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Version 1
Assassins (1997-07-New End Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: New End Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Thursday 10 July 1997Première : Thursday 10 July 1997Dernière : Sunday 03 August 1997Mise en scène : Sam Buntrock • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Stephen Watts (Proprietor), Mark Davidson (Leon Czolgosz), Andrew Newey (John Hinckley), Peter Straker (Charles Guiteau), Adrian Beaumont (Giuseppe Zangara), Nigel Williams (Samuel Byck), Fiona Dunn (Squeaky Fromme), Sharon Eckman (Sara Jane Moore), Garth Bardsley (John Wilkes Booth), Paul Keating (Balladeer), Tom Rogers (Lee Harvey Oswald)Commentaires : This performance in the tiny New End Theatre was much praised, with, again, acclaim for Paul Keating (previously seen in “Tommy”). The critics all felt that Sondheim shows seem to work so much better in smaller, fringe-type stagings.

Version 2
Sunday in the Park with George (2005-11-Chocolate Factory (Menier)-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Menier Chocolate Factory (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 4 mois Nombre : Première Preview : Monday 14 November 2005Première : Monday 14 November 2005Dernière : Friday 17 March 2006Mise en scène : Sam Buntrock • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Daniel Evans (George), Anna Jane Casey (Dot), Gay Soper, Joanne Redman, Simon Green, Liza Sadovy, Alasdair Harvey, Christopher Colley, Sarah French Ellis, Kaisa Hammarlund, Mark McKerracherCommentaires : Fifteen years after its coolly received National Theatre premiere, this fringe production had almost all the critics reaching for their superlatives. With a small cast, a five-piece band and its ambitious production techniques and computer graphics, this show was visually and technically breathtaking. And with the brilliant central performances from Daniel Evans, Anna Jane Casey and Gay Soper it was hailed as unforgettable, with several critics deciding it was a Sondheim masterpiece.
Its major achievement seems to be welding the two separate acts together – earlier critics had claimed this was two separate shows, with no real link between the 1880s Paris of Seurat and the 1980s USA of his (fictional) grandson. The production transferred to Wyndhams Theatre in May 2006 and ran until September 2nd . It had the same principal cast, except Jenna Russell replaced Anna Jane Casey who was unavailable. It won five Olivier Awards, including Outstanding Musical Production, Best Actor in a Musical and Best Actress in a Musical. The production was re-created for a limited engagement on Broadway between January and June 2008, again with Daniel Evans and Jenna Russell.Presse : NICHOLAS DE JONGH for THE EVENING STANDARD says, "Entrancing production ...enchanted evening that raises the status of the musical high." CHARLES SPENCER for THE DAILY TELEGRAPH says, "A masterpiece, one of the most daring, thrilling and, more surprisingly, moving musicals you are ever likely to encounter." SAM MARLOWE for THE TIMES says, "Exquisite production...the production is close to perfection"

Version 3
Sunday in the Park with George (2006-05-Wyndham's Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Wyndham s Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 3 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : Saturday 13 May 2006Première : Tuesday 23 May 2006Dernière : Saturday 02 September 2006Mise en scène : Sam Buntrock • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Daniel Evans (George), Jenna Russell (Dot), Gay Soper, Joanne Redman, Simon Green, Liza Sadovy, Alasdair Harvey, Christopher Colley, Sarah French Ellis, Kaisa Hammarlund, Mark McKerracherCommentaires : Fifteen years after its coolly received National Theatre premiere, this fringe production had almost all the critics reaching for their superlatives. With a small cast, a five-piece band and its ambitious production techniques and computer graphics, this show was visually and technically breathtaking. And with the brilliant central performances from Daniel Evans, Anna Jane Casey and Gay Soper it was hailed as unforgettable, with several critics deciding it was a Sondheim masterpiece.
Its major achievement seems to be welding the two separate acts together – earlier critics had claimed this was two separate shows, with no real link between the 1880s Paris of Seurat and the 1980s USA of his (fictional) grandson. The production transferred to Wyndhams Theatre in May 2006 and ran until September 2nd . It had the same principal cast, except Jenna Russell replaced Anna Jane Casey who was unavailable. It won five Olivier Awards, including Outstanding Musical Production, Best Actor in a Musical and Best Actress in a Musical. The production was re-created for a limited engagement on Broadway between January and June 2008, again with Daniel Evans and Jenna Russell.Commentaires longs: Reprise de Sunday in the Park with George (2005-11-Chocolate Factory (Menier)-London)Presse : NICHOLAS DE JONGH for THE EVENING STANDARD says, "Entrancing production ...enchanted evening that raises the status of the musical high." CHARLES SPENCER for THE DAILY TELEGRAPH says, "A masterpiece, one of the most daring, thrilling and, more surprisingly, moving musicals you are ever likely to encounter." SAM MARLOWE for THE TIMES says, "Exquisite production...the production is close to perfection"

Version 4
Sunday in the Park with George (2008-02-Studio 54-Broadway)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Studio 54 (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 4 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : Friday 25 January 2008Première : Thursday 21 February 2008Dernière : Sunday 29 June 2008Mise en scène : Sam Buntrock • Chorégraphie : Christopher Gattelli • Producteur : Commentaires longs: Reprise de Sunday in the Park with George (2005-11-Chocolate Factory (Menier)-London)

Version 5
Take flight (2007-07-Menier Chocolate Factory-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Menier Chocolate Factory (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 4 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Friday 13 July 2007Première : Wednesday 25 July 2007Dernière : Saturday 22 September 2007Mise en scène : Sam Buntrock • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Elliot Levey (Orville Wright), Sam Kenyon (Wilbur Wright), Michael Jibson (Charles Lindbergh) , Sally Ann Triplett (Amelia Earhart), Ian Bartholomew (George Putnam), Clive Carter (Otto Lillienthal), Christopher Colley (Richard Byrd), Ian Coningham, John Conroy, Helen French, Edward Gower, Kaisa Hammarlund, Liza PulmanCommentaires : Maltby and Shire decided to have the premiere of their new musical at the Menier Chocolate Factory where it was greeted respectfully but without any great enthusiasm. The surreal elements, such as the cast sitting on top of stepladders and operating imaginary joysticks, tended to work against any true involvement with the characters and their dreams. However, with its period-feel songs and clever lyrics, it was generally considered a worthy, if not too exciting, effort. In a revised version, it had its American premiere in New Jersey in April 2010, again directed by Sam Buntrock.

Version 6
Take flight (2010-04-McCarter Theatre Center-Princeton)
Type de série: RecréationThéâtre: Redwood City (San Francisco - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : Friday 30 April 2010Première : Friday 30 April 2010Dernière : Sunday 06 June 2010Mise en scène : Sam Buntrock • Chorégraphie : Producteur :