The Tony Award winning lyricist of A CHORUS LINE was hell-bent on writing both the words and music for a Broadway show, a goal unrealized in 1987 when he died of cancer at the age of 48. Only posthumously would Ed's songs garner the acclaim they always deserved, in the biographical musical A CLASS ACT. Ed got his start in the BMI Musical Theater Workshop where he largely amasses the charismatic songbook that has been arranged in A CLASS ACT to dramatize Ed's often hilarious, ultimately heartbreaking journey. An ensemble of 7 inhabit the colorful gallery of friends and loved ones in Ed's life including the legendarily acerbic Lehman Engle, the relentlessly peppy Marvin Hamlisch, and Über-creative Michael Bennett. Fourteen years after his death, one of the theater's unsung champions finally got the recognition he always deserved in this vibrant musical about musicals.
In 1988, a memorial service to Ed Kleban is being held at the Shubert Theatre. Ed appears at his own memorial. His friends and colleagues remember him and think back over the past. As the time shifts backwards, the friends reminisce about the songwriting workshop held by Lehman Engel (B.M.I. Workshop). As Ed interacts with the people in his life, he deals with ambitions, success, failures, and loves.
Acte I
Light on My Feet – Ed and Company
The Fountain in the Garden – Company
One More Beautiful Song – Ed and Sophie
Fridays at Four – Company
Bobby's Song – Bobby
Charm Song – Lehman and Company
Paris Through The Window – Ed, Bobby and Charley
Mona – Mona
Under Separate Cover – Sophie, Lucy and Ed
Don't Do It Again – Felicia and Ed
Gauguin's Shoes – Ed and Company
Don't Do It Again (Reprise) – Lehman
Follow Your Star – Sophie and Ed
Acte II
Better – Ed and Company
Scintillating Sophie – Ed
The Next Best Thing To Love – Sophie
Broadway Boogie Woogie – Lucy
Better (Reprise) – Ed and Company
I Choose You – Ed and Lucy
The Nightmare – Ed
Say Something Funny – Company
When the Dawn Breaks – Ed
Self Portrait – Ed
Ed – Edward Kleban, lyricist and composer
Sophie – Ed's oldest friend and first love, an oncologist
Lehman Engel – head of the songwriting workshop
Michael Bennett – director/ choreographer of A Chorus Line
Marvin Hamlisch – composer of A Chorus Line
Lucy – Ed's last significant other, member of the BMI Workshop
Felicia – Ed's boss at Columbia Records, member of the BMI Workshop
Bobby – Ed's best friend, member of the BMI Workshop
Charlie – a friend from the workshop, member of the BMI Workshop
Mona – one of Ed's many love affairs, member of the BMI Workshop
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant A class act

Version 1
A class act (2000-10-New York City Center - Stage II)
Type de série: Original Off-BroadwayThéâtre: New York City Center - Stage II (Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 2 mois 1 semaine
Nombre :
Première Preview : 03 October 2000
Première: 03 October 2000
Dernière: 10 December 2000
Mise en scène : Lonny Price •
Chorégraphie : Scott Wise •
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Avec: Lonny Price (Ed Kleban), Randy Graff (Sophie), David Hibbard (Bobby/Michael Bennett), Nancy Kathryn Anderson (Mona), Donna Bullock (Lucy), Sara Ramirez (Felicia), Patrick Quinn (Lehman Engel), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Charlie/Marvin Hamlisch)
Commentaires longs: Sera transféré à Broadway.

Version 2
A class act (2001-03-Ambassador Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: Broadway TransferThéâtre: Ambassador Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 3 mois
Nombre : 30 previews - 105 représentations
Première Preview : 14 February 2001
Première: 11 March 2001
Dernière: 10 June 2001
Mise en scène : Lonny Price •
Chorégraphie : Scott Wise •
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Avec: Lonny Price (Ed Kleban), Randy Graff (Sophie), David Hibbard (Bobby/Michael Bennett), Nancy Kathryn Anderson (Mona), Donna Bullock (Lucy), Sara Ramirez (Felicia), Patrick Quinn (Lehman Engel), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Charlie/Marvin Hamlisch)

Version 3
A class act (2004-09-Landor Theatre-London)
Type de série: Original LondonThéâtre: Landor Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 1 mois
Nombre :
Première Preview : 02 September 2004
Première: 02 September 2004
Dernière: 02 October 2004
Mise en scène : Robert McWhir •
Chorégraphie : Cathie Carday •
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Avec: Vanessa Cross, Barry Fantoni, Anthony Houghton, Naomi Lewis, Zoe Smith, John Stacey, Sarah Waddell, Morgan Williams
Medley aux Tony Awards
A class act (2001-03-Ambassador Theatre-Broadway)
Lonny Price dirige la troupe originale de Broadway dans un medley : «Follow Your Star», «Better» et «Self Portrait» aux Tony Awards.
Qualité: **** Intérêt: ***
Langue: Anglais Durée: 00:03:40