A week in the life of Jamie, a twenty-four year old who came to New York City to fulfill his dream of being a writer and who now finds himself in a frightfully boring job in the "factual verification department" of Gotham Magazine.

Version 1
Bright Lights, Big City (1999-New York Theatre Workshop-Off Broadway)
Type de série: Original Off-BroadwayThéâtre: New York Theatre Workshop (Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 semaines Nombre : 31 représentationsPremière Preview : jeudi 21 janvier 1999Première : mercredi 24 février 1999Dernière : dimanche 21 mars 1999Mise en scène : Michael Greif • Chorégraphie : Michael Greif • Producteur :
A week in the life of Jamie, a twenty-four year old who came to New York City to fulfill his dream of being a writer and who now finds himself in a frightfully boring job in the "factual verification department" of Gotham Magazine.
1 Bright Lights, Big City peut-être considéré comme un Flop musical
The show first opened at the New York Theatre Workshop on 24 February 1999. It was directed and musically staged by Michael Greif and orchestrated by Richard Barone. It starred Patrick Wilson as Jamie, Jerry Dixon as Tad, Napiera Daniele Groves as Amanda, Annmarie Milazzo as the Mother, John Link Graney as Michael and Natascia Diaz as Vicky. The show opened to mixed reviews, many of which poorly compared it to Rent which not only spawned at the same theatre, but boasted almost entirely the same creative team, minus its creator, the late Jonathan Larson.
The show will have its PROFESSIONAL UK Premiere this Nov 4th-25th 2010 at Hoxton Hall, London.
'Bright Lights, Big City' - Chuck Bean, Jamie, Drug Girl & Ensemble
'Back In The City' - Tad, Jamie & Ensemble
'Sunday Morning 6AM' - Jamie, Chuck Bean, Mary, Mother Amanda & Ensemble.
'Coma Baby' - Coma Baby, Chuck Bean, Jamie & Ensmble
'Fact & Fiction' - Clara, Jamie & Ensemble
'I Hate The French' - Jamie & Employee
'Brother' - Michael, Amanda & Jamie
'I Hate The French (Reprise)' - Jamie
'Odeon' - Jamie, Tad & Ensmble
'Happy Birthday Darling' - Mother
'Missing' - Coma Baby, Mary & Jamie
'To Model' - Amanda & Jamie
'So Many Little Things' - Jamie, Mother, Michael & Ensemble
'Back In The City 2' - Tad
'Kindness' - Vicky
'Perfect Feeling' - Jamie, Vicky & Ensemble
'Bright Lights, Big City 2' - Jamie
'You Couldn't Handle It Jamie' - Clara & Jamie
'My Son' - Clara & Jamie
'Wednesday' - Chuck, Tad & Jamie
'Camera Wall' - Amanda, Chuck Bean, Jamie, Mother, Michael, Mary, Coma Baby & Ensemble
'Heart And Soul' - Michael, Vicky & Mother
'Brother 2' - Michael & Jamie
'Mummies At The Met' - Mother, Jamie, Coma Baby, Mary & Ensemble
'Are You Still Holding My Hand?' - Mother
'Brother 3' Jamie & Michael
'Back In The City 3' - Tad & Ensemble
'Stay In My Life' - Jamie, Amanda, Vicky & Ensemble
'Bright Lights Big City 3 / Wordfall' - Jamie & Ensemble
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Bright Lights, Big City

Version 1
Bright Lights, Big City (1999-New York Theatre Workshop-Off Broadway)
Type de série: Original Off-BroadwayThéâtre: New York Theatre Workshop (Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 semaines Nombre : 31 représentationsPremière Preview : jeudi 21 janvier 1999Première : mercredi 24 février 1999Dernière : dimanche 21 mars 1999Mise en scène : Michael Greif • Chorégraphie : Michael Greif • Producteur :

Version 2
Bright Lights, Big City (2006-Prince Music Theatre-Philadelphia)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Prince Music Theatre (Philadelphia - Etats-Unis) Durée : 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : mercredi 14 juin 2006Première : samedi 17 juin 2006Dernière : dimanche 02 juillet 2006Mise en scène : Stafford Arima • Chorégraphie : Andrew Palermo • Producteur :
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