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Compositeur Musique additionelle Librettiste Parolier Metteur en scène Chorégraphe Producteur création Producteur version

Version 1
A Saint she ain't (1999-04-King's Head Theatre-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: King's Head Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois Nombre : Première Preview : Thursday 29 April 1999Première : Thursday 29 April 1999Dernière : Sunday 30 May 1999Mise en scène : Ned Sherrin • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : Rae Baker (Anna Bagalucci), Gavin Lee (Danny O ’Reilley), Pauline Daniels (Mrs Fay Bogle), Barry Cryer (Snaveley T. Bogle), Vincent Marzello, Brian Greene, Jessica Martin, Robert Norris, Michael Roberts.Commentaires : Based on “Sganarelle, ou le cocu imaginaire” by Molière, this is a send-up of the 1940s musical where sailors on leave would meet up and fall in love with Rita Hayworth types, get into a series of misunderstanding and farcical situations, but eventually have a happy ending. With clever parodies of period songs, some wonderful puns and terrible jokes, this was deemed to be a delightful night’s entertainment. It ran a month at the King’s Head, and was then re-staged for a four month run at the Apollo, finishing in January 2000.Presse : THE FINANCIAL TIMES says, "The crucial element is the joy of this comprehensive pastiche" and goes on to say "it is simply immense fun."
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH says "The Original good time had by all."
NICHOLAS DE JONGH of THE EVENING STANDARD says, "A Saint She ain't slips down memory lane and stays for a salacious night out."
BENEDICT NIGHTINGALE of THE TIMES says, "Puns, quips, doubles-entendres, malapropisms and jolly repartee seem to come pouring out of every part of the stage..."
THE NEWS OF THE WORLD says, "A diamond studded cast. It's a delight."
However, JANE EDWARDES of TIME OUT did not care for the show saying, "What might be great for half an hour on the radio feels stretched to breaking point in the theatre."

Version 2
A Saint she ain't (1999-09-Appolo Theatre-London)
Type de série: West End TransferThéâtre: Apollo Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 3 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 133 représentationsPremière Preview : Thursday 16 September 1999Première : Wednesday 22 September 1999Dernière : Saturday 15 January 2000Mise en scène : Ned Sherrin • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : Rae Baker (Anna Bagalucci), Gavin Lee (Danny O ’Reilley), Pauline Daniels (Mrs Fay Bogle), Barry Cryer (Snaveley T. Bogle), Vincent Marzello, Brian Greene, Jessica Martin, Robert Norris, Michael Roberts.Commentaires : Based on “Sganarelle, ou le cocu imaginaire” by Molière, this is a send-up of the 1940s musical where sailors on leave would meet up and fall in love with Rita Hayworth types, get into a series of misunderstanding and farcical situations, but eventually have a happy ending. With clever parodies of period songs, some wonderful puns and terrible jokes, this was deemed to be a delightful night’s entertainment. It ran a month at the King’s Head, and was then re-staged for a four month run at the Apollo, finishing in January 2000.Presse : THE FINANCIAL TIMES says, "The crucial element is the joy of this comprehensive pastiche" and goes on to say "it is simply immense fun."
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH says "The Original good time had by all."
NICHOLAS DE JONGH of THE EVENING STANDARD says, "A Saint She ain't slips down memory lane and stays for a salacious night out."
BENEDICT NIGHTINGALE of THE TIMES says, "Puns, quips, doubles-entendres, malapropisms and jolly repartee seem to come pouring out of every part of the stage..."
THE NEWS OF THE WORLD says, "A diamond studded cast. It's a delight."
However, JANE EDWARDES of TIME OUT did not care for the show saying, "What might be great for half an hour on the radio feels stretched to breaking point in the theatre."

Version 3
Bitter Sweet (1988-02-Sadler's Wells Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Sadler's Wells (Londres - Angleterre) Salle : TheatreDurée : Nombre : 28 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Thursday 25 February 1988Dernière : InconnuMise en scène : Ian Judge • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : Valerie Masterson/Ann McKay (Sarah Millick), Martin Smith (Carl Linden), Rosemary Ashe (Manon), Clive Walton (Vincent Howard), Rupert Vansittart (Hugh Devon), Rachel Izen (Gussi), Alec Bregonzi (Marquis ofShayne), Gordon Sandison (Capt. Schenzi)Commentaires : Cinquante ans après la création, un revival a été proposé au Northcott Theatre à Exeter, avec Jan Hartley-Morris dans le rôle de Sarah. Ce spectacle a conduit à une reprise à grande échelle à Londres au Sadler’s Wells en février 1988 (28 représentations) avant de partir en UK Tour en 1988. Cette nouvelle production mise en scène par Ian Judge a utilisé une orchestration révisée par Michael Reed, et a été complètement enregistrée (sans les scènes parlées) par TER (That’s Entertainment Records). Sur scène, Valerie Masterson et Ann Mackay alternaient dans le rôle de Sarah, Martin Smith a joué le rôle de Carl et Rosemary Ashe celui de Manon. Valerie Masterson a été choisie pour enregistrer le rôle sur le disque.

Version 4
Call me Merman (2003-12-King's Head Theatre-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: King's Head Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois Nombre : Première Preview : Tuesday 30 December 2003Première : Tuesday 30 December 2003Dernière : Sunday 01 February 2004Mise en scène : David Kernan • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : Angela Richards {Ethel Merman), Susannah Fellowes (Kitty), Mark White (Arty), Michael Roberts, Fiz ShapurCommentaires : The life-story of Ethel Merman, devised around a fictitious TV biography being made in Las Vegas. The rehearsal process allows characters to say things like “Shall we include the bit about. . .?” and then decide against it. In this way it enables the show to refer briefly to Merman’s disastrous series of ex-husbands and to skim through an incredible career, ranging from early vaudeville to the great days of Broadway musicals. In real life it seems Merman could be an A-List bitch and some of this creeps through the story, though much is sanitised. With Kitty playing the young Merman, Arty playing a fellow hoofer, and with some 33 of the songs forever associated with the incredible Merman, everything really hung on the central performance of Angela Richards, and, for most of the critics, she came through with shining colours.

Version 5
Connecticut Yankee (A) (1993-07-Open Air Theatre Regent's Park Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Open Air Theatre, Regent's Park (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : InconnuPremière : Wednesday 28 July 1993Dernière : Wednesday 08 September 1993Mise en scène : Ian Talbot • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : Clive Carter (Martin Barrett), Janie Dee (Alice Courtleigh), Christopher Biggins (Merlin), Basil Hoskins (King Arthur), Guy Burgess (Sir Gawain), Zubin Varla (Sir Galahad), Jason Hetherington (Sir Launcelot), Susanna Page (Guinevere), David McEwan (Sir Pellinore), Anna Nicholas (Fay Merrill/Morgan Le Fay), Catherine Terry, Dennis Clinton.Commentaires : Based on the book by Mark Twain, the show was first produced on Broadway in November 1927. It was revived in 1943 with six new songs, including the showstopper “To Keep My Love Alive”. In the 1943 revival, which opened just five days before Lorenz Hart’s death, all the characters appeared in military uniforms. The first London production was at Daly’s Theatre October 10th 1929 with Harry Fox and Constance Carpenter. It was given a more “English” title - “A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur” - and ran just 43 performances.

Version 6
Curse of the Werewolf (1994-02-Theatre Royal Stratford East-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Theatre Royal Stratford East (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : Thursday 10 February 1994Première : Thursday 10 February 1994Dernière : Saturday 19 March 1994Mise en scène : Ken Hill • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : Steven Pacey (Old Baron), Robin Nedwell (D’Arcy), Judith Bruce (Mrs Bancroft), Reginald Marsh (Dr Bancroft), Diana Morrison (Kitty), Toni Palmer (Ingeborg), Terence Hardinam (Professor Steiner) Bogdan Kominowski (Inspector Kruger)Commentaires : With yodelling lederhosen-clad chorus boys, and fluffy rabbits and squirrels swaying in the trees, singing along to the music of 19th Century opera composer Carl Zeller and new lyrics by Ken Hill, this was a pantomime-type romp (similar in style to Ken Hill’s “Phantom of the Opera” - the pre-Lloyd Webber version.)

Version 7
Dames at Sea (1996-05-Ambassador's Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Ambassadors Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Tuesday 28 May 1996Première : Wednesday 29 May 1996Dernière : Saturday 20 July 1996Mise en scène : John Gardyne • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : Kim Criswell (Mona), Sara Crowe (Joan), Peter Duncan (Hennessey), Joanne Farrell (Ruby), Jason Gardiner (Dick), John Peterson (Lucky)Commentaires : This was a limited run as part of the Covent Garden Festival. It was hoped it might extend, but in spite of decent notices, it failed to draw the crowds.

Version 8
Godspell (1993-08-Barbican Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Barbican (Londres - Angleterre) Salle : HallDurée : 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Wednesday 04 August 1993Première : Wednesday 04 August 1993Dernière : Monday 30 August 1993Mise en scène : Lindsay Dolan • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Andy Crane (Jesus), Gemma Craven,, James Gaddas, Mark Greenstreet, Andrew Bradley, Richard Brightiff, Lisa Hull, Robert Irons, Barbara King, Shona Lindsay, David Rubin, Amanda Symonds.Commentaires : The show had been updated with topical references and turned into a kind of rock concert. It was almost universally condemned by the critics. The version was not helped by the fact that ‘Andy Crane, the blond and denimed children’s television personality signed up to play Jesus, is strikingly uncharismatic and bland - this resurrection is not good news’.

Version 9
Mitford Girls (The) (1981-10-Globe Theatre-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Gielgud Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : Nombre : 105 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Thursday 08 October 1981Dernière : InconnuMise en scène : Patrick Garland • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : Patricia Hodge (Nancy & Muv), Lucy Fenwick (Jessica), Colette Gleeson (Unity), Patricia Michael (Diana), Gay Soper (Deborah), Julia Sutton (Pamela & Nanny Blore), Oz Clarke (Tom, Hamish, Farve, Peter Rodd), Martin Chamberlain (Esmond, Consul, Hitler)Commentaires : First performed at the Chichester Festival Theatre July 8th. The critics hated it: “Brahms and Sherrin, having thoroughly processed their tasteless, textureless, bland and flavourless fakery, next proceed to douse it to saturation point in the more familiar sentimental melodies of the period.”

Version 10
Salad Days (1996-04-Vaudeville Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Vaudeville Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 4 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 148 représentationsPremière Preview : Wednesday 17 April 1996Première : Thursday 18 April 1996Dernière : Saturday 24 August 1996Mise en scène : Ned Sherrin • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : David Morton (Tramp), Nicola Fulljames (Jane), Simon Connolly (Timothy), Richard Sisson (Troppo), Elizabeth Counsell, Gay Soper, Kit Hesketh-Harvey, Sarah MortimerCommentaires : This production originated at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford and was mounted to mark the 40th anniversary of the show - although it was actually 42 years since its London premiere. It ran just under five months.

Version 11
Show Boat (1990-08-Palladium Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Palladium Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 76 représentationsPremière Preview : Wednesday 25 July 1990Première : Wednesday 01 August 1990Dernière : Saturday 22 September 1990Mise en scène : Ian Judge • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : Like most productions using opera singers, the roles were alternated: Sally Burgess/Marilyn Cutts (Julie), Peter Savidge/Richard Halton (Ravenal), Janis Kelly/ Jan Hartley Morris (Magnolia), Bruce Hubbard (Joe), Geoffrey Hutchings, Margaret Courtenay, Philip Gould, Karla Burns, Anna DaventryCommentaires : This was a joint production between the RSC and Opera North and played a nine week season at the Palladium prior to a national tour.

Version 12
Show Boat (1991-03-Palladium Theatre-London)
Type de série: Return EngagementThéâtre: Palladium Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 2 mois Nombre : 77 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Wednesday 13 March 1991Dernière : Saturday 18 May 1991Mise en scène : Ian Judge • Chorégraphie : Lindsay Dolan • Producteur : Avec : Sally Burgess/Marilyn Cutts (Julie), Peter Savidge/Richard Halton (Ravenal), Janis Kelly/ Jan Hartley Morris (Magnolia), Bruce Hubbard (Joe), Geoffrey Hutchings, Margaret Courtenay, Philip Gould, Karla Bums, Anna DaventryCommentaires : This was a return visit of the same production which had played the Palladium for 9 weeks in 1990. In the interim - and following - it would be on a UK tour.

Version 13
Side by Side by Sondheim (1986-07-Donmar Warehouse-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Donmar Warehouse (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Tuesday 08 July 1986Première : Tuesday 08 July 1986Dernière : Sunday 24 August 1986Mise en scène : Lindsay Dolan • David Kernan • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Tim Flavin, David Kernan, Diane Langton, Angela Richards