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Compositeur Musique additionelle Librettiste Parolier Metteur en scène Chorégraphe Producteur création Producteur version

Version 1
Gentleman Unafraid (1938-06-The Muny-St Louis)
Type de série: Pre-Broadway Try OutThéâtre: The Muny (St Louis - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 semaine Nombre : 6 représentationsPremière Preview : Friday 03 June 1938Première : Friday 03 June 1938Dernière : Sunday 12 June 1938Mise en scène : Zeke Colvan • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Ralph Riggs (Pignatelli), Marcella Uhl (Miss Murdock), Kay Picture (Polly Evans), Ronald Graham (Bob Vance), Barry Sullivan (Jim Allen), Hope Manning (Linda Mason), Richard (Red) Skelton (Bud Hutchins), Kirk Alyn (Don Mason), Vicki Cummings (Betsy Havens), Roland Drew (John Carter), Fred Persson (Benny Havens), Carroll Ashburn (Commandant Reynolds), Avon Long (Joe), Minto Cato (Liza), Annamary Dickey (Mrs. Mason), George E. Mack (Mr. Mason), Al Downing (Senator Vance), Victor Thorley (Abraham Lincoln), Jerry Sloane (John Wilkes Booth), Lori Trivers (Maizie La Tour); Dancers: Marjorie Ammon, Lalla Bauman, Catherine Birk, Janet Bradford, Mary Louise Crowe, Aurelia Drehkoff, Kay Eibert, Jane Finnegan, Jane Fox, Georgiann Grant, Betty Herbert, June Hooker, Virginia Jones, Ruth Katt, Patricia Moorman, Evelyn Moser, Doris Padgett, Rosemary Powell, Marifrances Rosenstein, Sally Stiles, Willadeen Sparks, Jane Strebling, Melba Stephens, Dorothy Steidemann, Frances Winklemeir, Wynn Wendell, Willis Wylis, Herman Desmond, Kenneth Horbeck, Robert Josias, William Keegan, Mortimer O’Brien, John Parlow, Clarence Reed, Bob Riley, Vincent Vernon, Eddie Wells; Singers: Barbara Addicks, Jeanne Archibald, Geraldine Botkin, Vivian Chandler, Aline Daly, Mary Donahue, Helen Dooley, Ruth A. Finke, Lucille Floetman, Katherine Ganley, Jeanette Garman, Jeanne Gustavison, Marjorie Johnson, Jacqueline Jones, Melba Keehner, Mary Grace Leddy, Anita Love, Marie Goff McHenry, Jean Milde, Dorothy Newlund, Rochelle Payntar, Lauramae Pippin, Marie Ryan, Virginia Speak, Millard Allen, Jay Amiss, Ben Basone, Michael Bilgere, Dryden Carver, R. Leon Cardell, Alan Easterling, Gordon Feilts, Anthony G. Ferrara, Roy D. Greene, Dudley Harder, Kenneth Hartung, Charles Kanter, Lowry Kohler, Douglas Lloyd, Garvin E. Martini
Remarque : Le programme a également crédité The Celestial Choristers (sous la direction de C. Spencer Tocus), et a noté que les interprètes qui ont joué les garçons ROTC étaient des étudiants du Christian Brothers Collegeæ.

Version 2
Show Boat (1927-12-Ziegfield Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Ziegfield Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 an 1 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 527 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Tuesday 27 December 1927Dernière : Monday 04 February 1929Mise en scène : Oscar Hammerstein II • Zeke Colvan • Chorégraphie : Sammy Lee • Producteur : Avec : Windy ... Allan Campbell
Steve ... Charles Ellis
Pete ... Bert Chapman
Queenie ... Aunt Jemima
Parthy Ann Hawks ... Edna May Oliver
Cap'n Andy ... Charles Winninger
Ellie ... Eva Puck
Frank ... Sammy White
Rubber Face ... Francis X. Mahoney
Julie ... Helen MorganCommentaires longs: La création à Broadway a été précédée d'un Try Out Tour:
National Theatre [Washington, DC] 15/11/1927 - ?
Nixon Theatre [Philadelphia, PA] 21/11/1927 - ?
Ohio Theatre [Cleveland, OH] 28/11/1927 - ?
Erlanger Theatre [Philadelphia, PA] 5/12/1927 - 19/12/1927
The production was originally supposed to go into the Lyric Theatre but producer Florenz Ziegfeld deemed the stage too small. Rio Rita was originally supposed to be the first show at the new Ziegfeld Theatre. Because of the stage size, Ziegfeld shifted Rio Rita to the Lyric and Show Boat to the Ziegfeld.
Casting might-have-beens:
Florenz Ziegfeld originally wanted tenor Harry Fender as Ravenal. Fender had developed crippling stage fright and could not take the role.
Originally, Ziegfeld, Hammerstein and Kern wanted Paul Robeson to play Joe. But, when the production was delayed by a year, Robeson was unavailable.
Elizabeth Hines was announced as Magnoila (she announced this in her biography in the program for Rio Rita). When she was released from her contract, she sued Ziegfeld (see other note on this page).
Guy Robertson was announced as Ravenal.
Show Boat was originally intended to be produced around April 1927 with Elizabeth Hines, Guy Robertson and Paul Robeson. However, when the writing delayed the start of rehearsals, the performers were released.
Elizabeth Hines (who was announced for the role of Magnolia in early 1927) sued Ziegfeld for approximately $200,000 when he released her from her contract following the spring 1927 delay. She claimed that she signed a contract that if Show Boat was not produced in January 1927, Ziegfeld would find her another property. She lost the suit in the Supreme Court.
The world premiere at the National Theatre in Washington DC on November 15, 1927 became legendary for both its impact and its length. The first act curtain came down at 10:30 and the final curtain fell at 12:40am.
Following the premiere performance, drastic cuts were made.
Show Boat proved so popular that in February 1928, Ziegfeld announced that he would open a second New York company at another theatre to play simultaneously. Possible cast members mentioned were Raymond Hitchcock as Cap'n Andy, Paul Robeson as Joe and Libby Holman as Julie. It never happened though.
The Broadway cast took the show on the road following the Broadway closing.

Version 3
Show Boat (1940-05-Philharmonic Auditorium-Los Angeles)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Philharmonic Auditorium (Los Angeles - Etats-Unis) Durée : Nombre : 8 représentationsPremière Preview : Monday 13 May 1940Première : Monday 13 May 1940Dernière : Saturday 18 May 1940Mise en scène : Zeke Colvan • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Norman Fusier (Windy), Victor Adams (Steve Baker), Edward Fisher (Pete), Bertha Powell (Queenie), Winifred Harris (Parthy Ann Hawks), Guy Kibbee (Cap'n Andy), Helen Lynd (Ellie May Chipley), Sammy White (Frank Schultz), Francis X. Mahoney (Rubber Face), Helen Morgan (Julie LaVerne), John Boles (Gaylord Ravenal), Jack Rutherford (Sheriff Vallon), Norma Terris (Magnolia Hawks), Paul Robeson (Joe), Jim Boudwin (Faro Dealer), Jack Daley (Backwoodsman), Don Kent (Jeb), Janet Graves (La Belle Fatima), Edward Fisher (Old Sport), Evelyn Burwell (Ethel), Kathleen Smith (i) (Show Boat 8), Ava Josette (Mother Superior), Babs Savage (Kim (as a child)), Le Roy Pryor (Jake), Jack Daley (Jim), Rugby Curtis (Man with Guitar), Jester Hairston (Charlie), Muriel Goodspeed (Lottie), Marguerite Merlin (Dolly), Lucille Dale (Hazel), Norma Terris (Kim (as a young woman)), Kathleen Smith (i) (Old Lady on Levee), Hall Johnson Singers (Chorus)Commentaires : Dernière appartition dans Show Boat de trois stars qui ont rendus leurs rôles mythiques: Paul Robeson (Joe), Norma Terris (Magnolia) et Helen Morgan (Julie).

Version 4
Show Boat (1944-05-Philharmonic Auditorium-Los Angeles)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Philharmonic Auditorium (Los Angeles - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 semaine Nombre : 16 représentationsPremière Preview : Monday 08 May 1944Première : Monday 08 May 1944Dernière : Saturday 20 May 1944Mise en scène : Zeke Colvan • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Herbert Evans (Windy), Wilton Clary (Steve Baker), Edward Bushman (Pete), Edith Wilson (Queenie), Bertha Belmore (Parthy Ann Hawks), Gene Lockhart (Cap'n Andy), Colette Lyons (Ellie May Chipley), Sammy White (Frank Schultz), Johnny Silver (Rubber Face), Carol Bruce (Julie LaVerne), Lansing Hatfield (Gaylord Ravenal), Jack Rutherford (Sheriff Vallon), Marthe Errolle (Magnolia), Todd Duncan (Joe), Jack Saunders (Faro Dealer), Leland Ledford (Gambler), Jack Daley (Backwoodsman), Frank Breneman (Jeb), Diane Meroff (La Belle Fatima), Michael Austin (i) (Old Sport), Evelyn Butwell (Ethel), Marian Douglas (Show Boat 8), Elaine Haslett (Mother Superior), Carol Field (Kim (child)), David Smith (i) (Jake), Jack Daley (Jim), Jack Garland (Man with Guitar), George Bryant (Charlie), Leonne Hall (Lottie), Marie Hubert (Dolly), Marthe Errolle (Kim (young woman)), Marian Douglas (Old Lady on Levee)

Version 5
Simple Simon (1930-02-Ziegfield Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: Original BroadwayThéâtre: Ziegfield Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 135 représentationsPremière Preview : Tuesday 18 February 1930Première : Tuesday 18 February 1930Dernière : Saturday 14 June 1930Mise en scène : Zeke Colvan • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Paul Stanton (Bert Blue, and later Bluebeard), Alfred P. James (Fingy), Will Ahearn (Jack Horner), Bobbe Arnst (Gilly Flower, and later Jill and Jazz), Ed Wynn (Simon), Anthony Hughes (Policeman), Doree Leslie (Elaine King, and later Cinderella), Lennox Pawle (Olee King, and later Old King Cole), Hugh Cameron (Otto Prince), Master George Offermann (Jonah, and later Genii), Gil White (Popper), Alan Edwards (Tony Prince, later Prince Charming), Ruth Etting (Sal), Helen Walsh (Jewel Pearce, Red Riding Hood), Hazel Forbes (Gladys Dove, Rapunsel), Douglas Stanbury (Captain in Dullna Army), Joseph Schrode and Pete La Della (The Horse), Frank DeWitt (The Giant Head), William J. Ferry (The Frog), Harriet Hoctor (Premiere Danseuse, Snow White), Dolores Grant (Little Boy Blue, Bo-Peep), Clementine Rigeau and Elaine Mann (The Wolf, aka Wolff), Agnes Franey and Virginia McNaughton (Goldylocks), Patsy O’Day (Puss in Boots), Elsie Behrens (Hansel), Mable Baade (Gretel), Marie Conway (Cat and the Fiddle), Gladys Pender (The Cow), Dorothy Patterson (The Dog), Lois Peck (The Dish), Neva Lynn (The Spoon), Frieda Mierse (Old Lady in the Shoe), Georgia Payne and Caja Eric (Miss Muffett), Blanche Satchell and Marion Dodge (Fairy Goddesses), Pirkko Alquist (Snow Queen); Ladies of the Ensemble: Caja Eric, Georgia Payne, Vili Milli, Marion Dodge, Helen Walsh, Pirkko Alquist, Frieda Mierse, Blanche Satchell, Neva Lynn, Mildred Ivory, Dolores Grant, Marie Conway, Mary Coyle, Elsie Behrens, Patsy O’Day, Elaine Mann, Mable Baade, Gladys Pender, Dorothy Patterson, Cleo Cullen, Clementine Rigeau, Agnes Franey, Virginia McNaughton, Lois Peck, Hazel Forbes, Howard, O’Laughlin; Gentlemen of the Ensemble: Messrs. Roberts, Alan Edwards, Fowler, Siegel, Uray, Sager, Doctoroff, Mandes, Butterworth, Lewis, Hervey, Costello, Simmons, Hall, Carswell, Gil White, BarryPresse : J. Brooks Atkinson in the New York Times reported that Ziegfeld had set Wynn “amid the resplendence of a vast, though unsteady, musical extravaganza.” Wynn was “one of the two or three great comedians of the day,” an “artist who lifts his tomfoolery into the realms of fantasy,” and in Simple Simon he had “never seemed so indisputably great.” He was a “historical event” in “the full ripeness of his art.” But the book struggled “ineffectually” to combine a fairy tale with weak satire about the Puritanism of reformers, and the song cues were “more distressing than usual.” And while Rodgers’s “dappled” melodies “echoe[d] his style without improving it,” Hart’s lyrics were “more sprightly” than the music. Atkinson noted that Etting had “been rushed out of the limbo” of Nine Fifteen Revue and sang “I Still Believe in You” and a “melancholy ballad” from atop a piano (“Ten Cents a Dance”).
Robert Benchley in the New Yorker said the book was “of such banality as to affront even the children for whom it was written,” but Wynn offered “a riot of rich comedy” that was “nothing short of legerdemain.” The “Hunting Ballet” was the season’s “top” dance sequence, Urban had “let himself go with his paintbrush with spectacular effect,” and Rodgers and Hart had provided a “potpourri of pleasant tunes” (but he noted they had delved “slightly into their files” [see below]).
An unsigned review in Time suggested that “I Still Believe in You” was “one of the best” songs ever written by Rodgers and Hart, and mentioned that children would “hugely enjoy” the evening and their elders would “profitably join them.” Richard Lockridge in the New York Sun said Ziegfeld had “perhaps never produced a musical extravaganza which held more to delight the eye.” Arthur Ruhl in the New York Herald Tribune praised the “large, radiant and altogether attractive show” and said Wynn was “almost a whole show in himself.” And the headline for Gilbert W. Gabriel’s review in the New York American announced that Simple Simon was “Superlatively Fanciful, Colorful and Innocent.”

Version 6
Ziegfeld Follies of 1927 (1927-08-New Amsterdam Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: New Amsterdam Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 4 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 167 représentationsPremière Preview : Tuesday 16 August 1927Première : Tuesday 16 August 1927Dernière : Saturday 07 January 1928Mise en scène : Zeke Colvan • Florenz Ziegfeld • Sammy Lee • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Jean Ackerman, Pirkko Ahlquist, Wilma Ansell, Jean Audree, Anita Avila, Franklyn Bauer, Dorothy Bauman, Leo Bill, Bonnie Blackwood, Antoinette Boots, Helen Hayes Brown, Genevieve Browne, The Brox Sisters, Gloria Bujee, Edna Bunte, Dorothy Burr, Bobbie Campbell, Eddie Cantor, Kae Carroll, Olga Chalmers, Peggy Chamberlin, Paul Chezzi, Lillian Clark, Babe Colby, Ripples Covert, Eileen Cullen, Mignon Dallette, Myrna Darby, Claudia Dell, Irene Delroy, Dorothy Donahue, Mary Donahue, Pauline Dove, Alma Drange, Anna Dumar, Cliff Edwards, Ruth Etting, Fairchild & Rainger, Murrel Finely, Grace Fleming, Lora Foster, Amy Frank, Vera Fredericks, Marie Gale, Rose Gale, Paul Ghezzi, Doreen Glover, Rita Glynde, Frances Gorton, Evelyn Graves, Velma Grimm, Edith Hayward, Dan Healy, Ross Hines, Edna Wallace Hopper, The Ingenues, Bob Ingersoll, Mary Irwin, Madeline Janis, Billie Jenks, Paula Jones, Bettye Junod, Helen Kaiser, Lily Kimari, Lydia Krashinsky, Kathleen Krosby, Ida Lanvin, Marjorie Leet, Frances Leighton, Marguerite Lichti, Claire Luce, Polly Luce, Marie Marceline, Margaret Mayer, Harry McNaughton, Beth Milton, Mixi, Catherine Moylan, Bonnie Murray, Myrio and Desha, Marie Novak, Agnes O'Laughlin, Blanche Olsen, Peggy O'Neil, Nona Otero, Jessie Payne, Frank Phillips, Nickie Pitell, Alice Pleis, Louise Powell, William H. Power, Albertina Rasche Girls, Gladys Rennick, Anita Rice, Kathryn Ringquist, Virginia Roberts, Olga Royce, Lee Russell, Dorothy Ryan, Phil Ryley, Blanche Satchell, Bunny Schum, Mickie Seiden, Tommie Shannon, Frank Sherlock, Al Siegel, Mina Smith, Mina Sorel, Laura Standish, Cora Stephens, Jack Stevens, Wanda Stevenson, Norma Taylor, Andrew Tombes, Nildred Turner, Frances Upton, Blossom Vreeland, Florence Ward, Marion Wellman, Lucy Westgate, Gertrude Williams, Frances Woodward, Gladys Young