Provincetown Playhouse
Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis
Construction: 1918 - Fermeture: 1940
Topologie du théâtre
Nombre de salles actives: 1
Salle 1: () 1918 - 1940
En métro:
En bus:
Adresse: 133 MacDougal St., New York, NY
1918 - 1940

3) All God's Chillun Got Wings (Original)
Joué durant 4 mois 3 semaines
Première preview: 15 May 1924
Première: 15 May 1924
Dernière: 04 October 1924
Libettiste: Eugene O'Neill •
Metteur en scène: James Light •
Avec: Paul Robeson (Jim Harris), Mary Blair (Ella Downey), Dora Cole (Hattie Harris), William Davis (Jim Harris, as a child), Charles EllisGeorge Finley (Shorty, as a child), Lillian Greene (Mrs. Harris), James Martin (Mickey), James Meighan (Organ Grinder), Malvin Myrck (Joe, as a child), Jimmy Ward (Mickey, as a child), Frank Wilson (Joe), Virginia Wilson (Ella Downey, as a child), Kirk Ames (Man), Barbara Benedict (Salvationist), Harold Bryant (Man), Grace Burns (Little Girl), Hume Derr (Woman), Oscar Flanner (Man), Lila Hawkins (Woman), Paul Jones (Man), Spurgon Lampert (Man), Alice Nelson (Little Girl), Clement O'Loghlen (Salvationist), Sadie Reynolds (Woman), Kathleen Roarke (Woman), James Shute (Man), John Taylor (Salvationist), Leslye Thomas (Woman), Mr. Waite (Man), Evelyn Wynn (Little Girl)
Commentaire: Provincetown Playhouse (15 Mai 1924 - 5 Jul 1924)
Greenwich Village Theatre (18 Aout 1924 - 4 Oct 1924) (plus)
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2) Emperor Jones (The) (Original)
Joué durant 1 mois
Nb de représentations: 204 représentations
Première preview: 01 November 1920
Première: 01 November 1920
Dernière: 01 December 1920
Libettiste: Eugene O'Neill •
Metteur en scène:
Avec: Jasper Deeter (Harry Smithers), Christine Ell (An Old Native Woman), Charles Ellis (Lem), Charles S. Gilpin (Brutus Jones)
Commentaire: Provincetown Playhouse (1 Nov 1920 - Dec 1920)
Selwyn Theatre (Dec 1920 - 25 Jan 25 1921)
Princess Theatre (29 Jan 1921 - Apr 1921)
The Emperor Jones was first staged on November 1, 1920, by the Provincetown Players at the Provincetown Playhouse in New York City. Charles Sidney Gilpin, a respected leading man from the all-black Lafayette Players of Harlem, was the first actor to play the role of Brutus Jones on stage. They did have some conflict over Gilpin's tendency to change O'Neill's use of the word "nigger" to Negro and colored in the course of the play. This production was O'Neill's first real smash hit. The Players' small theater was too small to cope with audience demand for tickets, and the play was transferred to another theater. It ran for 204 performances and was hugely popular, touring in the States with this cast for the next two years. (plus)
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