputation Stain'd — Students
Ever After — Peter & Jason
Spring — Nadia
One — Ivy, Jason, Nadia, Matt and Peter
Acte II
Wedding Bells — Company
In The Hallway — Students
Touch My Soul — Ivy & Jason
See Me — Peter & Claire
Warning — Claire
Pilgrim's Hands — Jason, Peter and Students
God Don't Make No Trash — Sister Chantelle
All Grown Up — Ivy
Promise — Jason, Ivy, Matt, Peter and Nadia
Once Upon a Time — Jason
Cross — Jason & Priest
Two Households — Students
Bare — Jason & Peter
Queen Mab — Peter
A Glooming Peace — Students
Absolution — Peter
No Voice — Company
† Replaced with "Love, Dad" in the 2004 Off-Broadway production.
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Bare: a pop opera
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Bare: a pop opera

Version 1
Bare: a pop opera (2000-10-Hudson Main Stage Theatre-Los Angeles)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Hudson Main Stage Theatre (Los Angeles - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 4 mois 2 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 14 October 2000
Dernière: 25 February 2001
Mise en scène : Kristin Hanggi •
Chorégraphie : Onalee Hunter •
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Commentaires longs: The show was only supposed to play 32 performances but was extended to a four-month run. It won the LA Weekly Award for Best Musical, the Ovation Award for Best Musical and the LA Drama Critics Award for Best Score.
La version de Los Angeles de ce musical qui n'allait pas tarder à devenir culte. Avec: Jason: John Griffin - Peter: John Torres - Nadia: Keili Lefkovitz - Ivy: Jenna Leigh Green - Matt: Wallace Smith - Clair: Robin Karfo - Tanya/Cherub: Stephanie Hill - Diane/Cantor: Jennie Kwan - Lucas: Philip Dean Lightstone - Jake/Saint Jude: Reed Prescott - Sister Chantelle: Stephanie Anderson - Priest: Mark Edgar Stephens

Version 2
Bare: a pop opera (2004-04-American Theatre of Actors-Off Broadway)
Type de série: Original Off-BroadwayThéâtre: American Theatre of Actors (Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine
Nombre :
Première Preview : 25 March 2004
Première: 19 April 2004
Dernière: 27 May 2004
Mise en scène : Kristin Hanggi •
Chorégraphie : Sergio Trujillo •
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Commentaires longs: Le revival de Bare qui constitue sa création dans l'off Broadway.

Version 3
Bare: a pop opera (2007-12-Bailiwick Repertory-Chicago)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Bailiwick Repertory (Chicago - Etats-Unis)
Durée :
Nombre :
Première Preview : 13 December 2007
Première: 17 December 2007
Dernière: 27 January 2008
Mise en scène :
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Commentaires longs: Un deuxoième revival du musical culte. On a à ce stade fort peu d'information sur cette version.
Presse : "But the voices are a pleasure. Reynolds is ideal as the Bailiwick prototype, a happy gay leading lad, and Courtney Crouse sings and blends into the ensemble effortlessly as a rarity: a sympathetic, down-on-his-luck straight guy." - TimeOut Chicago

Version 4
Bare: a pop opera (2007-12-Bailiwick Repertory-Chicago)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Bailiwick Repertory (Chicago - Etats-Unis)
Durée :
Nombre :
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 17 December 2007
Dernière: Inconnu
Mise en scène : ???? ???? •
Chorégraphie : ???? ???? •
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 5
Bare: a pop opera (2008-02-KD Studio Theatre-Dallas)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: KD Studio Theatre (Dallas - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 1 mois
Nombre :
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 15 February 2008
Dernière: 16 March 2008
Mise en scène : Cheryl Denson •
Chorégraphie : Vicki Squires •
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 6
Bare: a pop opera (2008-07-Wheeler Arts Center-Indianapolis)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Wheeler Arts Center (Indianapolis - Etats-Unis)
Durée :
Nombre :
Première Preview : 24 July 2008
Première: 24 July 2008
Dernière: 27 July 2008
Mise en scène : ???? ???? •
Chorégraphie : ???? ???? •
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Commentaires longs: Une belle production régionale…

Version 7
Bare: a pop opera (2009-07-Hart House Theatre-Toronto)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Hart House Theatre (Toronto - Canada)
Durée : 2 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 17 July 2009
Première: 17 July 2009
Dernière: 01 August 2009
Mise en scène : Brian Gregory-Waters •
Chorégraphie : Michele Shuster •
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 8
Bare: a pop opera (2011-06-University South Campus Theatre-Washington)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: University South Campus Theatre (Washington - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 3 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 02 June 2011
Dernière: 25 June 2011
Mise en scène : ???? ???? •
Chorégraphie : ???? ???? •
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 9
Bare: a pop opera (2011-08-Waterfront Theatre-Vancouver)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Waterfront Theatre (Vancouver - Canada)
Durée : 1 semaine
Nombre :
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 04 August 2011
Dernière: 13 August 2011
Mise en scène : Ryan Mooney •
Chorégraphie : Aucun •
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 10
Bare: a pop opera (2012-12-New World Stages Stage IV-Off Broadway)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: New World Stages Stage IV (Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 4 mois 2 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 19 November 2012
Première: 09 December 2012
Dernière: 28 April 2013
Mise en scène : Stafford Arima •
Chorégraphie : Travis Wall •
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 11
Bare: a pop opera (2015-10-Feinstein's/54 Below-NY) Reunion Concert
Type de série: ConcertThéâtre: Feinstein's/54 Below (New-York - Etats-Unis)
Durée :
Nombre : 2 représentations
Première Preview : 12 October 2015
Première: 12 October 2015
Dernière: 12 October 2015
Mise en scène : Kristin Hanggi •
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: From the 2000 Los Angeles Production: John Griffin, Keili Lefkovitz, Philip Dean Lightstone, Stephanie Andersen, Charity Hill, Jennie Kwan, Maura Knowles, Joseph Pinzon, Reed Prescott, Tassa Varga, Sierra Rein, Richard Hellstern, Natalie Avital, and a special video appearance by John Torres.
From the 2004 New York Production: Jenna Leigh Green, John Hill, Michael Arden, Natalie Joy Johnson, Romelda Benjamin, Jim Price, Kaitlin Hopkins, Isaac Calpito, Mike Canon, and Kearran Giovanni.
From the 2012 New York Production: Taylor Trensch, Elizabeth Judd, Sara Kapner, Ariana Groover, Justin Gregory Lopez, and Michael Tacconi.
From the 2013 Los Angeles Production: Payson Lewis and Jonah Platt.
From the 2013 London Production: Dale Evans
Commentaires : On October 12th, members of the original Los Angeles and New York City casts of Damon Intrabartolo and Jon Hartmere Jr.’s beloved pop opera bare will reunite on the Feinstein’s/54 Below stage in a concert of music from the show. The cast will be led by the show’s original director, Kristin Hanggi, and the original New York production’s music director, Jesse Vargas. Members of original New York and Los Angeles casts will also be joined by cast members of the recent New World Stages and Los Angeles productions. The concert will be produced by Benjamin Rauhala.
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