Trois frères et soeurs trouvent une créature mi garçon - mi chauve-souris, 'Bat Boy' dans une caverne dans la rupestre West Virginia. Le shérif local apporte alors le 'Bat Boy' chez le vétérinaire local, Dr. Parker. Il est vite accepté dans le famille Parker et éduqué la femme du Dr. Parker, Shelley, et sa fille, Meredith. Les choses sont compliquées lorsque Meredith tombe amoureuse de 'Bat Boy' et Shelley avoue qu'elle est la mère de ce même 'Bat Boy'. Furieux, le Dr. Parker pousse le peuple de la ville à s'enflammer dans une fureur meurtrière contre 'Bat Boy'.
Acte I
In the fictional town of Hope Falls, West Virginia three teenage spelunkers; Ron, Rick and Ruthie Taylor discover the Bat Boy, a deformed, humanoid creature. Bat Boy attacks Ruthie and is taken captive by Rick and Ron (“Hold Me Bat Boy”).
Ruthie is taken to the hospital and the Bat Boy is placed in the care of Sheriff Reynolds who brings him to the home of local veterinarian Dr. Parker. Meredith, Parker’s wife, agrees to take him in (“Christian Charity”).
Shelley, the Parkers' teenage daughter, is repulsed by the Bat Boy and infuriated by his constant screaming but Meredith pities him and christens him with a new name; Edgar (“Ugly Boy”). Rick Taylor, Shelley’s boyfriend, arrives and, infuriated by Edgar’s presence, threatens to kill him with a knife (“Whatcha Wanna Do?”). This upsets Shelley and Meredith makes Rick leave. Meredith attempts to comfort Edgar (“A Home For You”).
Meanwhile the Mayor of Hope Falls and the local ranchers are worried by their cattle which are dying inexplicably. The rumours of the discovery of a Bat Boy lead them to believe he must be preying on the cattle (“Another Dead Cow”).
Dr. Parker returns home and is about to euthanize Edgar when Meredith intervenes. Meredith begs Parker not to kill Edgar and he consents when she agrees to sleep with him. Parker celebrates what he sees as an upturn in his failing marriage and feeds Edgar animal blood (“Dance With Me Darling”).
At the hospital Ruthie is delirious from her injuries, but her mother promises the Sherriff will kill the Bat Boy or be fired (“Mrs. Taylor’s Lullaby”).
With the help of Meredith’s patient teaching and Dr. Parker’s secret feedings of blood Edgar learns speech, etiquette and how to dress and obtains a high-school equivalency diploma (“Show You A Thing or Two”).
The town council implore Dr. Parker to prevent the reviled Edgar from attending the upcoming revival meeting. Parker protests, insisting Edgar is not a threat to anyone, but is pressured into giving his word that Edgar will not attend the revival (“Christian Charity (Reprise)”)
Edgar begs the Parkers to let him go to the revival (“A Home For You (Reprise)”) and Meredith eventually relents. Incensed by Meredith undermining his word, Dr. Parker grabs her aggressively and Edgar instinctively attacks him. Meredith runs to comfort Edgar over her husband, leaving Parker humiliated and furious. Parker begins to devise a way to destroy Edgar and save his marriage to Meredith; he taunts a hungry Edgar with a live rabbit and Edgar struggles with his feral urges to kill. Just as it seems Edgar is overcoming his hunger, Parker draws blood from the rabbit and Edgar eats it. Parker gives Ruthie Taylor a lethal injection in her hospital room, intending to blame her death on Edgar (“Comfort and Joy”).
Acte II
At the revival meeting Reverend Hightower offers a faith healing (“A Joyful Noise”). Meredith, Shelley and Edgar arrive and Edgar volunteers himself for the faith healing. The town are disgusted by his presence but Edgar implores them to accept him (“Let Me Walk Among You”). The townsfolk are won over by Edgar’s eloquence and civility and embrace him (“A Joyful Noise (Reprise)”).
Dr. Parker arrives at the revival and reveals Ruthie has died, blaming her death on Edgar. The townsfolk are furious and, once again, turn on Edgar. In the ensuing struggle Edgar attacks Rick Taylor; under the pretense of tending to his wounds Dr. Parker administers Rick with a lethal injection to serve as further proof that Edgar is dangerous. The townsfolk form a mob, led by Parker, and pursue Edgar into the woods.
In the woods Shelley and Meredith look for Edgar. Together they decide that they will run away from Hope Falls and Dr. Parker, with Edgar. Shelley tells Meredith she is falling in love with Edgar and Meredith’s horrified response causes Shelley to run away deeper into the woods (“Three Bedroom House”). There she meets Edgar and the two comfort each other and confess their love for each other. The Greek God of nature Pan arrives to preside over the union of Edgar and Shelley, with the help of the woodland creatures (“Children, Children”).
Ron Taylor, determined to get revenge for his brother and sister, searches the slaughterhouse for Edgar. The mob mistake the noise coming from the slaughterhouse as a sign of Edgar’s presence and Mrs. Taylor sets fire to the slaughterhouse, inadvertently burning her remaining child to death. The Sheriff asks Doctor Parker to placate the mob but, instead, he whips them into a bloodthirsty frenzy and the hunt for Edgar resumes (“More Blood/Kill The Bat Boy!”).
Back in the woods Edgar is hungry for blood and begs Shelley to leave him for her own safety. Instead Shelley offers her arm to Edgar for him to feed on (“Inside Your Heart”). Just as he is about to bite, Meredith arrives and reveals she is Edgar’s mother.
Overcome with grief and shame Edgar kills a cow and runs away to the cave where he was discovered. Incensed at Dr. Parker’s betrayal and Meredith’s deceit, Edgar pledges to kill the pair of them and embrace his inner beast (“Apology To A Cow”).
The mob arrives at the cave as do Parker and Meredith. Together they reveal to the town that Edgar was the result of an experiment gone wrong; a young Parker accidentally spilled a prototype pheromone on Meredith which caused him to go mad and sexually violate her. As Meredith ran home in tears, the pheromone also attracted a colony of bats that violated her as well. Nine months later she gave birth to Shelley and Edgar. Repulsed by the deformed Edgar, Meredith asked Parker to kill him, but he could not and instead left him at the mouth of the cave where the bats adopted him.
Edgar begs Parker to kill him, but he cannot; so Edgar reveals that he slept with Shelley. Furious and overcome with grief Parker slits his own throat causing Edgar to leap upon him and feed, whilst Parker stabs him in the back. Meredith tries to intervene but is stabbed as well and the three fall to the ground, dead (“Finale: I Imagine You’re Upset/I Am Not A Boy”).
In the aftermath Shelley and the townsfolk reflect on the tale and the lessons they have learned (“Hold Me Bat Boy (Reprise)”).
The Weekly World News 1992 story about Bat Boy, a half-boy, half-bat found living in a cave inspired writers Keythe Farley and Brian Flemming to write a stage adaptation. They were joined by American composer/lyricist Laurence O'Keefe and their first production premiered on Halloween, 1997.
The later London production introduced significant changes to the script and score, including the replacement of the song 'In Your Heart' with 'Mine, All Mine'.
The musical differs in a few of its plot details from the Weekly World News portrayal of Bat Boy. In the musical, Bat Boy learns to speak from his adoptive family, yearns for acceptance and tries to join society, only to face hatred and violence from a town that fears him and jealous rage from his foster father.
The book deals with serious themes (such as hypocrisy, acceptance, forgiveness, racism, revenge and scapegoating), but often punctures the most serious moments with slapstick, surreallism, camp-horror and irony. The show also contains religious themes with biblical allusions, such as the quoting of Psalm 23 and Genesis 9:4 in scene 9. Act II begins with a religious revival tent meeting featuring a faith healer.
The score was written to be played by a five-piece band of guitar, two keyboards, bass and drums, but the original cast album (RCA Records) contains seven extra instruments (cello, flute, clarinet, oboe, french horn, trumpet, trombone). The music covers many styles, from rock to rap to horror-movie film score and opera. The musical was written to be performed by a cast of 10, with six men and four women playing all the roles.
Bat Boy: The Musical was developed at the Directors Company and premiered at Tim Robbins' Actors Gang Theatre on October 31, 1997. Directed by Keythe Farley, and choreography by Derick LaSalla. The cast featured Deven May as Bat Boy and Kaitlin Hopkins as Meredith Parker.
The musical opened off-Broadway at the Union Square Theatre on March 21, 2001 and closed on December 2, 2001. Directed by Scott Schwartz, with choreography by Christopher Gattelli, the cast featured Deven May as Bat Boy and Kaitlin Hopkins as Meredith, Sean McCourt as Dr. Thomas Parker, Kerry Butler as Shelley Parker, Kathy Brier as Maggie/Ron Taylor, Daria Hardeman as Ruthie Taylor/Ned, Trent Armand Kendall as Rev. Hightower/Mrs. Taylor/Roy/Institute Man, Jim Price as Bud/Daisy/Pan, Richard Pruitt as Sheriff, Doug Storm as Rick Taylor/Lorraine. The swings and understudies included John Treacy Egan, Stephanie Kurtzuba, and J.P. Potter. The show was musically directed/keyboards by Alex Lacamoire, keyboards/assistant musical director Jason Debord, acoustic/ electric guitars Greg Skaff, electric bass Matt Rubano, drums Ed Fast. For the original cast album, the band was augmented by cello (Jeanne LeBlanc), french horn (Jeff Lang), flute/clarinet/oboe (C. Anderson), trumpet (Robert Millikan), and trombone (James E. Pugh).
The musical opened in the West End at the Shaftesbury Theatre on September 8, 2004 and ran through January 15, 2005. It again starred Deven May as Bat Boy, along with Rebecca Vere as Meredith, Johnny Barr as Dr. Parker and Emma Williams as Shelley. It had previously played at the West Yorkshire Playhouse.
The authors consider the London text the definitive version of Bat Boy: The Musical.[citation needed] The London revised script and score has been used for many subsequent productions around the world, including the Toronto run (2005) and the 2006 Edinburgh Festival production. The show has also proven popular in Korea and Japan.[citation needed] It was performed at the Wetzlarer Festspiele in Wetzlar, Germany in June 2008 and in Melbourne, Australia in August 2008 at the Octave Theatre, Prahran,
It entered regional theatre in 2002 beginning with the Phoenix Theatre in Indianapolis.[10]
1. Overture
1a. The Cave
2. Hold Me, Bat Boy *- Company
2a. Living Room Cue
3. Christian Charity *- Meredith, Shelly, and Sheriff
4. Ugly Boy *- Shelly
5. Watcha Wanna Do? *- Rick and Shelly
6. A Home for You * - Meredith and Bat Boy
7. Another Dead Cow *- Company
8. Dance With Me, Darling *- Dr. Parker
9. Mrs. Taylor's Lullaby *- Mrs. Taylor
10. Show You a Thing or Two *- Meredith, Shelly, Bat Boy, Dr. Parker, and Company
11. Christian Charity (reprise) *- Sheriff, Dr. Parker, and Company
12. May I Have This Dance?
13. A Home for You (reprise) * - Bat Boy
14. Parker's Epiphany- Dr. Parker
15. Comfort and Joy *- Dr. Parker, Meredith, Shelly, Bat Boy, and Company
15a. Comfort and Joy (part II) * - Dr. Parker, Meredith, Shelly, Bat Boy and Company
16. A Joyful Noise *- Reverend Hightower and Company
16a. Come on Down!
17. Let Me Walk Among You * - Bat Boy
18. A Joyful Noise (reprise) * - Reverend Hightower and Company
18a. A Joyful Noise (playoff)- Reverend Hightower and Company
19. All Hell Breaks Loose- Company
20. Stop the Bat Boy!- Company
21. Three Bedroom House * - Meredith and Shelly
21a. Babe in the Woods
22. Children, Children * - Pan and Company
22a. Burn, You Freak, Burn
23. More Blood/Kill the Bat Boy!- Company
24. Inside Your Heart * - Bat Boy and Shelly
25. Is All That You Taught Me a Lie?
26. Apology to a Cow * - Bat Boy
26a. Hello, Father
27. Revelations
28. Finale: I Imagine You're Upset *- Bat Boy, Shelly and Company
28a. Finale: I Am Not a Boy * - Bat Boy
29. Finale: Hold Me, Bat Boy * - Shelly and Company
30. Bows
* Appear on the Original Cast Recording.
Note that "More Blood/Kill the Bat Boy!" is included on the Original London Cast Recording. Also, for the London West End production and cast recording, "Inside Your Heart" is replaced with the song "Mine, All Mine", and "Ugly Boy"/"Whatcha Wanna Do?" are replaced by a song called "Hey Freak". Additionally, this recording begins with the end portion of dialogue before (and segues into) "Hold Me, Bat Boy". It is underscored by a portion of the song "The Cave". The track is titled "Dude! What is It?".
Bat Boy - Also referred to as "Edgar." A bat boy.
Meredith Parker - Wife to Thomas.
Thomas Parker - Also referred to as "Doctor Parker." The town veterinarian. Husband to Meredith.
Shelley Parker - The rebellious daughter of Thomas and Meredith. Girlfriend of Rick. Falls in love with Edgar.
Sheriff Reynolds - The local sheriff, coming up for re-election. Sometimes doubles as Delia.
Rick Taylor - A rowdy, spelunking teenager. Kin to Ron and Ruthie, son of Mrs. Taylor. Boyfriend of Shelley. Commonly doubles as Lorraine and Mr. Dillon.
Ron Taylor - A rowdy, spelunking teenager. Kin to Rick, and Ruthie, son of Mrs. Taylor. Usually a drag role. Commonly doubles as Maggie.
Ruthie Taylor - A rowdy, spelunking teenager. Youngest of three. Kin to Rick and Ron, daughter of Mrs. Taylor. Commonly doubles as Ned.
Mrs. Taylor - An overprotective, aggressive mother. Mother of Rick, Ron, and Ruthie. Usually a drag role. Commonly doubles as Reverend Hightower and Roy.
Lorraine - A townswoman. Usually a drag role. Commonly doubles as Rick and Mr. Dillon.
Delia - A townswoman. Usually a drag role. Sometimes doubles as Sheriff.
Maggie - The mayor of Hope Falls. Commonly doubles as Ron.
Daisy - A townswoman. Usually a drag role. Commonly doubles as Bud and Pan.
Mr. Dillon - A rancher. Sometimes doubles as Lorraine and Rick.
Bud - A rancher. Commonly doubles as Pan and Daisy.
Ned - A rancher. Usually a drag role. Commonly doubles as Ruthie.
Roy - A townsman. Often doubles as Mrs. Taylor and Rev. Hightower.
Clem - A townsman. Usually a drag role. Often doubles as Ron and Maggie.
Reverend Billy Hightower - A preacher and faith healer who holds a travelling Tent Revival/Barbecue. Commonly doubles as Mrs. Taylor and Roy.
Pan - The Greek satyr-god of nature. Commonly doubles as Bud and Daisy.
A Doctor - Commonly doubles as Bud, Daisy and Pan.
Institute Man - Commonly doubles as Mrs. Taylor, Roy and Rev. Hightower.
Chorus - singer/dancers, additional townsfolk
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Bat Boy
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Bat Boy
Bat Boy: The Musical won the awards for best Off-Broadway musical including the Lucille Lortel Award, two Richard Rodgers Awards from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the Outer Critics Circle Award in 2001. Regional productions of Bat Boy have been nominated for and won awards including the 2003 Elliot Norton Award (New England). and the 1998 Ovation Awards (Los Angeles).
The off-Broadway production received very positive reviews. The New York Times review stated, "It's remarkable what [this show's] intelligent wit can accomplish". John Lahr of The New Yorker called it "a giggling cult hit" and "the only play in the history of the theatre whose hero ends Act I with a rabbit in his mouth, and who moves on in Act II to an entire cow's head." Curtain-Up praised : "Laurence O'Keefe's peppy and melodic pop-rock score... played by a five piece combo".
The West End reviews were less positive. The Curtain Up review notes: "...unless Bat Boy The Musical gathers a cult audience, I fear it will not linger. The newspaper critics do sometimes get it wrong, ...but they have been less kind to Bat Boy than the West Virginians portrayed in the musical." The subsequent sell-out 2006 Edinburgh Festival production of the revised score used in the West End received very positive reviews, with many suggesting the show suited this more 'scaled-down' style.

Version 1
Bat Boy (1997-10-Actor's Gang Theatre-Los Angeles)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Actor's Gang Theatre (Los Angeles - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 31 October 1997
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Keythe Farley • Chorégraphie : Derick LaSalla • Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires longs: Avec: Bat Boy: DEVEN MAY - Shelley Parker: ANN CLOSS - Meredith Parker: KAITLIN HOPKINS - Thomas Parker: CHRIS WELLS - Sheriff: DON LUCE - Rick: GARY KELLEY - Ron/God of the Forest: JOHN MICHAEL MORGAN - Randy/Lorraine: JULIE ANN TAYLOR - Maggie: ELIZABETH TOBIAS -Ned: KEN ELLIOTT - Daisy: GRETA ROSE BART - Bud: RAY HESSELINK

Version 2
Bat Boy (2001-03-Union Square Theatre-Off Broadway)
Type de série: Original Off-BroadwayThéâtre: Union Square Theatre (Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis) Durée : 8 mois 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 21 March 2001
Dernière: 02 December 2001Mise en scène : Scott Schwartz • Chorégraphie : Christopher Gattelli • Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires longs: Nominations à des Award: 2001 Lucille Lortel Nominations (1. Outstanding Actor, Deven May / 2. Outstanding Costume Design, Fabio Toblini) - Awards gagnés: 2001 Lucille Lortel Awards (1. Outstanding Musical / 2. Outstanding Choreography, Christopher Gattelli) - 2000-2001 Outer Critics Circle Award (Outstanding Off-Broadway Musical) - 2001 Theatre World Award (Deven May)

Version 3
Bat Boy (2004-06-West Yorkshire Playhouse-Leeds)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: West Yorkshire Playhouse (Leeds - Angleterre) Durée : 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 21 June 2004
Dernière: 17 July 2004Mise en scène : Mark Wing-Davey • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) :

Version 4
Bat Boy (2004-07-Westchester Bway Th-New York)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Westchester Broadway Theatre (New-York - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 09 July 2004
Dernière: 17 July 2004Mise en scène : ???? ???? • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires longs: Interprété par une troupe nommée "The Scene Stealers"

Version 5
Bat Boy (2004-09-Shaftesbury Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Shaftesbury Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 4 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 181 représentationsPremière Preview : Inconnu
Première: 08 September 2004
Dernière: 15 January 2005Mise en scène : Mark Wing-Davey • Chorégraphie : Lynn Page • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Cast: Deven May (Bat Boy), Rebecca Vere (Meredith Parker), John Barr (Dr Parker), Emma Williams (Shelley Parker), Andrew Bolton (Sheriff), Gareth Richards, Julie Jupp, Robyn Isaac, Maurey Richards, David Beckford.Commentaires : La version londonnienne a été revue pour qu'elle soit plus internationale (des références directes à certains points de la culture américaine n'auraient pu être comprises aisément). Il s'agit de la version définitive du spectacle, c'est du moins ce que les auteurs ont déclaré.
Notes: Inspired by a story in the weird and wonderful “Weekly World News” in June 1992, which claimed a “Bat Boy” half-boy, half-bat, had been found living in a cave, the musical opened off-Broadway in March 2001 for an 8 month run. The script and score were heavily revised for the UK production which was first staged at the West Yorkshire Playhouse. The book deals with serious themes (such as hypocrisy, acceptance, forgiveness, racism, revenge and scape-goating), but all too often punctures any underlying serious satire with slapstick, surrealism, camp-horror and irony. With only one or two exceptions, it was hated by the critics. “This asinine, pretentious and self-admiring musical is one of the most repulsive shows I’ve ever seen” (Sunday Times). There was some praise for Deven May, the American performer who re-created his off-Broadway performance in the UK. It ran just four months.Presse : "Nothing in the West End quite like it" The Daily Express - "Darkly funny - curiously touching" The Times - "Riotous carnival of camp and kitsch" The London Evening Standard - "The performances are excellent... this deserves to be a hit" Time Out

Version 6
Bat Boy (2005-02-Bathurst Street Theatre-Toronto)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Bathurst Street Theatre (Toronto - Canada) Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 09 February 2005
Première: 22 February 2005
Dernière: 16 April 2005Mise en scène : Michael McGinn • Chorégraphie : Kerry Gage • Producteur : Star(s) :

Version 7
Bat Boy (2006-04-WAAPA-Perth)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: WAAPA (Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts) (Perth - Australie) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: Inconnu
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : ???? ???? • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires longs: Version d'une Haute Ecole artistique
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