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Compositeur Musique additionelle Librettiste Parolier Metteur en scène Chorégraphe Producteur création Producteur version

Version 1
By Jeeves (1975-03-Bristol Hippodrome-Bristol)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Bristol Hippodrome (Bristol - Angleterre) Durée : 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : InconnuPremière : Saturday 22 March 1975Dernière : Saturday 05 April 1975Mise en scène : Eric Thompson • Chorégraphie : Christopher Bruce • Producteur :

Version 2
By Jeeves (1975-04-Her Majesty's Theatre-Londres)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Her Majesty's Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 1 mois Nombre : 38 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Tuesday 22 April 1975Dernière : Saturday 24 May 1975Mise en scène : Eric Thompson • Chorégraphie : Christopher Bruce • Producteur : Commentaires : Le titre à l'époque était "Jeeves", tout simplement.
Terrible Flop. Le metteur en scène, Eric Thompson, est viré à quelques jours de la première.Commentaires longs: The original cast album (MCA Cat. No. MCF 2726) was recorded and released, but it is extremely hard to find. Lloyd Webber, reportedly acting on the advice of American Theatre Director- Harold Prince, withdrew the recording in order to be able to reuse some of the musical material in subsequent shows. Some London theatre fans tell (probably apocryphal) stories of Andrew Lloyd Webber going around London record shops to buy up the remaining copies of the album. The musical score does have some sprightly songs interwoven quite heavily into the plot.

Version 3
Mutiny (1985-07-Piccadilly Theatre-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Piccadilly Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 an 2 mois Nombre : 526 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Monday 22 July 1985Dernière : Saturday 20 September 1986Mise en scène : Michael Bogdanov • Chorégraphie : Christopher Bruce • Producteur : Avec : David Essex (Fletcher Christian), Frank Finlay (Captain Bligh), David Oakley (William Elphinstone), Shaun Curry (Boatswain), Frank Olegarion (King Hiti-Hiti), Nicola Blackman (Queen Hittimahana), Sinitta Renet (Maimiti)Commentaires : This started as a 1983 concept LP by David Essex which spawned a Top Ten hit record, “Tahiti”. The stage version was lavish, featuring a fully rigged sailing ship mounted on a hydraulic system and “sailing” spectacularly to and fro. The music was pastiche marches, sea-shanties and hornpipes. The initial reviews were damning: “Disaster at sea”, “Bounty in Blunderland”, “A sinking showboat” - but somehow the producers found the money to keep it running. As it entered its second year it was announced that David Essex would be replaced by David Cassidy but a sudden decision was made and the show closed abruptly in September. It had lost all its original investment and more due to high running costs.