Musical (1969)

Musique: André Previn
Paroles: Alan Jay Lerner
Livret: Alan Jay Lerner

Quelques souvenirs de Katharine Hepburn concernant la seule comédie musicale à aquelle elle a participé.

Katharine Hepburn – Interview with Dick Cavett - 1973:
"I was so tormented in the theatre, it frightened me so, that I thought, well I must come back and overcome that. And it took me my whole life. I mean, I even did that in Coco – how could’ve been insane enough to do Coco, when I couldn't obviously sing at's very difficult, the voice, because you wonder, 'Am I going to be able to make a sound, when I'm petrified?"

Katharine Hepburn – Me – 1991:
"If I could describe to you the terror – the sinking inadequacy – the blank horror which I felt every night before I went on. Like playing tennis without a racquet. Or, say, with a racquet with no strings – impotence – and pretense – Katie sings – Well, to me it was a great example of Katie doesn't sing…..Now to me this was a dreadful fact. I was back there in my hole waiting to go out into the ring. They were out there sitting – waiting – and they'd paid a big price for those tickets and they had a right to the best and here I was about to go forth – armed with a squeak. A mouse posing as a lion…..I prayed – I wept – I did my [vocal] exercises – I prayed – someone help me – and out I went. Please, God…… And do you know what? Love came across the footlights. And in waves and hugs….. That's all right, Katie – so you can't sing but we get it – we hear you – we feel – we know you. And so together we worked it out. And I got a little better – enough better so that I didn't die.”

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