King's Head Theatre
Londres - Angleterre
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18) Naked Boys Singing (Revival)
Joué durant 1 mois
Première preview: 26 May 2009
Première: 29 May 2009
Dernière: 04 July 2009
Compositeur: *** Divers •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Libettiste: Robert Schrock •
Metteur en scène: Phil Willmott •
Chorégraphe: Andrew Wright •
Avec: Stephen Butler, Duncan Leighton, David Lucas, Adam Mendlesohn, Matthew Russell-Jones, Nathan Taylor, Joe Van Haeften
Commentaire: The show did appear briefly at Madame JoJo’s Soho club in 2001, but this was its first official London production, in a version adapted for an English audience. It transferred to the Arts Theatre for a short additional run. (plus)
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17) Rue magique (Original)
Joué durant 1 mois 1 semaine
Première preview: 21 October 2008
Première: 29 October 2008
Dernière: 07 December 2008
Compositeur: Brett Kahr •
Parolier: Brett Kahr •
Libettiste: Lisa Forrell •
Metteur en scène: Lisa Forrell •
Chorégraphe: Damian Jackson •
Avec: Melanie La Barrie (Desdemona), Nadia Di Mambro (Sugar), Terei Nugent (Rem), Gavin Ashbarry, Adam Bayjou, Julian Forsyth, Amanda Minihan, Amanda Posener, Anna Stolli
Commentaire: Possibly this was intended as a “Jerry Springer” type satire (the lyrics included lines like “penetration is cruel when you’re just out of school” and “It sucks when you have to pay, ’Cos you’re fat, masochistic or gay”) but it failed to raise a laugh with the critics. In spite of some stirring gospel and effective comedy songs, it was generally described as tasteless, woefully ill-conceived, disastrously misjudged and seriously offensive. On the other hand, a minority of supporters claimed it was based on real-life events and was a story that needed to be told. (plus)
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16) Betwixt! (Original)
Joué durant 1 mois 1 semaine
Première preview: 06 May 2008
Première: 11 May 2008
Dernière: 22 June 2008
Compositeur: Ian McFarlane •
Parolier: Ian McFarlane •
Libettiste: Ian McFarlane •
Metteur en scène: Kate Golledge •
Chorégraphe: Lucie Pankhurst •
Avec: Bailey ... Stephen Fletcher / Cooper ... Ian McFarlane / Miranda ... Abi Finley / Langwidere ... Amanda Symonds / Garbo ... Mark Inscoe / Marasmus ... Ross Aldred / April McScoup ... Claire Greenway / Princess Ariella ... Amy Griffiths / Haydn Prince & Prince Haydn ... David McGranaghan
Commentaire: This first version was regarded as a charming but inconsequential curiosity. (plus)
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Original London
15) Thing About Men (The) (Original London)
Joué durant 1 mois
Première preview: 26 April 2007
Première: 30 April 2007
Dernière: 03 June 2007
Compositeur: Jimmy Roberts •
Parolier: Jo DiPietro •
Libettiste: Jo DiPietro •
Metteur en scène:
Avec: Paul Baker ( Man), Tiffany Graves (Woman), Hal Fowler (Tom), Nicola Dawn (Lucy), Tim Rogers (Sebastian)
Commentaire: The piece was revised and re-orchestrated for its London premiere, but did not create much of an impression on the critics nor audiences alike. (plus)
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14) ** Hors DB Musical (Reprise)
Joué durant 1 mois 2 semaines
Première preview: 08 November 2004
Première: 08 November 2004
Dernière: 26 December 2004
Compositeur: *** Divers •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Libettiste: *** Divers •
Metteur en scène:
Avec: Jonathan Robbins (Anthony Marigold Bentley), Rosalie Craig (Edith
Marigold Bentley), Chris Larner (Narrator, etc), Mark Stevens (Pianist, etc)
Commentaire: An odd little piece from the Edinburgh Festival by the co-writer of the successful “The Play What I Wrote”, it was a great hit on the Edinburgh Fringe and some London reviewers regarded it as a piece of great charm and gusto. However many others took the view “too many average-to-inadequate shows get praised to high heaven during the annual Fringe frenzy, when theatre critics seem to either lose their marbles or get light-headed on the Edinburgh air and laugh hysterically at anything.” (plus)
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13) Call me Merman (Original)
Joué durant 1 mois
Première preview: 30 December 2003
Première: 30 December 2003
Dernière: 01 February 2004
Compositeur: *** Divers •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Libettiste: *** Divers •
Metteur en scène: David Kernan •
Chorégraphe: Lindsay Dolan •
Avec: Angela Richards {Ethel Merman), Susannah Fellowes (Kitty), Mark White (Arty), Michael Roberts, Fiz Shapur
Commentaire: The life-story of Ethel Merman, devised around a fictitious TV biography being made in Las Vegas. The rehearsal process allows characters to say things like “Shall we include the bit about. . .?” and then decide against it. In this way it enables the show to refer briefly to Merman’s disastrous series of ex-husbands and to skim through an incredible career, ranging from early vaudeville to the great days of Broadway musicals. In real life it seems Merman could be an A-List bitch and some of this creeps through the story, though much is sanitised. With Kitty playing the young Merman, Arty playing a fellow hoofer, and with some 33 of the songs forever associated with the incredible Merman, everything really hung on the central performance of Angela Richards, and, for most of the critics, she came through with shining colours. (plus)
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Original London
12) Pageant (Original London)
Joué durant 1 mois 3 semaines
Première preview: 15 May 2000
Première: 15 May 2000
Dernière: 05 July 2000
Compositeur: *** Divers •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Libettiste: *** Divers •
Metteur en scène: Bill Russel •
Chorégraphe: Warren Carlyle •
Avec: Lionel Blair (Frankie Cavalier), Graham MacDuff (Miss Texas), Dale Mercer (Miss Deep South), Michael Xavier (Miss Great Plains), Eaton James (Miss Bible Belt), Leon Maurice-Jones (Miss Industrial North East), Miles Western (Miss West Coast)
Commentaire: With perma-tanned Lionel Blair standing in at the last moment as the compère, this was a gloriously camp send-up of the “brain-dead bimbos who pout and wiggle their way through beauty contests”. It originated off-Broadway. Following some excellent notices, the production transferred to the Vaudeville Theatre, where it survived a further eight week run. (plus)
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11) Bless the Bride (Revival)
Joué durant 2 mois 2 semaines
Première preview: 08 June 1999
Première: 08 June 1999
Dernière: 22 August 1999
Compositeur: Vivian Ellis •
Parolier: A.P. Herbert •
Libettiste: A.P. Herbert •
Metteur en scène: Martin Charnin •
Chorégraphe: Petra Siniawski •
Avec: Judy Campbell (Old Lucy Veracity Willow), Tiffany Edwards (Young Lucy Willow), Jack Rebaldi (Pierre Fontaine), Charles Armstrong (Thomas Trout), Rachel Izen (Suzette), Patricia Lancaster (Mary Willow), Alan Thompson (Augustus Willow), Guillaume Tobo, Kimberley Barker, Joanna Kirkland, Abby Taylor
Commentaire: Martin Chamin (creator of “Annie” etc.) staged his own adaptation of “Bless the Bride”, starting with a flashback from early in the Second World War, and giving it a kind of “Brideshead Revisited” feel. This re-written version was much praised, and several critics felt it gave a new lease of life to what was formerly a very dated and old-fashioned show. (plus)
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10) A Saint she ain't (Original)
Joué durant 1 mois
Première preview: 29 April 1999
Première: 29 April 1999
Dernière: 30 May 1999
Compositeur: Denis King •
Parolier: Dick Vosburgh •
Libettiste: Dick Vosburgh •
Metteur en scène: Ned Sherrin •
Chorégraphe: Lindsay Dolan •
Avec: Rae Baker (Anna Bagalucci), Gavin Lee (Danny O ’Reilley), Pauline Daniels (Mrs Fay Bogle), Barry Cryer (Snaveley T. Bogle), Vincent Marzello, Brian Greene, Jessica Martin, Robert Norris, Michael Roberts.
Commentaire: Based on “Sganarelle, ou le cocu imaginaire” by Molière, this is a send-up of the 1940s musical where sailors on leave would meet up and fall in love with Rita Hayworth types, get into a series of misunderstanding and farcical situations, but eventually have a happy ending. With clever parodies of period songs, some wonderful puns and terrible jokes, this was deemed to be a delightful night’s entertainment. It ran a month at the King’s Head, and was then re-staged for a four month run at the Apollo, finishing in January 2000. (plus)
Presse: THE FINANCIAL TIMES says, "The crucial element is the joy of this comprehensive pastiche" and goes on to say "it is simply immense fun."
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH says "The Original good time had by all."
NICHOLAS DE JONGH of THE EVENING STANDARD says, "A Saint She ain't slips down memory lane and stays for a salacious night out."
BENEDICT NIGHTINGALE of THE TIMES says, "Puns, quips, doubles-entendres, malapropisms and jolly repartee seem to come pouring out of every part of the stage..."
THE NEWS OF THE WORLD says, "A diamond studded cast. It's a delight."
However, JANE EDWARDES of TIME OUT did not care for the show saying, "What might be great for half an hour on the radio feels stretched to breaking point in the theatre."
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9) Tales my lover told me (Original)
Joué durant 1 semaine
Première preview: 24 October 1997
Première: 24 October 1997
Dernière: 04 November 1997
Compositeur: *** Divers •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Libettiste: *** Divers •
Metteur en scène: Chris Burgess •
Chorégraphe: Mitch Sebastian •
Commentaire: The story of three middle-aged, middle-class women and their erratic – but not very erotic – romances. Thricemarried Lesley works in an advertising agency and is James Stadden and Lindsay Danvers romancing David, a smooth travel writer; Jean’s boyfriend is an old university friend called Perry, a gauche northerner obsessed with his pet dog; and Laura, a former groupie who can’t quite kick the self-destructive habits of her youth, is enamoured of a charmless, drunken, violent biker called Steve. Wittily exploring the chattering classes’ fixation on relationships, it was described as a Sondheim-style metropolitan cocktail with a twist of Woody Allen. The 19 songs and cast of six were praised, along with the show itself, though the general reaction was the material itself was too lightweight to have much of an after-life. (plus)
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8) Fantasticks (The) (Revival)
Joué durant 1 mois 1 semaine
Première preview: 07 August 1996
Première: 07 August 1996
Dernière: 15 September 1996
Compositeur: Harvey Schmidt •
Parolier: Tom Jones •
Libettiste: Tom Jones •
Metteur en scène: Dan Crawford •
Chorégraphe: Elizabeth Blake •
Avec: Jonathan Morris (El Gallo), Katey Crawford Kastin (Luisa), Joseph Millson (Matt), John Walters (Bellamy), Roger Bingham (Hucklebee), Michael Cotterill (Henry), Kim Joyce (Mortimer), Tim Eagle (The Mute)
Commentaire: Generally it was felt this show - still running off-Broadway after 36 years - was a timid, milk-soppy, sugary-sweet and fragile thing, not really worth the bother of staging. However, the critics were very impressed with newcomer Joseph Millson. (plus)
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7) Stairway to Heaven (Original)
Joué durant 3 semaines
Première preview: 21 November 1994
Première: 21 November 1994
Dernière: 18 December 1994
Compositeur: *** Divers •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Libettiste: *** Divers •
Metteur en scène: Dan Crawford •
Chorégraphe: Irvin Davies •
Avec: Gary Cady (Peter Carter), Fiona Sinnott (June), Martin Connor (Conductor), Simon Clark (Abraham Farlan), Michael Medwin (Dr Reeves), Brogden Miller (Bob Trubshaw), Godfrey Kenton (Judge)
Commentaire: Based on the film “A Matter of Life and Death” by Michael Power and Emeric Pressburger which originally starred David Niven and Marius Goring, this show won the 1994 Vivian Ellis Best New Musical Award. (plus)
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6) Mr Cinders (Revival)
Joué durant
Nb de représentations: 68 représentations
Première preview: 07 January 1993
Première: 07 January 1993
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: Richard Myers • Vivian Ellis •
Parolier: Clifford Grey • Greatrex Newman •
Metteur en scène: Martin Connor •
Chorégraphe: Gillian Gregory •
Avec: Samuel West (Jim Lancaster), Sally Anne Triplett (Jill Kemp), Charles Edwards (Guy Lancaster), Chris Villiers (Lumley Lancaster), Burnell Tucker (Henry Kemp), Eileen Page (Lady Lancaster), Ian Lindsay (Sir George Lancaster)
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5) Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens (Original)
Joué durant 1 mois 1 semaine
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 16 November 1992
Dernière: 24 December 1992
Compositeur: Janet Hood •
Parolier: Bill Russel •
Libettiste: Bill Russel •
Metteur en scène: Bill Russel •
Avec: A cast of 33 performers (including a very early appearance of the unknown Lily Savage)
Commentaire: This was a series of life stories of some 33 individuals who died from AIDS. The actors step forward one by one and talk in simple rhyming couplets about the disease that killed them. The youth from North Dakota who lived it up too wildly in Greenwich village; the star-struck son of fundamentalist parents who succumbed to AIDS after landing his first part in a Broadway show; the middle-aged man who decides death is “better than slowly growing old”; the clergyman who never came out of the closet; the grandma with the ill-fated blood transfusion; the ordinary Joe who visited a prostitute; the nurse who pricked herself with a needle, the black orphan kid born with the disease; and the monster who seduces young men in order to infect them.
Described as a theatrical representation of America’s Aids Memorial Quilt, one critics called it “… well-meaning, terminally fluffy, theatrically bereft and incurably American in its sentimentality”. The general reaction was respectful of its intent but scornful of the method. It transferred to the Drill Hall with some cast changes. (In the following year it would return to the West End in a slightly re-written version with a smaller cast) (plus)
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4) Spread a little happiness (Original)
Joué durant
Nb de représentations: 40 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 14 January 1992
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: Vivian Ellis •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Metteur en scène: Dan Crawford •
Chorégraphe: David Toguri •
Avec: Thelma Ruby, Frank Thornton, Maurice Clarke, Ray C. Davis, Rachel Robertson, Fiona Sinnott, Sheridan Morley
Commentaire: For some it was a “delightful nostalgic evening recalling a time when romance was compatible with wit, irony and fun.” For others, it recalled the “reactionary, snobbish and sexually repressed and
juvenile theatre when censorship ensured our stage was as wholesome as a Monday wash and rather less interesting”. (plus)
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3) A slice of Saturday night (Original)
Joué durant
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 01 August 1989
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: Heather Brothers •
Parolier: Heather Brothers •
Metteur en scène: Marc Urquhart •
Avec: Binky Baker (Eric Rubber legs), David Easter (Garry/Terry), Lisa Hollander (Bridget), Mitch Munroe (Sharon), Georgia Mitchell (Sue), James Powell (Rick), Roy Smiles (Eddie), Debi Thomson (Penny/Shirl)
Commentaire: Cast changes during the West End run included Jess Conrad. The production then went on an extensive provincial tour, with the leading role played by Alvin Stardust amongst others. It returned to the West End for a three month run in September 1993. (plus)
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2) Secret Garden (The) (Original)
Joué durant
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 15 January 1987
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: Lucy Simon •
Parolier: Marsha Norman •
Libettiste: Marsha Norman •
Metteur en scène: Joan Kemp-Welch •
Chorégraphe: David Toguri •
Avec: Lucinda Edmonds (Mary ), Gian Sammarco (Colin), Tony Bateman (Truscott), Madeleine Christie (Mrs Medlock,), Richard Gauntlett (Dickon), Michael G. Jones (Tregaron), Karen Lynne (Martha), Hugh Futcher (Ben), John Harwood (Macory)
Commentaire: Based on the 1911 children’s novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Steven Markwick was the young winner of the 1986 Vivian Ellis prize, and Diana Morgan a successful and well-established playwright, but in spite of this, their joint effort was roundly condemned, with the music described as dreary and the lyrics as possessing a cloying tweeness. However, the book itself was felt to be an expert adaptation. A completely new version (Lucy Simon, music and Marsha Norman, lyrics and book) ran for 706 performances in New York in 1991) (plus)
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