George M! est un musical de Broadway basé sur la vie de George M. Cohan, la plus grande star de Broadway de son époque qui était connue sous le nom de "L’homme qui possédait Broadway."
L’histoire couvre la période de la fin des années 1880 à 1937 et se concentre sur la vie et la carrière dans le sectacle de George M. Cohan, depuis ses débuts dans le Vaudeville avec ses parents et sa sœur jusqu’à son succès ultérieur en tant que chanteur, danseur, compositeur, parolier, metteur en scène et producteur à Broadway. Le spectacle comprend des chansons à succès comme "Give My Regards To Broadway", "You’re a Grand Old Flag", et "Yankee Doodle Dandy."
Acte I
Jerry and Nellie Cohan waste no time adding their young son to their travelling vaudeville act, "The Four Cohans", with sister Josie. By the time George is 20, they are playing the Columbia Theatre in Cedar Rapids, and George has landed an audition for the family with impresario E. F. Albee. But Albee doesn't make a good enough offer, and George books the act into the Adams Street Theatre in New York. There they meet singer Ethel Levey, and soon George and Ethel get married. Now George is determined to move "The Five Cohans" from vaudeville to musical comedy, and so he writes his first full-length show, The Governor's Son. The musical is a flop, but George is undeterred and opens his next show, Little Johnny Jones. After a momentary crisis of confidence, the company is on stage as George begins the song "Give My Regards to Broadway". By the time the song is over, the Yankee Doodle Kid is a hit.
Acte II
George's career soars higher and higher. He is now a producer, and he and his partner, Sam H. Harris sign Fay Templeton to appear in their show, and we hear some of Cohan's most famous songs, "Mary", "Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway", and "So Long Mary". Ethel feels neglected by her high-flying husband, and the two are divorced. George is crushed, but later meets Agnes Nolan from the cast of Little Johnny Jones. Soon they are married and, together with Agnes, George writes some of his most enduring work, including the songs "Yankee Doodle Dandy", "Harrigan", "Over There", and "You're a Grand Old Flag." But George loses family members, and Broadway is changing – actors are unionizing, and Actors Equity is making demands. George first resists evolving and then retreats from the stage for many years. Eventually, though, Harris offers him a role in I'd Rather Be Right, and, lonely for the stage, he accepts. But his old style is no longer right for 1937, and George is used to being the boss, not just another actor. On stage, alone, George remembers his former glory, singing "Give My Regards to Broadway." He can still tap, after all, and his wife Agnes joins him to reprise "Yankee Doodle Dandy" before he leaves the theatre – at least he's on Broadway.
Acte I
Musical Moon—Jerry Cohan and Nellie Cohan
Oh, You Wonderful Boy—Josie Cohan
All Aboard for Broadway—George M. Cohan and Four Cohans
Musical Comedy Man—Four Cohans and Full Company
All Aboard for Broadway (Reprise) – Four Cohans and Full Company
I Was Born in Virginia—Ethel Levey
Twentieth Century Love—Four Cohans and Ethel Levey
My Town—George M. Cohan
Billie—Agnes Nolan
Push Me Along in My Pushcart—Ethel Levey and Pushcart Girls
Ring to the Name of Rose—Josie Cohan and Bell Ringers
Popularity—Willie and Full Company
Give My Regards to Broadway—George M. Cohan and Full Company
Acte II
Forty-five Minutes from Broadway—George M. Cohan and Rose
So Long, Mary—George M. Cohan, Sam Harris, Rose, Freddie and Ma Templeton
Down by the Erie—Secretary, Politicians, Little Girl in Templeton scene and Full Company
Mary Is a Grand Old Name—Fay Templeteon
All Our Friends—Sam Harris and Full Company
Yankee Doodle Dandy—George M. Cohan and Full Company
Nellie Kelly I Love You—George M. Cohan and Full Company
Harrigan—George M. Cohan and Full Company
Over There—George M. Cohan and Full Company
You're a Grand Old Flag—George M. Cohan and Full Company
The City—Full Company
I'd Rather Be Right—George M. Cohan and Company
Give My Regards to Broadway (Reprise) – George M. Cohan
Dancing Our Worries Away—Full Company
The Great Easter Sunday Parade—Full Company
Hannah's a Hummer—Full Company
Barnum and Bailey Rag—Full Company
The Belle of the Barber's Ball—Full Company
The American Ragtime—Full Company
All in the Wearing—Full Company
I Want to Hear a Yankee Doodle Tune—Full Company
George M. Cohan
Jerry Cohan (George's father)
Ethel Levey (George's first wife)
Nellie Cohan (George's mother)
Agnes Nolan (George's second wife)
Josie Cohan (George's sister)
Fay Templeton
Sam Harris (producer)
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant George M!

Version 1
George M! (1968-04-Palace Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Palace Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 an 2 semaines Nombre : 433 représentationsPremière Preview : 08 April 1968
Première: 10 April 1968
Dernière: 26 April 1969Mise en scène : Joe Layton • Chorégraphie : Joe Layton • Producteur : David Black • Konrad Matthaei • Lorin E. Price • Star(s) : Avec: Loni Ackerman (Dog Trainer, Second Pianist, Fay Templeton’s maid Rose), Jonelle Allen (Living Statue, Secretary in Cohan and Harris’s office), Jacqueline Alloway (Fay Templeton, Draper’s Assistant, Wardrobe Lady), Karin Baker (Living Statue, Pushcart Girl), Susan Batson (First Little Girl, Mrs. Red Deer, Sharpshooter’s Assistant, Little Girl in Fay Templeton’s scene), Bill Brandon (Acrobat, Boy in Pushcart), Roger Braun (Dr. Webb, E. F. Albee, Living Statue, Ben, Mayor), Danny Carroll (Louis Behman, Bell Ringer, Vendor, Fay Templeton’s Manager [Freddie]), Gene Castle (Willie in “Popularity,” Sharpshooter, Wait [Stage Manager of I’d Rather Be Right]), Jerry Dodge (Jerry Cohan), Jamie Donnelly (Ethel Levey), James Dybas (Stagehand at Providence Grande Theatre, Dog Trainer, Louie, Congressman Burkhardt, Actor in Strike Scene), Harvey Evans (Sam Harris, Violinist, Bell Ringer), Joel Grey (George M. Cohan), Betty Ann Grove (Nellie Cohan), Patti Mariano (Second Little Girl, Acrobat), Angela Martin (Ventriloquist, Ma Templeton), John Mineo (Archie the Drummer, Draper, Dockhand, Judge Anspacher, First Policeman in Nelly Kelly, Man on Street), Jill O’Hara (Agnes Nolan), Bernadette Peters (Josie Cohan), Scotty Salmon (First Pianist, Acrobat, Bell Ringer, Piano Player in Cohan and Harris’s office), Kathie Savage (Living Statue, Pushcart Girl), Janie Sell (Madame Grimaldi, Mrs. Baker, Flamethrower’s Assistant), Alan Weeks (Buck and Winger, Designer’s Assistant, Sailor, Frankie), Ronald Young (Saxophonist, Flamethrower, Bell Ringer, Ship’s Captain, Alderman Hailey, Accordionist in Harrigan, Director of I’d Rather Be Right)Presse : Les critiques ont critiqué le livret, mais ont généralement été aimables avec le spectacle, louant Joel Grey (bien que Walter Kerr dans le New York Times a trouvé que Grey aurait été mieux pour jouer Al Jolson), les chansons, et la chorégraphie de Joe Layton.
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