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Version 1
Man of la Mancha (2005-02-Russian Army Theatre-Moscou)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Russian Army Theatre (Moscou - Russie) Durée : Nombre : 200 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Tuesday 01 February 2005Dernière : InconnuMise en scène : Yuli Gusman • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Vladimir Zeldin (Don Quixote/Cervantes), Tamara Gverdtsiteli (Aldonza/Dulcinea)Commentaires : In February 2005 Vladimir Zeldin celebrated his 90th anniversary with the premiere of the musical “Man of La Mancha” (translated into Russian) where he performs 17 musical and 7 choreographic turns, starring both as Don Quixote and Cervantes.
The actor explains: “My monologues in this play fit into my life. Quixote says: “I saw my comrades dying at the battle field, and I held them in my hands when they were meeting death” – all this was in my life, too, I was at war and felt the same, and from the depth of my heart I can convey these feelings to the audience. They say about Quixote that he is cranky, but he is much wiser than all the surrounding people who are utterly pragmatic about life. He states: “One should see the world not as it is but as it should be!” It is a very well-timed play, and not because I want it to be like that but because the public takes it in such a way. It is impossible to fake silence in the hall or standing ovations – and we have it at our “Man of La Mancha”! It turns out that in our sinister time when terror acts have become normal this play is quite on time. It speaks about humaneness and kindness; it claims that a man must not kill a man, a man must not oppress a man.”