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Version 1
Girlfriends (1987-10-Playhouse Theatre-London)
Type de série: West End TransferThéâtre: Playhouse Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois Nombre : 43 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Friday 16 October 1987Dernière : Saturday 21 November 1987Mise en scène : John Rettalack • Chorégraphie : Stuart Hopps • Producteur : Avec : Caroline Mander (Amy), Fletcher Mathers (Brenda), Sara Weymouth (Carol), Hazel O’Connor (Phyllis), Donna Champion, Clare Burt, Jenna Russell, Julie Jupp, Norma Attalah, Tracy Halsey, Tina Jones, David Easter.Commentaires : Originally produced at the Oldham Coliseum, this was considerably re-written for the West End, and was a virtually sung-through piece, with very little linking dialogue. The music was praised, but the lyrics and book came in for a lot of criticism. All in all, it was considered an honourable failure.