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Compositeur Musique additionelle Librettiste Parolier Metteur en scène Chorégraphe Producteur création Producteur version
Version 1
Dearest Enemy (1925-09-Knickerbocker Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Knickerbocker Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 8 mois Nombre : 286 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Friday 18 September 1925Dernière : Saturday 22 May 1926Mise en scène : John Murray Anderson • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Avec : Flavia Arcaro (Mrs. Robert Murray), Alden Gay (Caroline), Marian Williams (Annabelle), Jane Overton (Peg, Specialty Dancer), Helen Spring (Jane Murray), Andrew Lawlor Jr. (Jimmy Burke), John Seymour (Captain Harry Tryon), William Eville (General Henry Clinton), Arthur Brown (Lieutenant Sudsby), Harold Crane (General Sir William Howe), Detmar Poppen (General John Tryon), Charles Purcell (Captain Sir John Copeland), Helen Ford (Betsy Burke), Percy Woodley (General Israel Putnam), James Cushman (Major Aaron Burr); Morgan Scouts: Jack Shannon (Private Peters), Mark Truscott (Private Lindsay), and Percy French (Private Woods); Frank Lambert (Envoy), H. E. Eldridge (General George Washington), Charles Bennington (Specialty Dancer); Ladies of the Ensemble: Betty Linn, Rachel Chester, Marion Dabney, Roberta Curry, Mabel Zoeckler, Polly Williams, Josephine Payne, Peggy Bancroft, Elizabeth North, Marita Dennis, Joy Leitch, Devah Worrell, Gloria Faye, Geneva Price, Mildred Mann, Lucille Smyser, Eugenia Renon; Gentlemen of the Ensemble: George Harold, John Valentine, Burton McEvilly, Louis Gomez, Walter T. Burke, Edward Larkin, Conrad Gordon, James Cushman, Don KnobkochCommentaires : En préproduction, le musical était connu sous le nom de Sweet Rebel; lors du premier Try-Out (à Akron, Ohio) le titre était Dear Enemy; et lors du deuxième Try-Out (à Baltimore, Maryland) le titre a été légèrement modifié en Dearest Enemy.Presse : The critic of The New York Times "waxed rhapsodic over [songs] 'that are as uncommon as most of them are beautiful'", and the New York Evening World called the book "wise and truly witty and genuinely romantic" and praised the beauty and freshness of the songs.
Historian Stanley Green wrote that there was a "well-sustained attempt" to match the music to the plot and period. The ballads were "dainty, charming pieces."
The Telegram reviewer wrote that "We have a glimmering notion that someday they will form the American counterpart of the once great triumvirate of Bolton, Wodehouse, and Kern."
Version 2
Greenwich Village Follies of 1924 (The) (1924-09-Shubert Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Shubert Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 mois 2 semaines Nombre : 127 représentationsPremière Preview : Tuesday 16 September 1924Première : Tuesday 16 September 1924Dernière : Saturday 03 January 1925Mise en scène : John Murray Anderson • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : The Dolly Sisters, Moran and Mack, Georgie Hale, Bobbe Arnst, Vincent Lopez and his orchestraCommentaires : Shubert Theatre: 16 sept 1924 - 22 nov 1924
Winter Garden Theatre: 24 nov 1924 - 3 janv 1925
Version 3
Jumbo (1935-11-Hippodrome Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Hippodrome Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 5 mois Nombre : 233 représentationsPremière Preview : Saturday 16 November 1935Première : Saturday 16 November 1935Dernière : Saturday 18 April 1936Mise en scène : George Abbott • John Murray Anderson • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Dave Adams (Second Razorback), Edward Angelry (Razorback), Nancy Antoine (Allan K. Foster Girl), Anita Arden (Show Girl), Dave BallardBarbette (Circus Specialty), Jack Barnes (Circus Specialty), Allen Bennett (Razorback), Big Rosie (Jumbo), Donald Black (Chief of Police), Florence Blair (Allan K. Foster Girl), Evelyn Bonefine (Dancer), Dorothy Bradshaw (Dancer), Tom Breen (Circus Specialty), Helen Brooks (Circus Specialty), William Brooks (Circus Specialty), Helen Brown (Circus Specialty), Camilla's Birds (Circus Specialty), Joseph Caplan (Razorback), Violet Carson (Dancer), Gloria Claire (Dancer), Aina Constant (Show Girl), Vyna Dale (Dancer), Theodore Daniels (Razorback), Daniel Dansby (Razorback), Willard Dashiell (Auctioneer), Charles De Camo (Circus Specialty), Betty De Elmo (Dancer), Josie DeMotte (Circus Specialty), Albert Dewbeery (Circus Specialty), Virginia Donahue (Dancer), Margaret Donohue (Circus Specialty), Dr. Ostermeier's "Doheos" (Circus Specialty), Lipman Duckat (Razorback), Lenze Duo (Circus Specialty), Jimmy Durante (Claudius B. Bowers), Madeline Ecklund (Show Girl), Sybil Elaine (Little Girl), Mickey Elbert (Allan K. Foster Girl), Lynn Eldredge (Razorback), Phil Eppens (Razorback), William J. Ferry (Circus Specialty), France and LaPell (Circus Specialty), Vivian Francis (Allan K. Foster Girl), William Freeman (Razorback), Roger Gerry (Razorback), Tilda Getze (Dancer), Gloria Grafton (Mickey Considine), Joan Gray (Dancer), Mona Gray (Allan K. Foster Girl), Gene Greenlaw (Sweeney), Grace Elizabeth Hanneford (Circus Specialty), Poodles Hanneford ("Poodles"), Betty Harris (Allan K. Foster Girl), Helen Harvey (Circus Specialty), Maurine Holmes (Show Girl), Mildred Hughes (Show Girl), Mary Jackson (Circus Specialty), Harry Jackson, Jr. (Circus Specialty), Harry Jackson, Sr. (Circus Specialty), Julius Johnson (Razorback), Robert Johnson (Razorback), Billie Joyce (Dancer), A. P. Kaye (Mr. Jellico), Dorothy Keller (Allan K. Foster Girl), Tiny Kline (Circus Specialty), Patricia Knight (Dancer), Karl Kosicsky (Circus Specialty), John Kuebler (Reilly), Arthur La Fleur (Circus Specialty), Henry LaMarr (Flanagan), Sonny Lang (Circus Specialty), Ed LaNole (Circus Specialty), Helen LaNole (Circus Specialty), Minnie LaPell (Circus Specialty), Bob Lawrence (Mr. Ball), Edna Lee (Circus Specialty), Jack Leslie (Razorback), Walter Lewis (Razorback), Tom Lomas (First Artist), Charlotte Lorraine (Dancer), Gladys Lorraine (Allan K. Foster Girl), Jim Mandy (Circus Specialty), Carlotta Mann (Show Girl), Lela Manor (Dancer), Lila Manor (Dancer), Jim Mardy (Circus Specialty), Josephine Martin (Allan K. Foster Girl), Rudolph Mattson (Razorback), William J. McCarthy (Matthew Mulligan), Kathryn McDonald (Allan K. Foster Girl), Frances McMasters (Circus Specialty), Gayle Mellott (Show Girl), Menagerie from John T. Benson's Wild Animal Farm (Circus Specialty), Ray Miller (First Razorback), Victoria Miller (Circus Specialty), Virginia Moore (Allan K. Foster Girl), Donald Novis (Matt Mulligan, Jr.), Olivette (Circus Specialty), William Parker (Razorback), J. H. Pendergast (Razorback), Jack Phillips (Razorback), Claude Ratliff (Circus Specialty), Bob Reano (Circus Specialty), A. Robins (Circus Specialty), William Selig (Circus Specialty), Lillian Sherry (Allan K. Foster Girl), Arthur Sherwood (Circus Specialty), Arthur Sinclair (John A. Considine), Fred Spear (Second Artist), Gwen Stader (Allan K. Foster Girl), Stanley's Bears (Circus Specialty), Edwina Steele (Dancer), Julie Sterling (Show Girl), Barbara Stuart (Allan K. Foster Girl), Ethel Summerville (Show Girl), Takayama (Circus Specialty), The Kimris (Circus Specialty), The Nagyfys (Circus Specialty), The Nazfys (Circus Specialty), The Stonleys (Circus Specialty), Carol Tolle (Razorback), Lomas Troupe (Circus Specialty), Tyana (Circus Specialty), Howard Urbach (Razorback), Frances Van Ritter (Circus Specialty), Litri Wagner (Circus Specialty), Herbert Waldman (Razorback), Dorothy Warren (Allan K. Foster Girl), George Watts (United States Marshal), Merrit Wells (Razorback), Solon West (Razorback), Cliff Whitcombe (Razorback), Arnold Wilson (Razorback), Effie Winter (Allan K. Foster Girl), Mae Winter (Allan K. Foster Girl), Philip Wood (Mr. Piper), Victor Young (Razorback)
Version 4
Life begins at 8:40 (1935-03-Winter Garden Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Winter Garden Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 6 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 237 représentationsPremière Preview : Monday 27 August 1934Première : Monday 27 August 1934Dernière : Monday 16 September 1935Mise en scène : John Murray Anderson • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Bert Lahr, Ray Bolger, Luella Gear, Frances Williams, Brian Donlevy, Adrienne Matzenauer, Earl Oxford, Robert Wildhack (solo comic), Jack Starr (solo comic), Walter Dare Wahl and Emmettt Oldfield (acrobats), Bartlett Simmons, Josephine Houston, James MacColl, Winifred Har- ris, Charles Fowler, Dixie Dunbar, Frances Comstock, Ofelia and Pimento (dancers), Esther Junger; The Weidman Dancers: Regina Beck, Geri Chopin, Aline Davis, Darley Fuller, Ilse Gronau, Mary Howard, Ethel Medsker, Betty Schaffer, Josephine Schwarz, George Bockmann, Tom Draper, Willem Gerrard, Michael Logan; The Singers: Sally Gibbs, Grena Sloan, Ethel Thorsen, Anya Taranda; The Show Girls: Sally Bynum, Hope Dare, Marjory Ezequelle, Jane Moxon, Jessica Pepper, Gloria Pierre; The Dancers: Mary Bay, Vicki Belling, Helen Bennett, Hazel Boffin- ger, Mary Ann Carr, Noreen Carr, Jean Carson, Aida Conkey, Maxine Darrell, Helene Ecklund, Peggy Gallimore, Pearl Harris, Julie Jenner, Jane Lane, Sherry Stuart, Peggy Thomas, Mildred Webb; The Boys: Eugene Ashley, Jack Barrett, Edward Browne, Billy Ehlers, Kai Hansen, Arthur Manning, Sid Salzer, Eddie Wells
Version 5
Music Box Revue of 1924-25 (The) (1924-12-Music Box Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Music Box Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 5 mois Nombre : 184 représentationsPremière Preview : Monday 01 December 1924Première : Monday 01 December 1924Dernière : Friday 01 May 1925Mise en scène : John Murray Anderson • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Fanny Brice, The Brox Sisters, Bobby Clark, Duell Sisters, Claire Luce, Helen Lyons, Margarita, Joseph McCauley, Paul McCullough, Grace Moore, Carl Randall, Irving Rose, Ula Sharon, Oscar Shaw, Hal Sherman, Tamiris
Version 6
Ziegfeld Follies of 1936 (1936-01-Winter Garden Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Winter Garden Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 3 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 115 représentationsPremière Preview : Thursday 30 January 1936Première : Thursday 30 January 1936Dernière : Saturday 09 May 1936Mise en scène : John Murray Anderson • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Fanny Brice, Bobby Clark, Edelia Alvarez, Ann Anderson, Del Arden, Gloria Arden, Florence Baker, Betty Banister, Mary Bay, Vicki Belling, Helen Bennett, Mary Bicks, Hiawana Booth, Betty Boyce, Julie Bryan, Florine Callahan, Hugh Cameron, Virginia Collins, Cass Daley, Jyll Egger, Irmgard Erik, Marjorie Ezequelle, James Farrell, Alex Fisher, Joe Frederic, Helene Fromson, Kay Gable, Sidney Greene, Ruth Harrison, George Herman, Rita Horgan, Diane Hunter, Henning Irgens, Stan Kavanagh, Georgette Lampsi, Artheda Lane, Virginia Langdon, Marvin Lawler, Marjorie Leach, Gypsy Rose Lee, Linda Lee, Fay Lentz, Dionis Little, Evelyn Low, Christine Beau Mar, Sylvia Marsh, Beth Meredith, Mae Merrick, Melton Moore, Joan Myles, Paul Nelson, Bernard Pearce, Jane Pickens, Cherry Preisser, June Preisser, William Quentmeyer, Erminie Randolph, Jo Raskin, Ruth Rathbun, Clare Scott, Terry Shannon, George Spelvin, Shirley Stevens, Marie Vanneman, Eddie Wells, Ben Yost
Version 7
Ziegfeld Follies of 1936 (1936-09-Winter Garden Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: RepriseThéâtre: Winter Garden Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 3 mois Nombre : 112 représentationsPremière Preview : Monday 14 September 1936Première : Monday 14 September 1936Dernière : Saturday 19 December 1936Mise en scène : John Murray Anderson • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Fanny Brice, Bobby Clark, Edelia Alvarez, Ann Anderson, Del Arden, Gloria Arden, Florence Baker, Betty Banister, Mary Bay, Vicki Belling, Helen Bennett, Mary Bicks, Hiawana Booth, Betty Boyce, Julie Bryan, Florine Callahan, Hugh Cameron, Virginia Collins, Cass Daley, Jyll Egger, Irmgard Erik, Marjorie Ezequelle, James Farrell, Alex Fisher, Joe Frederic, Helene Fromson, Kay Gable, Sidney Greene, Ruth Harrison, George Herman, Rita Horgan, Diane Hunter, Henning Irgens, Stan Kavanagh, Georgette Lampsi, Artheda Lane, Virginia Langdon, Marvin Lawler, Marjorie Leach, Gypsy Rose Lee, Linda Lee, Fay Lentz, Dionis Little, Evelyn Low, Christine Beau Mar, Sylvia Marsh, Beth Meredith, Mae Merrick, Melton Moore, Joan Myles, Paul Nelson, Bernard Pearce, Jane Pickens, Cherry Preisser, June Preisser, William Quentmeyer, Erminie Randolph, Jo Raskin, Ruth Rathbun, Clare Scott, Terry Shannon, George Spelvin, Shirley Stevens, Marie Vanneman, Eddie Wells, Ben Yost
Version 8
Ziegfeld Follies of 1943 (1943-04-Winter Garden Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: RepriseThéâtre: Winter Garden Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 an 3 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 553 représentationsPremière Preview : Thursday 01 April 1943Première : Thursday 01 April 1943Dernière : Saturday 22 July 1944Mise en scène : John Murray Anderson • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Milton Berle, Ilona Massey, Arthur Treacher, Jack Allen, Ray Arnett, Carolyn Ayres, Christine Ayres, Bea Bailey, Bil Baird, Cora Baird, Jim Barron, Robert Bay, Ben Yost's Vi-Kings, Milton Berle, Mary Alice Bigham, Oliver Boersma, Doris Brent, Veronica Byrnes, Josine Cagle, Imogen Carpenter, Skippy Cekan, Virginia Cheneval, Jack Cole, Ann Connolly, Ray Cook, Bob Copsy, Bruce Davison, Grace De Witt, Betty Douglas, Penny Edwards, Nadine Gae, Mary Ganley, Arthur Grahl, David Gray, Victor Griffin, Eleanor Hall, Patricia Hall, Edward Hayes, Manfred Hecht, Marilyn Hightower, Gretchen Houser, Howard Jackson, Jerry Jansley, Jerry Koban, Yvonne Kummer, Rebecca Lee, Kay Lewis, Ray Long, Howard Ludwig, Edmund Lyndeck, Bubbles Mandel, Jay Martin, Arthur Maxwell, Jack McCauley, Mary McDonnell, Earle McVeigh, Katherine Meskill, Virginia Miller, Dean Murphy, Janie New, Marianne O'Brien, Michael Pober, Renee Riley, Robert Rippy, Dixie Roberts, Ruth Rowan, Sue Ryan, Charles Senna, Robert Shaw, Rosaleen Simpson, Sgt. Tom Smith, Betty Stuart, Theodore Teddick, Rose Teed, The Jansleys, The Rhythmaires, Mimi Walthers, Don Weissmuller, Ila Marie Wilson, Tommy Wonder, Doris York