Ben Rumson is a grizzled prospector whose daughter Jennifer finds gold near their camp. Word of the strike gets around and the town's population grows tremendously. Jennifer falls in love with Julio, a Mexican prospector, but goes East to school. When the gold strike is over, she returns to find her town a ghost town and her loved ones left with nothing but their hopes and dreams.
Act I
In the California Wilderness in May 1853, a crusty old miner, Ben Rumson, is conducting a makeshift funeral for a friend. Meanwhile his 16-year-old daughter Jennifer discovers gold dust. Ben claims the land, and prospectors start flocking to the brand new town of Rumson (I'm On My Way). Two months later Rumson has a population of 400, all of whom are men except for Jennifer. Prospector Jake Whippany is waiting to save enough money to send for Cherry and her Fandango girls (Rumson), while Jennifer senses the tension building in town (What's Going On Here?). Julio Valveras, a handsome young miner forced to live and work outside of town because he is Mexican, comes to town with dirty laundry and runs into Jennifer, who volunteers to do his laundry. They also talk to each other (I Talk to the Trees). Steve Bulmarck and the other men ponder the lonely nomadic life they lead in the song "They Call the Wind Maria".
Two months later the men want Ben to send Jennifer away, and he wishes her mother was still alive to help him (I Still See Elisa). Jennifer is in love with Julio (How Can I Wait?), and when Ben sees Jennifer dancing with Julio's clothes, he decides to send her East on the next stage. Jacob Woodling, a Mormon man with two wives, Sarah and Elizabeth, arrives in Rumson where the men demand Jacob sell one of his wives. To his surprise, Ben finds himself wooing Elizabeth (In Between) and wins her for $800 (Whoop-Ti-Yay). Jennifer is disgusted by her father's actions and runs away, telling Julio that she will be reunited with him in a year's time (Carino Mio). Cherry and her Fandango girls arrive (There's a Coach Comin' In). Julio learns his claim is running dry which means he has to move on to make a living and that he will not be there to greet Jennifer when she returns.
Act II
A year later in October, the miners celebrate the high times in Rumson now that the Fandango girls are around (Hand Me Down That Can o' Beans). Edgar Crocker, a miner who has saved his money, falls for Elizabeth and she responds, although Ben does not notice since he thinks Raymond Janney is in love with her (he is). Another miner, Mike Mooney, tells Julio about a lake that has gold dust on the bottom and he considers looking for it (Another Autumn). Jennifer returns in December, having learned civilized ways back East (All for Him). Ben tells his daughter that he will soon be moving on since he was not meant to stay in one place for long (Wand'rin' Star). The next day as Cherry and the girls are packing to leave they tell her about Julio leaving to find the lake with a bottom of gold. Raymond Janney offers to buy Elizabeth from Ben for $3,000, but she runs off with Edgar Crocker.
Word comes of another strike 40 miles south of Rumson and the rest of the town packs up to leave except for Jennifer, who is waiting for Julio to return, and Ben, who suddenly realizes that Rumson is indeed his town. Late in April, Julio appears, a broken man. The now dying Ben welcomes him and Julio is amazed to see Jennifer is there. As they move toward each other, the wagons filled with people move on.
The musical opened on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre on November 12, 1951, and closed on July 19, 1952, after 289 performances. The production was directed by Daniel Mann, set design by Oliver Smith, costume design by Motley, lighting design by Peggy Clark, music for dances arranged by Trude Rittman, with dances and musical ensembles by Agnes de Mille set to the orchestrations of Ted Royal.
It starred James Barton (as Ben Rumson), Olga San Juan (Jennifer Rumson), Tony Bavaar (Julio Valveras), Gemze de Lappe (Yvonne Sorel), James Mitchell (Pete Billings), Kay Medford (Cherry), and Marijane Maricle (Elizabeth Woodling). Burl Ives and Eddie Dowling later took over the role of Ben Rumson. De Mille later restaged the dances as a stand-alone ballet, Gold Rush.
The West End production opened on February 11, 1953 at Her Majesty's Theatre and ran for 477 performances. It starred real life father and daughter Bobby Howes and Sally Ann Howes.
A new production, with a revised libretto by David Rambo, was produced by the Pioneer Theatre Company in Salt Lake City, Utah and ran from September 28, 2007, through October 13, 2007. The director was Charles Morey and choreographer Patti D'Beck, with a cast of nearly 30. One change from the original was to have "They Call the Wind Maria" staged as an ensemble number instead of a showcase solo.
Act 1
• I'm On My Way - Steve Bullnack, Jake Whippany, Mike Mooney, Lee Zen, Sing Yuy, Sandy Twist, Edgar Crocker, Reuben Sloane and Miners
• Rumson - Jake
• What's Goin' On Here? - Jennifer Rumson
• I Talk to the Trees - Julio Valveras and Jennifer
• "They Call the Wind Maria" - Steve, Miners and Dancer
• I Still See Elisa - Ben Rumson
• How Can I Wait? - Jennifer
• Trio - Elizabeth Woodling, Sarah Woodling and Jacob Woodling
• Rumson (Reprise) - Jake
• In Between - Ben
• Whoop-Ti-Ay! - Ben, Elizabeth and Miners
• How Can I Wait? (Reprise) - Jennifer and Julio
Act 2
• Hand Me Down That Can O'Beans - Jake and Miners
• Rope Dance - Fandangos, Pete Billings and Singer
• Can-can - Suzanne Duval, Rocky, Fandangos and Miners
• Another Autumn - Julio Valveras, Dancer and Pete Billings
• Movin' - Miners
• I'm On My Way (Reprise) - Miners
• All For Him - Jennifer
• (I Was Born Under a) Wand'rin' Star - Ben
• I Talk to the Trees (Reprise) - Jennifer
• Strike! - Steve, Jasper and Jake
• (I Was Born Under a) Wand'rin' Star (Reprise) - Jake, Steve, Sandy and Miners
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Version 1
Paint your wagon (1996-07-Open Air Theatre Regent's Park-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Open Air Theatre, Regent's Park (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : 26 July 1996
Première: 26 July 1996
Dernière: 02 September 1996Mise en scène : Ian Talbot • Chorégraphie : Lisa Kent • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Tony Selby (Ben Rumson), Claire Carrie (Jennifer), Chook Sibtrain (Julio), Gavin Muir, Simon Nock, John Berlyne, Ellen O’Grady, Liz Izen
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