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Compositeur Musique additionelle Librettiste Parolier Metteur en scène Chorégraphe Producteur création Producteur version

0001 - *** CD/DVD ()
Musique: ???? ????
Paroles: ???? ????
Livret: ???? ????
Production originale:
2 versions mentionnées



Création: // - *** Inconnu (***) - représ.

Etape Théâtre
0002 - *** Etape théâtre ()
Musique: ???? ????
Paroles: ???? ????
Livret: ???? ????
Production originale:
161 versions mentionnées



Création: // - *** Inconnu (***) - représ.

0003 - Kookaburra (1959)
Musique: Eric Spear
Paroles: ???? ????
Livret: ???? ????
Production originale:
1 version mentionnée
Dispo: Synopsis  Liste chansons  



Création: 26/11/1959 - Shaftesbury Theatre (Londres) - représ.

0004 - Ephemeral Love (Mayerling) (1983)
Musique: Shibata Yukihiro
Paroles: ???? ????
Livret: ???? ????
Production originale:
8 versions mentionnées
Dispo: Commentaire  



Création: 13/5/1983 - Takarazuka Grand Theatre (Takarazuka) - représ.

0005 - Closer than ever (1989)
Musique: David Shire
Paroles: Richard Jr Maltby
Livret: ???? ????
Production originale:
4 versions mentionnées
Dispo: Synopsis  Génèse  

Genèse: In 1984, Maltby began compiling a series of older songs and new song ideas to form an evening of musical short stories, which he labeled the "Urban File". In particular, he wanted to make use of one of his favorite songs, "The Bear, The Tiger, The Hamster, and The Mole", which had been cut from Maltby and Shire's 1983 musical Baby. Maltby assembled other cut songs from earlier musicals such as The River, Love Match and The Sap of Life to go with this particular song. The "Urban File" also contained lyric fragments, musical ideas, song fragments, rhythmic ideas, philosophical observations, and biograpical details of friends and acquaintances as potential material for songs. During this time, Maltby was occupied with Song and Dance, and Shire was busy composing film scores, so that the "Urban File" was not a primary project at the time. In 1987, Lynne Meadow, artistic director of the Manhattan Theatre Club, approached Maltby and Shire to ask for a song for a topical revue on urban themes that director John Tillinger was creating. Maltby showed them his "Urban File", which Tillinger and Meadow found appealing. Tillinger had initially planned on only a small amount of music, but after seeing the file, altered his original concept, with the final product being six songs by Maltby and Shire and one song by Edward Kleban. The work was a critical success with both the public and critics. New songs for this production included "There's Nothing Like It", "Miss Byrd" and "One of the Good Guys". They also wrote "Three Friends" for the revue, but finally did not use it. The music was interspersed with dramatic sketches on urban themes by various playwrights, including Christopher Durang, A. R. Gurney, Terrence McNally, Arthur Miller, Shel Silverstein, Ted Tally, and Wendy Wasserstein. Titled Urban Blight, the revue premiered in May 1988 and ran for six weeks at the Manhattan Theatre Club. The cast included Larry Fishburne, John Rubinstein, Oliver Platt, Nancy Giles, Faith Prince, Rex Robbins and E. Katherine Kerr. In the Fall of 1988, the playwright and director and pianist Steven Scott Smith, an assistant to Maltby, approached Maltby and Shire for permission to use the "Urban File", with some other unused songs of theirs, to assemble a cabaret evening consisting entirely of their music. Maltby and Shire approved this, and Smith began to assemble a review titled Next Time, Now! With director Patrick Scott Brady and choreographer Arthur Faria. One of the songs added into this show was "Life Story". The one hour cabaret show opened in January 1989 at Eighty-Eight's, a nightclub in Greenwich Village, with Brent Barrett, Michael Brian and Lynne Wintersteller as the show's performers. The work was a critical success with both the public and critics, and Maltby and Shire decided to expand this product into a full evening-length show. Maltby and Shire received support to expand the show when producers Janet Brenner, Michael Gill, and Daryl Roth came on board. They wanted to turn the production into a two act evening, which required new songs and additional material from the "Urban File". The show also added one more actress, Sally Mayes, to the cast. New songs written for the expansion include the opening number, "Doors", "You Want To Be My Friend?", "Fandango", "If I Sing", "The March of Time", "Back On Base", and the finale, "Closer Than Ever". "Another Wedding Song", written by Shire and his wife Didi Conn for their wedding, was also added into the show at this time. The full-scale version of the show went through a trial run at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in Massachusetts during the summer of 1989. Marcia Milgrom Dodge was hired to choreograph the expanded show and Maltby became Smith's co-director. Well received by audiences, the show headed for New York City. Closer Than Ever is a musical revue in two acts, with words by Richard Maltby, Jr. and music by David Shire. The revue contains no dialogue, and Maltby and Shire have described this show as a "bookless book musical". The show was originally conceived by Steven Scott Smith as a one act revue entitled "Next Time Now!", which was first given at the nightclub Eighty-Eights. The success of "Next Time Now!" led to a much expanded production retitled Closer Than Ever that was co-directed by Maltby and Smith. This production began its life at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in Massachusetts during the Summer of 1989. It came to New York the following Fall, opening in previews on 17 October 1989, and officially opening on 6 November 1989 at the off-Broadway Cherry Lane Theatre, where it ran for 312 performances. The cast included Brent Barrett, Sally Mayes, Richard Muenz, and Lynne Wintersteller.


Création: 6/11/1989 - Cherry Lane Theatre (Broadway (Off)) - représ.

0006 - Slava's Snowshow (1993)
Musique: ???? ????
Paroles: ???? ????
Livret: ???? ????
Production originale:
1 version mentionnée
Dispo: Résumé  


Résumé: De Hong-Kong à Sydney, en passant par New York le SLAVA'S SNOWSHOW, événement visuel et musical, a fait pleurer de joie le monde entier. C’est une épopée dans l’univers absurde et surréaliste d’un «commando» de clowns au nez rouge, une œuvre d’art où chaque scène est un tableau. Bulles de savon, gigantesques toiles d’araignée, tempête de neige, créatures vertes fantasmagoriques aux longs chapeaux-oreilles, on n’en finit pas de se laisser glisser dans cet univers poétique.

Création: /10/1993 - *** Inconnu (***) - représ.

0007 - Dix Commandements (Les) (2000)
Musique: Pascal Obispo
Paroles: Lionel Florence • Patrice Guirao
Livret: ???? ????
Production originale:
2 versions mentionnées
Dispo: Résumé  Synopsis  Liste chansons  


Résumé: C'est l'histoire de Moïse et du peuple hébreux. Tout commence lorsque Séthi ordonne de faire tuer tous les premiers nés. Moïse est sauvé par sa mère et sa soeur qui le dépose dans un panier d'osier et l'abandonne au fleuve. La fille du pharaon va le récupérer et l'élever comme son fils. Il grandira avec Ramses. En grandissant Moïse va découvrir la condition des hébreux et qu'il fait partie de ce peuple. Il va tué un Egyptien en voulant s'interposer et sera banni par Séthi. Dans son exil il va rencontrer Dieu qui va lui demander de délivrer son peuple.

Création: 4/10/2000 - Palais des Sports (Paris) - représ.

0008 - Hero, the Rock Opera (2003)
Musique: Bob Farell • Eddie DeGarno
Paroles: ???? ????
Livret: ???? ????
Production originale:
1 version mentionnée
Dispo: Résumé  Synopsis  Génèse  Liste chansons  

The premise of !Hero is a simple one: "What If He Were Born in Bethlehem….Pennsylvania?" The stark reality of what that might look like: An African American Jesus with dreadlocks being crudely crucified on a street sign in New York; a Judas that kills himself with a .45 caliber bullet to the head; and a drug addicted, tarot card reading "girl of the streets" updating the role of Mary Magdalene. A 21 member cast floods the stage amid the fervent blast of rock music and video screens constantly flashing a litany of high tech images and pulsating graphics.

Genèse: !Hero started initially as one man's creative dream. A decade ago, former Christian rock artist turned major Nashville music executive, Eddie DeGarmo, contacted Nashville songwriter and friend Bob Farrell to co-create a musical that would reach the MTV generation with a hip, culturally relevant, visually in-your-face presentation of the gospel--told in a language of music, video, and message that even the 21 century, post modern 9/11 world could comprehend. That dream become a reality in the form of !Hero – which soon became an award winning, critically acclaimed rock opera musical that with a multi-layered success story. Since initial launch to audiences in live concert in 2003, !Hero has to date produced a string of sell-out concerts, a multi-Dove Award winning CD and DVD, a best selling book series –and now with the return of the production on tour, the promise of reaching a whole new universe of fans. Aggressive web and internet campaigns ( have heralded the massive set-up for the re-introduction of the arrival of !Hero’s modern day Messiah.

Résumé: !Héros est un opéra rock qui présente Les deux dernières années de la vie de Jésus, tentant d'Imaginer ce que cela aurait donné si tout s'était passé à notre époque. L'inspiration se fait directement, même si c'est plutôt large, de la Bible. L'histoire se déroule à New York, à Brooklyn. Le gouvernement du monde, dans ce futur proche, est sous le contrôle de la Confédération Internationale des Nations, alias ICON (International Confederation of Nations). Sous le bras de fer de l'ICON, presque toutes les religions dans le monde ont été interdites et elles ont disparu à l'exception de quelques sectes mystiques et surnaturelles. Une seule synagogue persiste à Brooklyn. A cette époque, la ville de New York, est une zone de guerre investie par la police où de petits groupes ethniques ou terroristes combattant l'ICON tentent d'imposer leur loi. De toutes les anciennes religions du monde, seul le Judaïsme survit et prospère, du moins, comme il peut. À Bethléem, en Pennsylvanie, naît un enfant nommé Jésus. Il doit fuir avec sa famille dans la petite section juive de Brooklyn. Jésus grandit et commence à prêcher et à enseigner aux habitants de New York les principes du Christianisme, en les incitant à aimer leurs ennemis et à s'aimer les uns les autres. Très vite, l'ICON se rend compte que Jésus devient une menace, et Devlin, le Chef de la police, aidé par le grand Rabbin Kai, conspirent pour mettre fin aux discours révolutionnaire de Jésus. L'Opéra-rock nous est raconté par "Agent Hunter", un ancien agent de l'ICON qui a rejoint Jésus, ce qui a eu pour conséquence pour lui d'être jeté en prison. Les trois personnages principaux sont Jésus, Petrov (représentant probablement le personnage de Pierre dans la Bible) et Maggie (Marie-Madeleine dans la Bible). Les trois sont rejoints par Jude, inspiré par Judas, qui conspire avec Kai et Devlin pour trahir Jésus. L'intrigue progresse à travers plusieurs histoires concernant les miracles de Jésus et de ses sermons, faisant référence aux quatre évangiles, continue par l'exécution de Jésus par une foule sauvage que l'ICON a dressée contre Jesus et se termine avec la résurrection de Jésus.

Création: //2003 - *** Inconnu (***) - représ.

0009 - 39 steps (2005)
Musique: ???? ????
Paroles: ???? ????
Livret: John Buchan
Production originale:
6 versions mentionnées
Dispo: Résumé  


Résumé: Comic Adaptation: The 39 Steps is best known as Hitchcock’s 1935 classic move thriller. This brand new version will be performed by four actors playing a minimum of 150 roles and contains every single legendary scene from the award-winning movie – including the chase on the Flying Scotsman, the escape on the Forth Bridge, the first theatrical bi-plane crash ever staged and the sensational death-defying finale in the London Palladium, besides many other favourite cinematic moments, including the memorable and controversial ‘stockings and suspenders’ scene!

Création: 17/6/2005 - West Yorkshire Playhouse (Leeds) - représ.

0010 - Moeder, ik wil bij de Revue (2014)
Musique: Frans Halsema • Jules de Corte • Wim Sonneveld
Paroles: ???? ????
Livret: ???? ????
Production originale:
1 version mentionnée
Dispo: Résumé  


Résumé: Les Pays-Bas dans les années 1950. Bob Somers, fils d’un mineur d’un petit village, vient par hasard à la revue de John et Reed Hoogendoorn. Ils sont frère et sœur qui ne peuvent pa viver avec, ou sans, l'autre. Bob tombe amoureux de Jeanne, une citadine, dont les parents ne voient pas le pauvre Bob comme le gendre idéal.

Création: 21/9/2014 - Beatrix Theater (Utrecht) - représ.