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Version 1
King, a Musical Testimony (1990-04-Piccadilly Theatre-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Piccadilly Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois Nombre : 58 représentationsPremière Preview : Saturday 07 April 1990Première : Monday 23 April 1990Dernière : Saturday 26 May 1990Mise en scène : Clarke Peters • Chorégraphie : Dianne McIntyre • Producteur : Avec : Simon Estes (Martin Luther King), Cynthia Haymon (Coretta King), Godfrey James (Billy), George (Clarke Peters), Leon Greene (Lyndon B. Johnson)Commentaires : This was a deeply troubled show. Before the opening night writers, directors, a producer, a leading actor had all either walked out or been sacked following rows over racial politics, money or artistic content. Maya Angelou wanted her name removed from the credits saying “it takes a black man to write about a black man and there hasn’t been a single black man in the writing of this show”. Martin Luther King’s widow, Coretta, initially had strong objections to the show and attempted to ban the impersonation of herself. Once it had opened, the show was criticised for its lack of drama and character. The book and the production itself were described as “an insignificant offering. . . of such banality it is a crime against humanity... melodramatic Jim Crowism... with little dramatic flair and less depth.” It closed after six weeks with losses of around £3 million.

Version 2
Porgy and Bess (2018-10-Coliseum Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Coliseum Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : Thursday 11 October 2018Première : Thursday 11 October 2018Dernière : Saturday 17 November 2018Mise en scène : James Robinson • Chorégraphie : Dianne McIntyre • Producteur : Avec : Eric Greene (Porgy), Nicole Cabell (Bess), Nmon Ford (Crown), Latonia Moore (Serena), Gweneth-Ann Rand (Serena) - Oct 27/31/Nov 10), Nadine Benjamin (Clara), Tichina Vaughn (Maria), Donovan Singletary (Jake), Frederick Ballentine (Sporting Life), Rheinaldt Tshepo Moagi (Mingo), Chaz'men Williams-Ali (Robbins/Crab Man), Byron Jackson (Frazier), Sarah-Jane Lewis (Annie), Nozuko Teto (Strawberry Woman), Njabulo Madlala (Jim), Whitaker Mills (Undertaker), Thando Mjandana (Nelson).Commentaires : More than 80 years after its premiere, Porgy and Bess receives its first ENO staging. Written for a large cast, with a 40-voice chorus specially formed for this production, and full orchestra, Porgy and Bess is infused with unforgettable melodies, including the much-loved ‘Summertime’. This is a stage work that is emotionally charged, powerful and moving, delivered through jazz, ragtime, blues and spirituals.Presse : “Thrilling... spine-tingling” The Times
“Electrifying... does Gershwin proud" The Independent
"This is how to do it" The Guardian
“Should not be missed” The Arts Desk