Opera House
Manchester - Angleterre
Construction: 1915

Topologie du théâtre
Nombre de salles actives: 1
Salle 1: (1920) 1915 - Actif
En métro:
En bus:
Adresse: 3 Quay Street, Manchester
Ambassador Theatre Group

1915 - Actif
The New Theatre, as it was named, opened on Boxing Day 1912. Struggling to compete with other establishments, it was sold to United Theatre Ltd in 1915 and was renamed the New Queens Theatre.
Between the years of 1916 and 1920, Sir Thomas Beecham chose to perform there on several occasions and it was in honour of this great man that, in August of that year, the theatre was renamed The Opera House.
Over the years this building has ‘seen’ life change around her. Surviving the Second World War, it operated as a cinema for a time and later became a bingo hall.
In 1984 the Opera House became a theatre once more and over the years, has staged the most magnificent shows such as Barnum, Phantom of the Opera, Oliver and many more.
After major refurbishment in 2003 the Opera House continues to attract the best in entertainment, standing proud on Quay Street as a part of Manchester History.

5) Ghost - The musical (Original)
Joué durant 1 mois 2 semaines
Première preview: 28 March 2011
Première: 28 March 2011
Dernière: 14 May 2011
Compositeur: Dave Stewart • Glen Ballard •
Parolier: Dave Stewart • Glen Ballard •
Libettiste: Bruce Joel Rubin •
Metteur en scène: Matthew Warchus •
Chorégraphe: Ashley Wallen •
Avec: Richard Fleeshman (Sam Wheat), Caissie Levy (Molly Jensen), Sharon D Clarke (Oda Mae Brown), Andrew Langtree (Carl Bruner), Ivan de Freitas (Willie Lopez), Adebayo Bolaji (Subway Ghost), Mark Pearce (Hospital Ghost), Lisa Davina Phillip (Clara), Jenny Fitzpatrick (Louise), Jaygann Ayeh, Paul Ayres, Darren Carnall, Michael Peters, Laura Selwood, Yemie Sonuga, Spencer Stafford, Phillipa Stefani, Jez Unwin, Sally Whitehead, Scott Ellis, Rebecca Giacopazzi, Emily Hawgood, Louise Lawson, Rochelle Neil, Mark Willshire
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Pre-London Try Out
4) Candide (Pre-London Try Out)
Joué durant
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 20 April 1959
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: Leonard Bernstein •
Parolier: Richard Wilbur •
Libettiste: Lillian Hellman •
Metteur en scène: Robert Lewis •
Chorégraphe: Jack Cole •
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Pre-London Try Out
3) Nymph Errant (Pre-London Try Out)
Joué durant
Première preview: 11 September 1933
Première: 11 September 1933
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: Cole Porter •
Parolier: Cole Porter •
Libettiste: Romney Brent •
Metteur en scène: Romney Brent •
Chorégraphe: Agnès de Mille •
Avec: Gertrude Lawrence (Evangeline Edwards), Iris Ashley (Madeleine), Doris Carson (Henrietta Bamberg), Walter Crisham (Ben Winthrop), Austin Trevor (Andre de Croissant), David Burns (Constantine), Elisabeth Welch (Haidee Robinson), Queenie Leonard (Clarissa Parks), Moya Nugent (Miss Pratt), Ralph Roberts (Dr. Sandford, Kassim), Alexander Ivo (Alexei), Morton Selten (Count Hohenadelborn-Mantalini), Edward Underdown (Joe the gardener), Hella Kurty (Bertha), Norah Howard (Joyce Arbuthnot-Palmer), Margaret Emden (Aunt Ermyntrude), Winifred Oughton (Edith Sandford), Wilfred Caithness (Reverend Pither), May Agate (Mme. Arthur), Jean Davaut (Hercule), Jessie Busley (Mrs. Bamberg), Bruce Winston (The Eunuch), Betty Hare, Gerald Nodin, Annabel Gibson, and Kenneth Ware (Tourists)
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Pre-London Try Out
2) Words and Music (Pre-London Try Out)
Joué durant
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 01 August 1932
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: Noël Coward •
Parolier: Noël Coward •
Libettiste: Noël Coward •
Metteur en scène: ???? ???? •
Chorégraphe: ???? ???? •
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Plus d'infos sur ce musical